Chapter 78.04 RCW



HTMLPDF 78.04.010Right of eminent domain.
HTMLPDF 78.04.015Right of entry.
HTMLPDF 78.04.020Manner of exercising right of eminent domain.
HTMLPDF 78.04.030No stock subscription necessary.
HTMLPDF 78.04.040Right of stockholder to enter and examine property.
HTMLPDF 78.04.050Penalty for violations under RCW 78.04.040.

Right of eminent domain.

The right of eminent domain is hereby extended to all corporations incorporated or that may hereafter be incorporated under the laws of this state or any state or territory of the United States, and doing business in this state, for the purpose of acquiring, owning or operating mines, mills or reduction works, or mining or milling gold and silver or other minerals, which may desire to erect and operate surface tramways or elevated cable tramways for the purpose of carrying, conveying or transporting the products of such mines, mills or reduction works.
[ 1897 c 60 s 1; RRS s 8608. FORMER PART OF SECTION: 1897 c 60 s 2; RRS s 8609 now codified as RCW 78.04.015.]


Water rightsAppropriation for industrial (mining) purposes: RCW 90.16.020 and 90.16.030.

Right of entry.

Every corporation incorporated or that may hereafter be incorporated under the laws of this state or any state or territory of the United States, and doing business in this state, for the purpose of acquiring, owning or operating mines, mills or reduction works, or mining or milling gold and silver or other minerals, which may desire to erect and operate surface tramways or elevated cable tramways for the purpose of carrying, conveying or transporting the products of such mines, mills or reduction works, shall have the right to enter upon any land between the termini of the proposed lines for the purpose of examining, locating and surveying such lines, doing no unnecessary damage thereby.
[ 1897 c 60 s 2; RRS s 8609. Formerly RCW 87.04.010, part.]

Manner of exercising right of eminent domain.

Every such corporation shall have the right to appropriate real estate or other property for right-of-way in the same manner and under the same procedure as now is or may be hereafter provided by the law in the case of other corporations authorized by the laws of this state to exercise the right of eminent domain.
[ 1897 c 60 s 3; RRS s 8610.]


Eminent domain by corporations: Chapter 8.20 RCW.

No stock subscription necessary.

In incorporations already formed, or which may hereafter be formed under *this chapter, where the amount of the capital stock of such corporation consists of the aggregate valuation of the whole number of feet, shares, or interest in any mining claim in this state, for the working and development of which such corporation shall be or have been formed, no actual subscription to the capital stock of such corporation shall be necessary; but each owner in said mining claim shall be deemed to have subscribed such an amount to the capital stock of such corporation as under its bylaws will represent the value of so much of his or her interest in said mining claim, the legal title to which he or she may by deed, deed of trust, or other instrument vest, or have vested in such corporation for mining purposes; such subscription to be deemed to have been made on the execution and delivery to such corporation of such deed, deed of trust, or other instrument; nor shall the validity of any assessment levied by the board of trustees of such corporation be affected by the reason of the fact that the full amount of the capital stock of such corporation, as mentioned in its certificate of incorporation, shall not have been subscribed as provided in this section: PROVIDED, That the greater portion of said amount of capital stock shall have been so subscribed: AND, PROVIDED FURTHER, That this section shall not be so construed as to prohibit the stockholders of any corporation formed, or which may be formed, for mining purposes as provided in this section, from regulating the mode of making subscriptions to its capital stock and calling in the same by bylaws or express contract.
[ 2013 c 23 s 247; Code 1881 s 2446; 1873 p 407 s 26; 1869 p 339 s 28; 1866 p 65 s 28; RRS s 8611.]


*Reviser's note: The two remaining sections of "this chapter" (Code 1881 c CLXXXV) are codified in RCW 78.04.030 above and RCW 90.16.010.

Right of stockholder to enter and examine property.

Any owner of stock to the amount of one thousand shares, in any corporation doing business under the laws of the state of Washington for the purposes of mining, shall, at all hours of business or labor on or about the premises or property of such corporation, have the right to enter upon such property and examine the same, either on the surface or underground. And it is hereby made the duty of any and all officers, managers, agents, superintendents, or persons in charge, to allow any such stockholder to enter upon and examine any of the property of such corporation at any time during the hours of business or labor; and the presentation of certificates of stock in the corporation of the amount of one thousand shares, to the officer or person in charge, shall be prima facie evidence of ownership and right to enter upon or into, and make examinations of the property of the corporation.
[ 1901 c 120 s 1; RRS s 8612.]

Penalty for violations under RCW 78.04.040.

Any violation of any of the provisions of RCW 78.04.040 by any officer or agent of such corporation shall constitute a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof every such officer or agent shall be fined in a sum not greater than two hundred dollars for each offense.
[ 1901 c 120 s 2; RRS s 8613.]