Chapter 72.76 RCW



HTMLPDF 72.76.005Intent.
HTMLPDF 72.76.010Compact enactedProvisions.
HTMLPDF 72.76.020Costs and accounting of offender days.
HTMLPDF 72.76.030Contracts authorized for implementation of participationApplication of chapter.
HTMLPDF 72.76.040Fiscal management.
HTMLPDF 72.76.900Short title.


It is the intent of the legislature to enable and encourage a cooperative relationship between the department of corrections and the counties of the state of Washington, and to provide adequate facilities and programs for the confinement, care, treatment, and employment of offenders through the exchange or transfer of offenders.

Compact enactedProvisions.

The Washington intrastate corrections compact is enacted and entered into on behalf of this state by the department with any and all counties of this state legally joining in a form substantially as follows:
A compact is entered into by and among the contracting counties and the department of corrections, signatories hereto, for the purpose of maximizing the use of existing resources and to provide adequate facilities and programs for the confinement, care, treatment, and employment of offenders.
The contracting counties and the department do solemnly agree that:
(1) As used in this compact, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(a) "Department" means the Washington state department of corrections.
(b) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of corrections or designee.
(c) "Compact jurisdiction" means the department of corrections or any county of the state of Washington which has executed this compact.
(d) "Sending jurisdiction" means a county party to this agreement or the department of corrections to whom the courts have committed custody of the offender.
(e) "Receiving jurisdiction" means the department of corrections or a county party to this agreement to which an offender is sent for confinement.
(f) "Offender" means a person who has been charged with and/or convicted of an offense established by applicable statute or ordinance.
(g) "Convicted felony offender" means a person who has been convicted of a felony established by state law and is eighteen years of age or older, or who is less than eighteen years of age, but whose case has been transferred by the appropriate juvenile court to a criminal court pursuant to RCW 13.40.110 or has been tried in a criminal court pursuant to *RCW 13.04.030(1)(e)(iv).
(h) An "offender day" includes the first day an offender is delivered to the receiving jurisdiction, but ends at midnight of the day immediately preceding the day of the offender's release or return to the custody of the sending jurisdiction.
(i) "Facility" means any state correctional institution, camp, or other unit established or authorized by law under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections; any jail, holding, detention, special detention, or correctional facility operated by the county for the housing of adult offenders; or any contract facility, operated on behalf of either the county or the state for the housing of adult offenders.
(j) "Extraordinary medical expense" means any medical expense beyond that which is normally provided by contract or other health care providers at the facility of the receiving jurisdiction.
(k) "Compact" means the Washington intrastate corrections compact.
(2)(a) Any county may make one or more contracts with one or more counties, the department, or both for the exchange or transfer of offenders pursuant to this compact. Appropriate action by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise in accordance with the law of the governing bodies of the participating counties shall be necessary before the contract may take effect. The secretary is authorized and requested to execute the contracts on behalf of the department. Any such contract shall provide for:
(i) Its duration;
(ii) Payments to be made to the receiving jurisdiction by the sending jurisdiction for offender maintenance, extraordinary medical and dental expenses, and any participation in or receipt by offenders of rehabilitative or correctional services, facilities, programs, or treatment not reasonably included as part of normal maintenance;
(iii) Participation in programs of offender employment, if any; the disposition or crediting of any payments received by offenders on their accounts; and the crediting of proceeds from or the disposal of any products resulting from the employment;
(iv) Delivery and retaking of offenders;
(v) Such other matters as may be necessary and appropriate to fix the obligations, responsibilities and rights of the sending and receiving jurisdictions.
(b) The terms and provisions of this compact shall be a part of any contract entered into by the authority of or pursuant to the contract. Nothing in any contract may be inconsistent with the compact.
(3)(a) Whenever the duly constituted authorities of any compact jurisdiction decide that confinement in, or transfer of an offender to a facility of another compact jurisdiction is necessary or desirable in order to provide adequate housing and care or an appropriate program of rehabilitation or treatment, the officials may direct that the confinement be within a facility of the other compact jurisdiction, the receiving jurisdiction to act in that regard solely as agent for the sending jurisdiction.
(b) The receiving jurisdiction shall be responsible for the supervision of all offenders which it accepts into its custody.
(c) The receiving jurisdiction shall be responsible to establish screening criteria for offenders it will accept for transfer. The sending jurisdiction shall be responsible for ensuring that all transferred offenders meet the screening criteria of the receiving jurisdiction.
(d) The sending jurisdiction shall notify the sentencing courts of the name, charges, cause numbers, date, and place of transfer of any offender, prior to the transfer, on a form to be provided by the department. A copy of this form shall accompany the offender at the time of transfer.
(e) The receiving jurisdiction shall be responsible for providing an orientation to each offender who is transferred. The orientation shall be provided to offenders upon arrival and shall address the following conditions at the facility of the receiving jurisdiction:
(i) Requirements to work;
(ii) Facility rules and disciplinary procedures;
(iii) Medical care availability; and
(iv) Visiting.
(f) Delivery and retaking of inmates shall be the responsibility of the sending jurisdiction. The sending jurisdiction shall deliver offenders to the facility of the receiving jurisdiction where the offender will be housed, at the dates and times specified by the receiving jurisdiction. The receiving jurisdiction retains the right to refuse or return any offender. The sending jurisdiction shall be responsible to retake any transferred offender who does not meet the screening criteria of the receiving jurisdiction, or who is refused by the receiving jurisdiction. If the receiving jurisdiction has notified the sending jurisdiction to retake an offender, but the sending jurisdiction does not do so within a seven-day period, the receiving jurisdiction may return the offender to the sending jurisdiction at the expense of the sending jurisdiction.
(g) Offenders confined in a facility under the terms of this compact shall at all times be subject to the jurisdiction of the sending jurisdiction and may at any time be removed from the facility for transfer to another facility within the sending jurisdiction, for transfer to another facility in which the sending jurisdiction may have a contractual or other right to confine offenders, for release or discharge, or for any other purpose permitted by the laws of the state of Washington.
(h) Unless otherwise agreed, the sending jurisdiction shall provide at least one set of the offender's personal clothing at the time of transfer. The sending jurisdiction shall be responsible for searching the clothing to ensure that it is free of contraband. The receiving jurisdiction shall be responsible for providing work clothing and equipment appropriate to the offender's assignment.
(i) The sending jurisdiction shall remain responsible for the storage of the offender's personal property, unless prior arrangements are made with the receiving jurisdiction. The receiving jurisdiction shall provide a list of allowable items which may be transferred with the offender.
(j) Copies or summaries of records relating to medical needs, behavior, and classification of the offender shall be transferred by the sending jurisdiction to the receiving jurisdiction at the time of transfer. At a minimum, such records shall include:
(i) A copy of the commitment order or orders legally authorizing the confinement of the offender;
(ii) A copy of the form for the notification of the sentencing courts required by subsection (3)(d) of this section;
(iii) A brief summary of any known criminal history, medical needs, behavioral problems, and other information which may be relevant to the classification of the offender; and
(iv) A standard identification card which includes the fingerprints and at least one photograph of the offender.
Disclosure of public records shall be the responsibility of the sending jurisdiction, except for those documents generated by the receiving jurisdiction.
(k) The receiving jurisdiction shall be responsible for providing regular medical care, including prescription medication, but extraordinary medical expenses shall be the responsibility of the sending jurisdiction. The costs of extraordinary medical care incurred by the receiving jurisdiction for transferred offenders shall be reimbursed by the sending jurisdiction. The receiving jurisdiction shall notify the sending jurisdiction as far in advance as practicable prior to incurring such costs. In the event emergency medical care is needed, the sending jurisdiction shall be advised as soon as practicable after the offender is treated. Offenders who are required by the medical authority of the sending jurisdiction to take prescription medication at the time of the transfer shall have at least a three-day supply of the medication transferred to the receiving jurisdiction with the offender, and at the expense of the sending jurisdiction. Costs of prescription medication incurred after the use of the supply shall be borne by the receiving jurisdiction.
(l) Convicted offenders transferred under this agreement may be required by the receiving jurisdiction to work. Transferred offenders participating in programs of offender employment shall receive the same reimbursement, if any, as other offenders performing similar work. The receiving jurisdiction shall be responsible for the disposition or crediting of any payments received by offenders, and for crediting the proceeds from or disposal of any products resulting from the employment. Other programs normally provided to offenders by the receiving jurisdiction such as education, mental health, or substance abuse treatment shall also be available to transferred offenders, provided that usual program screening criteria are met. No special or additional programs will be provided except by mutual agreement of the sending and receiving jurisdiction, with additional expenses, if any, to be borne by the sending jurisdiction.
(m) The receiving jurisdiction shall notify offenders upon arrival of the rules of the jurisdiction and the specific rules of the facility. Offenders will be required to follow all rules of the receiving jurisdiction. Disciplinary detention, if necessary, shall be provided at the discretion of the receiving jurisdiction. The receiving jurisdiction may require the sending jurisdiction to retake any offender found guilty of a serious infraction; similarly, the receiving jurisdiction may require the sending jurisdiction to retake any offender whose behavior requires segregated or protective housing.
(n) Good time calculations and notification of each offender's release date shall be the responsibility of the sending jurisdiction. The sending jurisdiction shall provide the receiving jurisdiction with a formal notice of the date upon which each offender is to be released from custody. If the receiving jurisdiction finds an offender guilty of a violation of its disciplinary rules, it shall notify the sending jurisdiction of the date and nature of the violation. If the sending jurisdiction resets the release date according to its good time policies, it shall provide the receiving jurisdiction with notice of the new release date.
(o) The sending jurisdiction shall retake the offender at the receiving jurisdiction's facility on or before his or her release date, unless the sending and receiving jurisdictions shall agree upon release in some other place. The sending jurisdiction shall bear the transportation costs of the return.
(p) Each receiving jurisdiction shall provide monthly reports to each sending jurisdiction on the number of offenders of that sending jurisdiction in its facilities pursuant to this compact.
(q) Each party jurisdiction shall notify the others of its coordinator who is responsible for administrating the jurisdiction's responsibilities under the compact. The coordinators shall arrange for alternate contact persons in the event of an extended absence of the coordinator.
(r) Upon reasonable notice, representatives of any party to this compact shall be allowed to visit any facility in which another party has agreed to house its offenders, for the purpose of inspecting the facilities and visiting its offenders that may be confined in the institution.
(4) This compact shall enter into force and become effective and binding upon the participating parties when it has been executed by two or more parties. Upon request, each party county shall provide any other compact jurisdiction with a copy of a duly enacted resolution or ordinance authorizing entry into this compact.
(5) A party participating may withdraw from the compact by formal resolution and by written notice to all other parties then participating. The withdrawal shall become effective, as it pertains to the party wishing to withdraw, thirty days after written notice to the other parties. However, such withdrawal shall not relieve the withdrawing party from its obligations assumed prior to the effective date of withdrawal. Before the effective date of withdrawal, a withdrawing participant shall notify the other parties to retake the offenders it has housed in its facilities and shall remove to its facilities, at its own expense, offenders it has confined under the provisions of this compact.
(6) Legal costs relating to defending actions brought by an offender challenging his or her transfer to another jurisdiction under this compact shall be borne by the sending jurisdiction. Legal costs relating to defending actions arising from events which occur while the offender is in the custody of a receiving jurisdiction shall be borne by the receiving jurisdiction.
(7) The receiving jurisdiction shall not be responsible to provide legal services to offenders placed under this agreement. Requests for legal services shall be referred to the sending jurisdiction.
(8) The provisions of this compact shall be liberally construed and shall be severable. If any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the Constitution or laws of the state of Washington or is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and its applicability to any county or the department shall not be affected.
(9) Nothing contained in this compact shall be construed to abrogate or impair any agreement or other arrangement which a county or the department may have with each other or with a nonparty county for the confinement, rehabilitation, or treatment of offenders.


*Reviser's note: RCW 13.04.030 was amended by 1997 c 341 s 3, changing subsection (1)(e)(iv) to subsection (1)(e)(v).
FindingIntentSeverability1994 sp.s. c 7: See notes following RCW 43.70.540.

Costs and accounting of offender days.

(1) The costs per offender day to the sending jurisdiction for the custody of offenders transferred according to the terms of this agreement shall be at the rate set by the state of Washington, office of financial management under RCW 70.48.440, unless the parties agree to another rate in a particular transfer. The costs may not include extraordinary medical costs, which shall be billed separately. Except in the case of prisoner exchanges, as described in subsection (2) of this section, the sending jurisdiction shall be billed on a monthly basis by the receiving jurisdiction. Payment shall be made within thirty days of receipt of the invoice.
(2) When two parties to this agreement transfer offenders to each other, there shall be an accounting of the number of "offender days." If the number is exactly equal, no payment is necessary for the affected period. The payment by the jurisdiction with the higher net number of offender days may be reduced by the amount otherwise due for the number of offender days its offenders were held by the receiving jurisdiction. Billing and reimbursement shall remain on the monthly schedule, and shall be supported by the forms and procedures provided by applicable regulations. The accounting of offender days exchanged may be reconciled on a monthly basis, but shall be at least quarterly.

Contracts authorized for implementation of participationApplication of chapter.

The secretary is empowered to enter into contracts on behalf of this state on the terms and conditions as may be appropriate to implement the participation of the department in the Washington intrastate corrections compact under RCW 72.76.010(2). Nothing in this chapter is intended to create any right or entitlement in any offender transferred or housed under the authority granted in this chapter. The failure of the department or the county to comply with any provision of this chapter as to any particular offender or transfer shall not invalidate the transfer nor give rise to any right for such offender.

Fiscal management.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, payments received by the department pursuant to contracts entered into under the authority of this chapter shall be treated as nonappropriated funds and shall be exempt from the allotment controls established under chapter 43.88 RCW. The secretary may use such funds, in addition to appropriated funds, to provide institutional and community corrections programs. The secretary may, in his or her discretion and in lieu of direct fiscal payment, offset the obligation of any sending jurisdiction against any obligation the department may have to the sending jurisdiction. Outstanding obligations of the sending jurisdiction may be carried forward across state fiscal periods by the department as a credit against future obligations of the department to the sending jurisdiction.

Short title.

This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Washington Intrastate Corrections Compact.