Chapter 70A.01 RCW



HTMLPDF 70A.01.010Statutory changes technical in nature.
HTMLPDF 70A.01.020Rules remain validAgencies encouraged to update rules.

Statutory changes technical in nature.

Chapter 20, Laws of 2020 is intended to make technical amendments to certain codified statutes that involve environmental and public health. Any statutory changes made by chapter 20, Laws of 2020 should be interpreted as technical in nature and not interpreted to have any substantive, policy implications.

Rules remain validAgencies encouraged to update rules.

(1) A rule adopted under authority provided in a chapter that is recodified under chapter 20, Laws of 2020 remains valid and is not affected by the recodification in chapter 20, Laws of 2020.
(2) State agencies, local air authorities, local boards of health, and other local governments that have adopted rules that rely upon or otherwise reference an authority provided in a chapter that is recodified by chapter 20, Laws of 2020 are encouraged to update affected rules to reflect new statutory references compelled by the recodification by July 1, 2025.