Chapter 58.10 RCW



HTMLPDF 58.10.010Defective plats legalized1881 Code.
HTMLPDF 58.10.020Certified copy of plat as evidence.
HTMLPDF 58.10.030Resurvey and corrected platCorrected plat as evidence.
HTMLPDF 58.10.040Regulation of surveys and plats.

Defective plats legalized1881 Code.

All city or town plats or any addition or additions thereto, heretofore made and recorded in the county auditor's office of any county in Washington state, showing lots, blocks, streets, alleys or public grounds, shall be conclusive evidence of the location and size of the lots, blocks and public grounds and the location and width of each and every street or alley marked, laid down or appearing on such plat, and that all the right, title, interest or estate which the person or persons making or recording such plat, or causing the same to be made, or recorded, had at the time of making or recording such plat in or to such streets, alleys or public grounds was thereby dedicated to public use, whether the same was made, executed or acknowledged in accordance with the provisions of the laws of this state in force at the time of making the same or not.
[Code 1881 s 2338; RRS s 9306. Formerly RCW 58.08.080.]

Certified copy of plat as evidence.

A copy of any city or town plat or addition thereto recorded in the manner provided for in RCW 58.10.010, certified by the county auditor of the county in which the same is recorded to be a true copy of such record and the whole thereof, shall be received in evidence in all the courts of this state, with like effect as the original.
[Code 1881 s 2339; RRS s 9307. Formerly RCW 58.08.070.]


Rules of court: ER 803(a)(14).
Certified copies
of instruments, or transcripts of county commissioners' proceedings: RCW 5.44.070.
of recorded instruments as evidence: RCW 5.44.060.
Copies of business and public records as evidence: RCW 5.46.010.
Instruments to be recorded or filed: RCW 65.04.030.
Photostatic or photographic copies of public or business records admissible in evidence: RCW 40.20.030.

Resurvey and corrected platCorrected plat as evidence.

Whenever the recorded plat of any city or addition thereto does not definitely show the location or size of lots or blocks, or the location or width of any street or alley in such city or addition, the city council of the city in which the land so platted is located, is hereby authorized and empowered by ordinance and the action of its proper officers, to cause a new and correct survey and plat of such city or addition to be made, and recorded in the office of the county auditor of the county in which such city or addition is located, which corrected plat shall follow the plan of the original survey and plat, so far as the same can be ascertained and followed, and a certificate of the officer or surveyor making the same shall be endorsed thereon, referring to the original plat corrected thereby, and the deficit existing therein, and corrected by such new survey and plat; and the ordinance authorizing the making of such plat shall be recorded in the office of the county auditor of said county and said certificate shall show where said ordinance is recorded, and such plat when so made and recorded, or a copy thereof certified as provided in RCW 58.10.020 shall be admissible in evidence in all the courts in this state.
[Code 1881 s 2340; RRS s 9308. Formerly RCW 58.12.130.]

Regulation of surveys and plats.

All incorporated cities in the state of Washington are hereby authorized and empowered to regulate and prescribe the manner and form of making any future survey or plat of lands within their respective limits and enforce such regulations by a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, to be recovered by and in the name of such city, or imprisonment not exceeding twenty days for each violation of any ordinance regulating such survey and platting: PROVIDED, That nothing in this chapter shall be construed so as to apply to additions to towns in which no lots have been sold.
[Code 1881 s 2341; RRS s 9309. Formerly RCW 58.12.140.]


Platted streets, public highwaysLack of compliance, penalty: RCW 58.08.035.