Chapter 3.58 RCW



HTMLPDF 3.58.010Salaries of full time district court judges.
HTMLPDF 3.58.020Salaries of part time district judges.
HTMLPDF 3.58.030Payment of salaries.
HTMLPDF 3.58.040Travel expenses.
HTMLPDF 3.58.050Other court expensesLease, construction, of courtrooms and offices.
HTMLPDF 3.58.060County trial court improvement accountContributions to account by countyUse of funds.

Salaries of full time district court judges.

The annual salary of each full time district court judge shall be established by the Washington citizen's commission on salaries for elected officials. A member of the legislature whose term of office is partly coextensive with or extends beyond the present term of office of any of the officials whose salary is increased by virtue of the provisions of RCW 43.03.010, 2.04.092, 2.06.062, 2.08.092, and 3.58.010 shall be eligible to be appointed or elected to any of the offices the salary of which is increased hereby but he or she shall not be entitled to receive such increased salary until after the expiration of his or her present term of office and his or her subsequent election or reelection to the office to which he or she was appointed or elected respectively during his or her term of office as legislator.


Contingent effective dateSeverability1986 c 155: See notes following RCW 43.03.300.
Effective dates, savingsSeverability1980 c 162: See notes following RCW 3.02.010.
Effective date1979 ex.s. c 255: See note following RCW 43.03.010.
Effective date1977 ex.s. c 318: See note following RCW 43.03.010.
SeverabilityEffective date1975 1st ex.s. c 263: See notes following RCW 43.03.010.
Severability1975 c 33: See note following RCW 35.21.780.
Severability1974 ex.s. c 149 (Initiative Measure No. 282): See note following RCW 43.03.010.
District court judges' salaries: State Constitution Art. 28 s 1.
District courts, judges pro tempore, salaries: RCW 3.34.130.
Municipal courts, cities over 400,000, judges' salaries: RCW 35.20.160.
Superior courts, judges' salaries: RCW 2.08.092.
Washington citizens' commission on salaries for elected officials: RCW 43.03.305.

Salaries of part time district judges.

The annual salaries of part time district judges shall be set by the citizens' commission on salaries.


Court Improvement Act of 1984Effective datesSeverabilityShort title1984 c 258: See notes following RCW 3.30.010.
Effective date1979 ex.s. c 255: See note following RCW 43.03.010.
District judgesFull timeOther: RCW 3.34.040.

Payment of salaries.

The compensation of judges, clerks, judges pro tempore, deputy clerks, and court commissioners payable by the county shall be paid monthly out of the county treasury from the same funds out of which other salaried county officers are paid.


Court Improvement Act of 1984Effective datesSeverabilityShort title1984 c 258: See notes following RCW 3.30.010.

Travel expenses.

District judges, judges pro tempore, court commissioners, and district court employees shall receive their reasonable traveling expenses when engaged in the business of the court as provided in chapter 42.24 RCW.


Court Improvement Act of 1984Effective datesSeverabilityShort title1984 c 258: See notes following RCW 3.30.010.

Other court expensesLease, construction, of courtrooms and offices.

The county legislative authority shall furnish all necessary facilities for the district courts, including suitable courtrooms, furniture, books, stationery, postage, office equipment, heat, light and telephone and may lease or construct courtrooms and offices for such purpose. The county legislative authority shall not be required to furnish courtroom space in any place other than as provided in the districting plan.


Court Improvement Act of 1984Effective datesSeverabilityShort title1984 c 258: See notes following RCW 3.30.010.

County trial court improvement accountContributions to account by countyUse of funds.

Any county with a district court created under this title shall create a county trial court improvement account. An amount equal to one hundred percent of the state's contribution received by the county for the payment of district court judges' salaries shall be deposited into the account. Money in the account shall be used to fund improvements to superior and district court staffing, programs, facilities, or services, as appropriated by the county legislative authority.


Effective date2009 c 479: See note following RCW 2.56.030.
Intent2005 c 457: See note following RCW 43.08.250.