Chapter 22.16 RCW
HTMLPDF | 22.16.010 | Right of eminent domain extended. |
HTMLPDF | 22.16.020 | Right of entry. |
HTMLPDF | 22.16.030 | Extent of appropriation. |
HTMLPDF | 22.16.040 | Limitations on right—Finding of public necessity. |
Reviser's note: The term "director of the department of agriculture" has been substituted for "public service commission" in this chapter since the powers and duties of the commission devolved upon the director of agriculture by virtue of 1921 c 7 s 90, 1921 c 137 ss 1, 2, 1921 c 145 s 8, and 1937 c 90 s 10.
Right of eminent domain extended.
The right of eminent domain is hereby extended to corporations incorporated or that may hereafter be incorporated under the laws of this state, or of any other state or territory and qualified to transact business in this state for the purpose of acquiring, owning or operating public warehouses or elevators for storing and handling grain, produce and other agricultural commodities which may desire to secure warehouse or elevator sites or rights-of-way for roadways leading to and from the same or for wharves or boat landings on navigable waters and all other purposes incident to and connected with the business conducted by such warehouse or elevator.
[ 1919 c 98 s 1; RRS s 11566.]
Right of entry.
Every corporation incorporated or that may hereafter be incorporated under the laws of this state or of any other state or territory, and qualified to transact business in this state for the purpose of acquiring, owning or operating public warehouses or elevators for storing and handling grain, produce and other agricultural commodities which may desire to erect and operate any such public warehouse or elevator, or to erect and operate tramways or cable tramways for the purpose of carrying, conveying or transporting such grain, produce or commodities to or from such warehouse or elevator or to acquire rights-of-way for roadways to and from such warehouse or elevator or to acquire boat landing or wharving facilities in connection with such warehouse or elevator shall have the right to enter upon any lands proposed to be used for any such purpose for the purpose of examining, locating and surveying the lines and boundaries thereof, doing no unnecessary damage thereby.
[ 1919 c 98 s 2; RRS s 11567.]
Extent of appropriation.
Every such corporation shall have the right to appropriate real estate and other property for any or all of the said purposes and under the same procedure as now is or may be hereafter provided by law, in the case of other corporations authorized by the laws of this state to exercise the right of eminent domain.
[ 1919 c 98 s 3; RRS s 11568.]
Limitations on right—Finding of public necessity.
The right hereby granted shall not be exercised within the limits of any regularly organized port district, nor against the right-of-way of any railroad company within the yard limits thereof, nor unless and until the director of the department of agriculture after a full hearing shall have determined that existing facilities are inadequate and that a public necessity exists for the construction of additional facilities and shall specify what additional facilities are necessary and shall have further determined that the facilities contemplated to be established will be a public benefit. Such hearing shall be initiated and conducted in accordance with the statutes, rules and regulations relating to public hearings before the director.
[ 1919 c 98 s 4; RRS s 11569.]