Chapter 50A.05 RCW



HTMLPDF 50A.05.005Intent.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.020Program administrationInformation disclosureOutreach.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.025Program administrationPowers.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.030Advisory committee.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.040Ombuds.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.050Reports to legislature.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.060Rules.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.070Family and medical leave insurance account.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.080Family and medical leave enforcement account.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.100Discrimination laws not affected.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.110No continuing entitlement or contractual right.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.120Conflict with federal requirements.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.125Continuity with prior law.
HTMLPDF 50A.05.130Office of actuarial services.