Chapter 35.67 RCW



HTMLPDF 35.67.010Definitions"System of sewerage," "public utility."
HTMLPDF 35.67.020Authority to construct system and fix rates and chargesClassification of services and facilitiesAssistance for low-income persons.
HTMLPDF 35.67.022Extension outside city subject to review by boundary review board.
HTMLPDF 35.67.025Public property subject to rates and charges for stormwater control facilities.
HTMLPDF 35.67.030Adoption of planOrdinance.
HTMLPDF 35.67.065General obligation bondsIssuance.
HTMLPDF 35.67.110General obligation bondsPaymentRevenue from service charges.
HTMLPDF 35.67.120Revenue bond fundAuthority to establish.
HTMLPDF 35.67.130Revenue bond fundLimitations upon creation.
HTMLPDF 35.67.140Revenue bondsAuthorityDenominationsTerms.
HTMLPDF 35.67.150Revenue bondsSignaturesForm.
HTMLPDF 35.67.160Revenue bondsObligation against fund, not city.
HTMLPDF 35.67.170Revenue bondsSale ofOther disposition.
HTMLPDF 35.67.180Revenue bondsRemedy of owners.
HTMLPDF 35.67.190Revenues from systemClassification of servicesMinimum ratesCompulsory use.
HTMLPDF 35.67.194Revenue bonds validated.
HTMLPDF 35.67.200Sewerage lienAuthority.
HTMLPDF 35.67.210Sewerage lienExtentNoticeEmergency declaration.
HTMLPDF 35.67.215Sewerage lienExtension of coverage.
HTMLPDF 35.67.220Sewerage lien foreclosurePartsTracts.
HTMLPDF 35.67.230Sewerage lien foreclosureLimitation on time of commencement.
HTMLPDF 35.67.240Sewerage lien foreclosureProcedure.
HTMLPDF 35.67.250Sewerage lien foreclosureTrial.
HTMLPDF 35.67.260Sewerage lien foreclosureRedemption.
HTMLPDF 35.67.270Sewerage sale acquired propertyDisposition.
HTMLPDF 35.67.280Sewerage sale acquired propertyPayment of delinquent taxes.
HTMLPDF 35.67.290Sewerage lienEnforcementAlternative method.
HTMLPDF 35.67.300Water-sewer districts and municipalitiesJoint agreements.
HTMLPDF 35.67.310SewersOutside city connections.
HTMLPDF 35.67.331Water, sewerage, garbage systemsCombined facilities.
HTMLPDF 35.67.340Statutes governing combined facility.
HTMLPDF 35.67.350Penalty for sewer connection without permission.
HTMLPDF 35.67.360Conservation of stormwater and sewer servicesUse of public moneys.
HTMLPDF 35.67.370Mobile home parksReplacement of septic systemsCharges for unused sewer service.
HTMLPDF 35.67.380Cooperative watershed management.


Assessments and charges against state lands: Chapter 79.44 RCW.
Municipal water and sewer facilities act: Chapter 35.91 RCW.
Prepayment of taxes and assessments: RCW 35.21.650.
Sewer facilities act: Chapter 35.91 RCW.
Sewerage improvement districts: Chapter 85.08 RCW.

Definitions"System of sewerage," "public utility."

A "system of sewerage" means and may include any or all of the following:
(1) Sanitary sewage collection, treatment, and/or disposal facilities and services, on-site or off-site sanitary sewerage facilities, inspection services and maintenance services for public or private on-site systems, or any other means of sewage treatment and disposal approved by the city;
(2) Combined sanitary sewage disposal and storm or surface water sewers;
(3) Storm or surface water sewers;
(4) Outfalls for storm drainage or sanitary sewage and works, plants, and facilities for storm drainage or sanitary sewage treatment and disposal, and rights and interests in property relating to the system;
(5) Combined water and sewerage systems;
(6) Point and nonpoint water pollution monitoring programs that are directly related to the sewerage facilities and programs operated by a city or town;
(7) Public restroom and sanitary facilities; and
(8) Any combination of or part of any or all of such facilities.
The words "public utility" when used in this chapter has the same meaning as the words "system of sewerage."
[ 1997 c 447 s 7; 1965 c 110 s 1; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.010. Prior: 1955 c 266 s 2; prior: 1941 c 193 s 1, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-4, part.]


FindingPurpose1997 c 447: See note following RCW 70.05.074.

Authority to construct system and fix rates and chargesClassification of services and facilitiesAssistance for low-income persons.

(1) Every city and town may construct, condemn and purchase, acquire, add to, maintain, conduct, and operate systems of sewerage and systems and plants for refuse collection and disposal together with additions, extensions, and betterments thereto, within and without its limits. Every city and town has full jurisdiction and authority to manage, regulate, and control them and, except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, to fix, alter, regulate, and control the rates and charges for their use.
(2) Subject to subsection (3) of this section, the rates charged under this section must be uniform for the same class of customers or service and facilities furnished. In classifying customers served or service and facilities furnished by such system of sewerage, the city or town legislative body may in its discretion consider any or all of the following factors:
(a) The difference in cost of service and facilities to the various customers;
(b) The location of the various customers within and without the city or town;
(c) The difference in cost of maintenance, operation, repair, and replacement of the various parts of the system;
(d) The different character of the service and facilities furnished various customers;
(e) The quantity and quality of the sewage delivered and the time of its delivery;
(f) The achievement of water conservation goals and the discouragement of wasteful water use practices;
(g) Capital contributions made to the system, including but not limited to, assessments;
(h) The public benefit nonprofit corporation status, as defined in RCW 24.03A.245, of the land user; and
(i) Any other matters which present a reasonable difference as a ground for distinction.
(3) The rate a city or town may charge under this section for storm or surface water sewer systems or the portion of the rate allocable to the storm or surface water sewer system of combined sanitary sewage and storm or surface water sewer systems shall be reduced by a minimum of ten percent for any new or remodeled commercial building that utilizes a permissive rainwater harvesting system. Rainwater harvesting systems shall be properly sized to utilize the available roof surface of the building. The jurisdiction shall consider rate reductions in excess of ten percent dependent upon the amount of rainwater harvested.
(4) Rates or charges for on-site inspection and maintenance services may not be imposed under this chapter on the development, construction, or reconstruction of property.
(5) A city or town may provide assistance to aid low-income persons in connection with services provided under this chapter.
(6) Under this chapter, after July 1, 1998, any requirements for pumping the septic tank of an on-site sewage system should be based, among other things, on actual measurement of accumulation of sludge and scum by a trained inspector, trained owner's agent, or trained owner. Training must occur in a program approved by the state board of health or by a local health officer.
(7) Before adopting on-site inspection and maintenance utility services, or incorporating residences into an on-site inspection and maintenance or sewer utility under this chapter, notification must be provided, prior to the applicable public hearing, to all residences within the proposed service area that have on-site systems permitted by the local health officer. The notice must clearly state that the residence is within the proposed service area and must provide information on estimated rates or charges that may be imposed for the service.
(8) A city or town shall not provide on-site sewage system inspection, pumping services, or other maintenance or repair services under this section using city or town employees unless the on-site system is connected by a publicly owned collection system to the city or town's sewerage system, and the on-site system represents the first step in the sewage disposal process. Nothing in this section shall affect the authority of state or local health officers to carry out their responsibilities under any other applicable law.
[ 2021 c 176 s 5211; 2003 c 394 s 1; 1997 c 447 s 8; 1995 c 124 s 3; 1991 c 347 s 17; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.020. Prior: 1959 c 90 s 1; 1955 c 266 s 3; prior: 1941 c 193 s 1, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-4, part.]


Effective date2021 c 176: See note following RCW 24.03A.005.
FindingPurpose1997 c 447: See note following RCW 70.05.074.
Purposes1991 c 347: See note following RCW 90.42.005.

Extension outside city subject to review by boundary review board.

The extension of sewer facilities outside of the boundaries of a city or town may be subject to potential review by a boundary review board under chapter 36.93 RCW.

Public property subject to rates and charges for stormwater control facilities.

Except as otherwise provided in RCW 90.03.525, any public entity and public property, including the state of Washington and state property, shall be subject to rates and charges for stormwater control facilities to the same extent private persons and private property are subject to such rates and charges that are imposed by cities and towns pursuant to RCW 35.67.020. In setting these rates and charges, consideration may be made of in-kind services, such as stream improvements or donation of property.


Severability1986 c 278: See note following RCW 36.01.010.
Severability1983 c 315: See note following RCW 90.03.500.
Flood control zone districtsStormwater control improvements: Chapter 86.15 RCW.
Rates and charges for stormwater control facilitiesLimitationsDefinitions: RCW 90.03.500 through 90.03.525. See also RCW 35.92.021, 36.89.085, and 36.94.145.

Adoption of planOrdinance.

Whenever the legislative body of any city or town, shall deem it advisable that such city or town shall purchase, acquire or construct any public utility mentioned in RCW 35.67.020, or make any additions, betterments, or alterations thereto, or extensions thereof, such legislative body shall provide therefor by ordinance, which shall specify and adopt the system or plan proposed, and declare the estimated cost thereof as near as may be.
[ 1985 c 445 s 1; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.030. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 2; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-5.]


Elections: Title 29A RCW.
Limitations upon indebtedness, how exceeded: State Constitution Art. 7 s 2 (Amendments 55, 59), Art. 8 s 6 (Amendment 27), chapter 39.36 RCW, RCW 84.52.050.

General obligation bondsIssuance.

General obligation bonds issued by a city or town to pay for all or part of the costs of purchasing, acquiring, or constructing any public utility mentioned in RCW 35.67.020, or the costs of making any additions, betterments, or alterations thereto, or extensions thereof, shall be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.

General obligation bondsPaymentRevenue from service charges.

In addition to taxes pledged to pay the principal of and interest on general obligation bonds issued to pay for costs of purchasing, acquiring, or constructing any public utility mentioned in RCW 35.67.020, or to make any additions, betterments, or alterations thereto, or extensions thereof, the city or town legislative body, may set aside into a special fund and pledge to the payment of such principal and interest any sums or amounts which may accrue from the collection of service rates and charges for the private and public use of said sewerage system or systems for the collection and disposal of refuse, in excess of the cost of operation and maintenance thereof as constructed or added to, and the same shall be applied solely to the payment of such interest and bonds. Such pledge of revenue shall constitute a binding obligation, according to its terms, to continue the collection of such revenue so long as such bonds or any of them are outstanding. If the rates and charges are sufficient to meet the debt service requirements on such bonds no general tax need be levied.
[ 1985 c 445 s 3; 1965 c 118 s 1; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.110. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 3, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-6, part.]

Revenue bond fundAuthority to establish.

After the city or town legislative body adopts a proposition for any such public utility, and either (1) no general indebtedness has been authorized, or (2) the city or town legislative body does not desire to incur a general indebtedness, and the legislative body can lawfully proceed without submitting the proposition to a vote of the people, it may create a special fund or funds for the sole purpose of defraying the cost of the proposed system, or additions, betterments or extensions thereto.
The city or town legislative body may obligate the city or town to set aside and pay into this special fund: (1) A fixed proportion of the gross revenues of the system, or (2) a fixed amount out of and not exceeding a fixed proportion of the gross revenues, or (3) a fixed amount without regard to any fixed proportion, and (4) amounts received from any utility local improvement district assessments pledged to secure such bonds.
[ 1967 c 52 s 24; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.120. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 4, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-7, part.]


Alternative authority to issue revenue bonds: RCW 39.46.150, 39.46.160.
Funds for reserve purposes may be included in issue amount: RCW 39.44.140.

Revenue bond fundLimitations upon creation.

In creating the special fund, the city or town legislative body shall have due regard to the cost of operation and maintenance of the system as constructed or added to, and to any proportion or part of the revenue previously pledged as a fund for the payment of bonds, warrants and other indebtedness. It shall not set aside into the special fund a greater amount or proportion of the revenue and proceeds than in its judgment will be available over and above the cost of maintenance and operation and the amount or proportion of the revenue so previously pledged.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.130. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 4, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-7, part.]

Revenue bondsAuthorityDenominationsTerms.

A city or town may issue revenue bonds against the special fund or funds created solely from revenues. The revenue bonds so issued shall: (1) Be registered bonds as provided in RCW 39.46.030 or coupon bonds, (2) be issued in denominations of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, (3) be numbered from one upwards consecutively, (4) bear the date of their issue, (5) be serial in form finally maturing not more than thirty years from their date, (6) bear interest at the rate or rates as authorized by the legislative body of the city or town, payable annually or semiannually, (7) be payable as to principal and interest at such place as may be designated therein, and (8) shall state upon their face that they are payable from a special fund, naming it and the ordinance creating it: PROVIDED, That such bonds may also be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.
[ 1983 c 167 s 59; 1970 ex.s. c 56 s 43; 1969 ex.s. c 232 s 71; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.140. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 4, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-7, part.]


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.

Revenue bondsSignaturesForm.

Every revenue bond and any coupon shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the clerk. The seal of the city or town shall be attached to all bonds but not to any coupons. Signatures on any coupons may be printed or may be the lithographic facsimile of the signatures. The bonds shall be printed, engraved or lithographed upon good bond paper.
[ 1983 c 167 s 60; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.150. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 4, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-7, part.]


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Revenue bondsObligation against fund, not city.

Revenue bonds or warrants and interest shall be payable only out of the special fund. Every bond or warrant and interest thereon issued against the special fund shall be a valid claim of the holder thereof only as against that fund and its fixed proportion of the amount of revenue pledged to the fund, and shall not constitute an indebtedness of the city or town. Every warrant as well as every bond shall state on its face that it is payable from a special fund, naming it and the ordinance creating it.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.160. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 4, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-7, part.]

Revenue bondsSale ofOther disposition.

Revenue bonds and warrants may be sold in any manner the city or town legislative body deems for the best interests of the city or town. The legislative body may provide in any contract for the construction or acquisition of a proposed utility that payment therefor shall be made only in revenue bonds and warrants at their par value.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.170. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 4, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-7, part.]

Revenue bondsRemedy of owners.

If a city or town fails to set aside and pay into the special fund created for the payment of revenue bonds and warrants the amount which it has obligated itself in the ordinance creating the fund to set aside and pay therein, the owner of any bond or warrant issued against the fund may bring suit against the city or town to compel it to do so.
[ 1983 c 167 s 61; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.180. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 4, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 c 9354-7, part.]


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Revenues from systemClassification of servicesMinimum ratesCompulsory use.

(1) The legislative body of such city or town may provide by ordinance for revenues by fixing rates and charges for the furnishing of service to those served by its system of sewerage or system for refuse collection and disposal, which rates and charges shall be uniform for the same class of customer or service. In classifying customers served or service furnished by such system of sewerage, the city or town legislative body may in its discretion consider any or all of the following factors: (a) The difference in cost of service to the various customers; (b) the location of the various customers within and without the city or town; (c) the difference in cost of maintenance, operation, repair, and replacement of the various parts of the system; (d) the different character of the service furnished various customers; (e) the quantity and quality of the sewage delivered and the time of its delivery; (f) capital contributions made to the system, including but not limited to, assessments; (g) the public benefit nonprofit corporation status, as defined in RCW 24.03A.245, of the land user; and (h) any other matters which present a reasonable difference as a ground for distinction.
(2) If special indebtedness bonds or warrants are issued against the revenues, the legislative body shall by ordinance fix charges at rates which will be sufficient to take care of the costs of maintenance and operation, bond and warrant principal and interest, sinking fund requirements, and all other expenses necessary for efficient and proper operation of the system.
(3) All property owners within the area served by such sewerage system shall be compelled to connect their private drains and sewers with such city or town system, under such penalty as the legislative body of such city or town may by ordinance direct. Such penalty may in the discretion of such legislative body be an amount equal to the charge that would be made for sewer service if the property was connected to such system. All penalties collected shall be considered revenue of the system.


Effective date2021 c 176: See note following RCW 24.03A.005.

Revenue bonds validated.

Any and all water, sewer, or water and sewer revenue bonds part or all of which may have been heretofore (prior to June 8, 1955) issued by any city or town for the purpose of providing funds to pay part or all of the cost of acquiring, constructing, or installing a system of storm or surface water sewers or any part thereof necessary for the proper and efficient operation of a system of sanitary sewage disposal sewers or a sanitary sewage treatment plant, the proceedings for the issuance of which were valid in all other respects, are approved, ratified and validated, and are declared to be legal and binding obligations of such city or town, both principal of and interest on which are payable only out of the revenues of the utility or utilities pledged for such payment.

Sewerage lienAuthority.

Cities and towns owning their own sewer systems shall have a lien for delinquent and unpaid rates and charges for sewer service, penalties levied pursuant to RCW 35.67.190, and connection charges, including interest thereon, against the premises to which such service has been furnished or is available, which lien shall be superior to all other liens and encumbrances except general taxes and local and special assessments. The city or town by ordinance may provide that delinquent charges shall bear interest at not exceeding eight percent per annum computed on a monthly basis: PROVIDED, That a city or town using the property tax system for utility billing may, by resolution or ordinance, adopt the alternative lien procedure as set forth in RCW 35.67.215.
[ 1991 c 36 s 2; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.200. Prior: 1959 c 90 s 4; prior: 1941 c 193 s 6, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-9, part.]

Sewerage lienExtentNoticeEmergency declaration.

(1) Except as provided for in subsection (2) of this section, the sewerage lien shall be effective for a total of not to exceed six months' delinquent charges without the necessity of any writing or recording. In order to make such lien effective for more than six months' charges the city or town treasurer, clerk, or official charged with the administration of the affairs of the utility shall cause to be filed for record in the office of the county auditor of the county in which such city or town is located, a notice in substantially the following form:
"Sewerage lien notice
City (or town) of . . . .
. . . . reputed owner.
Notice is hereby given that the city (or town) of . . . . . . has and claims a lien for sewer charges against the following described premises situated in . . . . . . county, Washington, to wit:
(here insert legal description of premises)
Said lien is claimed for not exceeding six months such charges and interest now delinquent, amount to $. . . . . ., and is also claimed for future sewerage charges against said premises.
Dated . . . .
City (or town) of . . . .
By . . . ."
The lien notice may be signed by the city or town treasurer or clerk or other official in charge of the administration of the utility. The lien notice shall be recorded as prescribed by law for the recording of mechanics' liens.
(2) A sewage lien may exceed six months' delinquent charges without the necessity of any writing or recording if collection of charges was impacted by the declaration of an emergency by the governor. In such circumstances, a lien may be filed for all charges due during the period covered by the declaration and may be effective for six months after the expiration of the declaration of the emergency.
[ 2021 c 296 s 16; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.210. Prior: 1959 c 90 s 5; prior: 1941 c 193 s 6, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-9, part.]


FindingIntentEffective date2021 c 296: See notes following RCW 82.14.310.

Sewerage lienExtension of coverage.

Any city or town may, by resolution or ordinance, provide that the sewerage lien shall be effective for a total not to exceed one year's delinquent service charges without the necessity of any writing or recording of the lien with the county auditor, in lieu of the provisions provided for in RCW 35.67.210.

Sewerage lien foreclosurePartsTracts.

The city or town may foreclose its sewerage lien in an action in the superior court. All or any of the tracts subject to the lien may be proceeded against in the same action, and all parties appearing of record as owning or claiming to own, having or claiming to have any interest in or lien upon the tracts involved in the action shall be impleaded in the action as parties defendant.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.220. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 7, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-10, part.]

Sewerage lien foreclosureLimitation on time of commencement.

An action to foreclose a sewerage lien pursuant to a lien notice filed as required by law must be commenced within two years from the date of the filing thereof.
An action to foreclose a six months' lien may be commenced at any time after six months subsequent to the furnishing of the sewerage service for which payment has not been made.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.230. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 7, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-10, part.]

Sewerage lien foreclosureProcedure.

The service of summons, and all other proceedings except as herein otherwise prescribed including appeal, order of sale, sale, redemption, and issuance of deed, shall be governed by the statutes now or hereafter in force relating to the foreclosure of mortgages on real property. The terms "judgment debtor" or "successor in interest" in the statutes governing redemption when applied herein shall include an owner or a vendee.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.240. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 7, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-10, part.]

Sewerage lien foreclosureTrial.

A sewerage lien foreclosure action shall be tried before the court without a jury. The court may allow in addition to interest on the service charges at a rate not exceeding eight percent per year from date of delinquency, costs and disbursements as provided by statute and such attorneys' fees as the court may adjudge reasonable.
If the owners and parties interested in any particular tract default, the court may enter judgment of foreclosure and sale as to such parties and tracts and the action may proceed as to the remaining defendants and tracts. The judgment shall specify separately the amount of the sewerage charges, with interest, penalty and costs chargeable to each tract. The judgment shall have the effect of a separate judgment as to each tract described in the judgment, and any appeal shall not invalidate or delay the judgment except as to the property concerning which the appeal is taken. In the judgment the court shall order the tracts therein described sold at one general sale, and an order of sale shall issue pursuant thereto for the enforcement of the judgment. Judgment may be entered as to any one or more separate tracts involved in the action, and the court shall retain jurisdiction of other properties.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.250. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 7, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-10, part.]

Sewerage lien foreclosureRedemption.

All sales shall be subject to the right of redemption within one year from date of sale.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.260. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 7, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-10, part.]

Sewerage sale acquired propertyDisposition.

At any time after deed is issued to it pursuant to lien, a city or town may lease or sell or convey any property at public or private sale for such price and on such terms as may be determined by resolution of the city or town legislative body, any provision of law, charter or ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.270. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 8; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-11.]

Sewerage sale acquired propertyPayment of delinquent taxes.

After the entry of judgment of foreclosure against any tract, the city or town may pay delinquent general taxes or purchase certificates of delinquency for general taxes on the tract or purchase the tract at county tax foreclosure or from the county after foreclosure.
After entry of judgment of foreclosure against any premises the city or town may pay local or special assessments which are delinquent or are about to become delinquent and if the tract has been foreclosed upon for local or special assessments and the time for redemption has not expired, it may redeem it.
No moneys shall be expended for the purposes enumerated in this section except upon enactment by the city or town legislative body of a resolution determining the desirability or necessity of making the expenditure.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.280. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 9; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-12.]

Sewerage lienEnforcementAlternative method.

As an additional and concurrent method of enforcing the lien authorized in this chapter any city or town operating its own municipal water system may provide by ordinance for the enforcement of the lien by cutting off the water service from the premises to which such sewer service was furnished after the charges become delinquent and unpaid, until the charges are paid.
The right to enforce the lien by cutting off and refusing water service shall not be exercised after two years from the date of the recording of sewerage lien notice except to enforce payment of six months' charges for which no lien notice is required to be recorded.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.290. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 10; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-13.]

Water-sewer districts and municipalitiesJoint agreements.

Any city, town, or organized and established water-sewer district owning or operating its own sewer system, whenever topographic conditions shall make it feasible and whenever such existing sewer system shall be adequate therefor in view of the sewerage and drainage requirements of the property in such city, town, or water-sewer district, served or to be served by such system, may contract with any other city, town, or organized and established water-sewer district for the discharge into its sewer system of sewage from all or any part or parts of such other city, town, or water-sewer district upon such terms and conditions and for such periods of time as may be deemed reasonable.
Any city, town, or organized and established water-sewer district may contract with any other city, town, or organized and established water-sewer district for the construction and/or operation of any sewer or sewage disposal facilities for the joint use and benefit of the contracting parties upon such terms and conditions and for such period of time as the governing bodies of the contracting parties may determine. Any such contract may provide that the responsibility for the management of the construction and/or maintenance and operation of any sewer disposal facilities or part thereof covered by such contract shall be vested solely in one of the contracting parties, with the other party or parties thereto paying to the managing party such portion of the expenses thereof as shall be agreed upon.
[ 1999 c 153 s 37; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.300. Prior: 1947 c 212 s 3; 1941 c 193 s 11; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 9354-14.]


Part headings not law1999 c 153: See note following RCW 57.04.050.

SewersOutside city connections.

Every city or town may permit connections with any of its sewers, either directly or indirectly, from property beyond its limits, upon such terms, conditions and payments as may be prescribed by ordinance, which may be required by the city or town to be evidenced by a written agreement between the city or town and the owner of the property to be served by the connecting sewer.
If any such agreement is made and filed with the county auditor of the county in which said property is located, it shall constitute a covenant running with the land and the agreements and covenants therein shall be binding on the owner and all persons subsequently acquiring any right, title or interest in or to said property.
If the terms and conditions of the ordinance or of the agreement are not kept and performed, or the payments made, as required, the city or town may disconnect the sewer and for that purpose may at any time enter upon any public street or road or upon said property.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.310. Prior: 1941 c 75 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-19.]

Water, sewerage, garbage systemsCombined facilities.

A city or town may by ordinance provide that its water system, sewerage system, and garbage and refuse collection and disposal system may be acquired, constructed, maintained and operated jointly, either by combining any two of such systems or all three. All powers granted to cities and towns to acquire, construct, maintain and operate such systems may be exercised in the joint acquisition, construction, maintenance and operation of such combined systems: PROVIDED, That if a general indebtedness is to be incurred to pay a part or all of the cost of construction, maintenance, or operation of such a combined system, no such indebtedness shall be incurred without such indebtedness first being authorized by a vote of the people at a special or general election conducted in the manner prescribed by law: PROVIDED FURTHER, That nothing in chapter 51, Laws of 1969 ex. sess. shall be construed to supersede charter provisions to the contrary.

Statutes governing combined facility.

The operation by a city or town of a combined facility as provided for in RCW 35.67.331 shall be governed by the statutes relating to the establishment and maintenance of a city or town water system if the water system is one of the systems included in the combined acquisition, construction, or operation; otherwise the combined system shall be governed by the statutes relating to the establishment and maintenance of a city or town sewerage system.
[ 1969 ex.s. c 51 s 2; 1965 c 7 s 35.67.340. Prior: 1941 c 193 s 12, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 9354-15, part.]

Penalty for sewer connection without permission.

It is unlawful and a misdemeanor to make or cause to be made or to maintain any sewer connection with any sewer of any city or town, or with any sewer which is connected directly or indirectly with any sewer of any city or town without having permission from the city or town.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.67.350. Prior: 1943 c 100 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 9354-20.]

Conservation of stormwater and sewer servicesUse of public moneys.

Any city, code city, town, county, special purpose district, municipal corporation, or quasi-municipal corporation that is engaged in the sale or distribution of stormwater or sewer services may use public moneys or credit derived from operating revenues from the sale of stormwater or sewer services to assist the owners of structures or equipment in financing the acquisition and installation of materials and equipment, for compensation or otherwise, for the conservation or more efficient use of stormwater or sewer services in such structures or equipment. Except for the necessary support of the poor and infirm, an appropriate charge-back shall be made for the extension of public moneys or credit. The charge-back shall be a lien against the structure benefited or a security interest in the equipment benefited.


FindingsIntent1998 c 31: "The legislature finds that the voters approved an amendment to Article VIII, section 10 of the state Constitution in 1997. The legislature finds that this amendment to the state Constitution will allow necessary improvements to be made to stormwater and sewer services so that less pollution is discharged into the waters of the state, less treatment will be needed, and capacity for existing treatment systems will be saved. It is the intent of the legislature to enact legislation that grants specific authority to units of local government that provide stormwater and sewer services to operate programs that are consistent with the authority granted in House Joint Resolution No. 4209." [ 1998 c 31 s 1.]
Effective date1998 c 31 s 2: "Section 2 of this act takes effect July 1, 1998." [ 1998 c 31 s 3.]

Mobile home parksReplacement of septic systemsCharges for unused sewer service.

(1) Cities, towns, or counties may not require existing mobile home parks to replace existing, functional septic systems with a sewer system within the community unless the local board of health determines that the septic system is failing.
(2) Cities, towns, and counties are prohibited from requiring existing mobile home parks to pay a sewer service availability charge, standby charge, consumption charge, or any other similar types of charges associated with available but unused sewer service, including any interest or penalties for nonpayment or enforcement charges, until the mobile home park connects to the sewer service. When a mobile home park connects to a sewer, cities, towns, and counties may only charge mobile home parks prospectively from the date of connection for their sewer service. Chapter 297, Laws of 2003 is remedial in nature and applies retroactively to 1993.

Cooperative watershed management.

In addition to the authority provided in RCW 35.67.020, a city may, as part of maintaining a system sewerage, participate in and expend revenue on cooperative watershed management actions, including watershed management partnerships under RCW 39.34.210 and other intergovernmental agreements, for purposes of water supply, water quality, and water resource and habitat protection and management.


FindingIntent2003 c 327: See note following RCW 39.34.190.