Senator Sharon Shewmake
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5159 Trick-or-treat day
- SB 5174 Wood burning devices
- SB 5175 Photovoltaic modules
- SB 5212 Water adjudication in WRIA 1
- SB 5214 Mobile market programs
- SB 5215 Vehicle debris escape
- SB 5216 Green energy/community
- SB 5220 City small works rosters
- SB 5234 Snowmobile registration fees
- SB 5246 Energy facility site eval.
- SB 5252 Assembly halls/property tax
- SB 5259 Commercial fishing bait tax
- SB 5261 Nonconsumptive hydropower
- SB 5319 Surface mine reclamation
- SB 5332 Mobile dwellings
- SB 5359 Clean energy development
- SB 5391 Sustainable farms grants
- SB 5421 Small businesses/residential
- SB 5465 Wildfire costs/securitizing
- SB 5466 Electric transmission system
- SB 5510 Conservation district limits
- SB 5514 Clean buildings standard
- SB 5515 Community solar
- SB 5548 Workers' compensation
- SB 5581 Safe system approach strat.
- SB 5625 State clam/Pacific geoduck
- SB 5778 Maple syrup processing
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5009 Student transp. allocation
- SB 5037 Uniform custodial trust act
- SB 5043 PTSD/correctional workers
- SB 5044 Supp. retirement bargaining
- SB 5062 Child care workforce board
- SB 5063 Freight railroad infra.
- SB 5075 Prenatal and postnatal care
- SB 5076 Nonspot shrimp pot license
- SB 5080 Financial education
- SB 5090 Professional engineers' reg.
- SB 5095 School construction debt
- SB 5106 Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha
- SB 5110 Tribal elder tuition waivers
- SB 5112 Prescribing psychologists
- SB 5116 Marriage/medical emergency
- SB 5119 Academic employee bargaining
- SB 5149 Early childhood court prg.
- SB 5152 Journal access/state empl.
- SB 5155 Salmon recovery projects
- SB 5156 Elevators/smaller apartments
- SB 5163 Child fatalities
- SB 5178 Sodium nitrite
- SB 5183 Tobacco & nicotine products
- SB 5184 Minimum parking requirements
- SB 5186 School district elections
- SB 5187 Student transportation
- SB 5190 School building energy perf.
- SB 5193 Remote testing
- SB 5203 Wildlife safe passages
- SB 5210 Ninth grade success grants
- SB 5211 DD parental caregivers
- SB 5224 Officer certification
- SB 5225 Candidate filing
- SB 5233 Washington health trust
- SB 5236 Anesthetics/greenhouse gases
- SB 5238 Reckless driving, speed
- SB 5241 Fusion energy facilities
- SB 5242 Behavioral health resources
- SB 5243 Health premiums/lobbying
- SB 5245 Legislature oath of office
- SB 5253 Special education services
- SB 5262 Insurance statutes
- SB 5263 Special education funding
- SB 5271 School nurse requirement
- SB 5273 Violence prevention services
- SB 5279 Child care provider qualif.
- SB 5281 Vessel length/nonresident
- SB 5284 Solid waste management
- SB 5325 State cactus
- SB 5338 Veterans affairs adv. comm.
- SB 5346 Student mobile device use
- SB 5351 Dental insurance practices
- SB 5373 Even-numbered year elections
- SB 5379 Parks & rec./interest arb.
- SB 5399 Liquor licenses
- SB 5400 Local news journalism
- SB 5402 Financial aid eligibility
- SB 5404 Public defense services
- SB 5411 Pilates studios, etc./tax
- SB 5419 Reports of fire losses
- SB 5423 Digital electronics/repair
- SB 5432 License plate production
- SB 5434 Gubernatorial emergencies
- SB 5437 Noncompetition agreements
- SB 5438 Hydrofluorocarbons
- SB 5443 Fund-raising events
- SB 5446 Commission on boys and men
- SB 5448 Dialysis/certificate of need
- SB 5450 Sewage-containing spills
- SB 5451 Quantum economic development
- SB 5454 Dairy inspection program
- SB 5457 Broadcasters
- SB 5458 Newspaper tax preference
- SB 5463 Industrial insurance/duties
- SB 5469 Rental housing market
- SB 5491 Prescribed fire claims
- SB 5494 Lead-based paint
- SB 5502 Recycling & waste reduction
- SB 5527 State patrol longevity bonus
- SB 5552 Kit homes/building codes
- SB 5553 Multifamily housing/tax
- SB 5556 Adopt-a-highway program
- SB 5567 Natural resources careers
- SB 5577 HIV antiviral drugs/medicaid
- SB 5580 Corp. homeowner registration
- SB 5593 School levies & local effort
- SB 5594 Biosimilar medicines
- ESB 5595 Shared streets
- SB 5595 Shared streets
- SB 5601 Alternative jet fuels
- SB 5604 Transit-oriented development
- SB 5605 Microenterprise home kitchen
- SB 5627 Safe excavation
- SB 5628 Lead in cookware
- SB 5634 Community solar projects
- SB 5636 Mt. St. Helens license plate
- SB 5649 Supply chain competitiveness
- SB 5667 Intercity passenger rail
- SB 5704 Health care marketplace
- SB 5727 Residential energy storage
- SB 5779 African diaspora heritage
- SJR 8200 School district bond voting
- SJR 8203 Principal residence/tax
- SJR 8204 Reproductive & gender care
- SR 8605 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8606 National Guard family, empl.
- SR 8611 Keri Rawlings Rooney
- SR 8618 Ramadan
- SR 8619 Bloody Sunday
- SR 8621 Women in cloud
- SR 8629 Ichiro Suzuki