Senator Liz Lovelett
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5284 Solid waste management
- SB 5380 Environmental justice
- SB 5413 Detached ADUs
- SB 5438 Hydrofluorocarbons
- SB 5461 Intensive rural dev. areas
- SB 5519 Ocean vessels/environment
- SB 5559 UGA subdivision process
- SB 5576 Affordable housing funding
- SB 5633 Subdivision of land
- SB 5634 Community solar projects
- SR 8607 Public works board
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5005 Jail system
- SB 5009 Student transp. allocation
- SB 5033 Biosolids/PFAS chemicals
- SB 5034 System improvement team
- SB 5041 Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts
- SB 5043 PTSD/correctional workers
- SB 5044 Supp. retirement bargaining
- SB 5059 Ferry captains
- SB 5070 Interchange fees on tips
- SB 5076 Nonspot shrimp pot license
- SB 5082 Extended foster care/housing
- SB 5106 Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha
- SB 5109 Mortgage lending fraud acc.
- SB 5110 Tribal elder tuition waivers
- SB 5113 Plan 1 retiree COLAs
- SB 5120 Learning assistance program
- SB 5123 Discrimination in schools
- SB 5177 Professional dev. resources
- SB 5179 Education complaint process
- SB 5186 School district elections
- SB 5199 DCYF oversight board comp.
- SB 5201 Psychedelic substances
- SB 5211 DD parental caregivers
- SB 5217 Pregnancy accommodations
- SB 5222 Residential tenants
- SB 5233 Washington health trust
- SB 5317 EFSEC/services by local gov.
- SB 5321 Postsecondary/med. abortion
- SB 5330 Spiked drink testing
- SB 5331 Insurance code violations
- SB 5344 Essential worker health care
- SB 5352 Free school meals
- SB 5360 Environmental crimes
- SB 5370 Port commissioner terms
- SB 5374 Transportation/tribal rep.
- SB 5376 Cruelty to animals
- SB 5378 PFML grants/school districts
- SB 5395 Prior authorization/health
- SB 5400 Local news journalism
- SB 5402 Financial aid eligibility
- SB 5404 Public defense services
- SB 5423 Digital electronics/repair
- SB 5439 Thermal coal divestment/SIB
- SB 5463 Industrial insurance/duties
- SB 5469 Rental housing market
- SB 5480 Medical debt
- SB 5491 Prescribed fire claims
- SB 5496 Home buying by entities
- SB 5498 Contraceptive coverage
- SB 5500 Child care reimburse. rates
- SB 5508 Child welfare housing assist
- SB 5510 Conservation district limits
- SB 5515 Community solar
- SB 5520 Wrongly convicted persons
- SB 5523 Higher ed. gov./students
- SB 5531 Home care worker background
- SB 5556 Adopt-a-highway program
- SB 5557 Pregnancy/emerg. treatment
- SB 5567 Natural resources careers
- SB 5574 History instruction
- SB 5577 HIV antiviral drugs/medicaid
- SB 5578 Labor standards
- SB 5580 Corp. homeowner registration
- SB 5585 Tribal warrants
- SB 5589 Insurance & credit study
- SB 5591 Affordable housing/sales tax
- SB 5601 Alternative jet fuels
- SB 5625 State clam/Pacific geoduck
- SB 5626 Wage replacement
- SJM 8000 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way
- SJM 8004 Universal health care
- SJR 8200 School district bond voting
- SR 8605 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8606 National Guard family, empl.