Senator Noel Frame
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor click to expand contents
- SB 5121 Fertility-related services
- SB 5211 DD parental caregivers
- SB 5266 Early release petitions
- SB 5269 Sentence modification
- SB 5298 Mobile home community sale
- SB 5375 Clergy, duty to report abuse
- SB 5439 Thermal coal divestment/SIB
- SB 5457 Broadcasters
- SB 5458 Newspaper tax preference
- SB 5605 Microenterprise home kitchen
- SB 5708 Online services/minors
- SB 5761 Dependency/attorney appt.
- SB 5797 Intangible assets tax
Secondary Sponsor click to expand contents
- SB 5000 State nickname
- SB 5005 Jail system
- SB 5023 Domestic workers
- SB 5027 Law school loan repayment
- SB 5029 DOC release transportation
- SB 5032 Juvenile rehab. ombuds
- SB 5041 Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts
- SB 5043 PTSD/correctional workers
- SB 5044 Supp. retirement bargaining
- SB 5052 Law enf. juvenile contact
- SB 5062 Child care workforce board
- ESB 5065 Traveling animal acts
- SB 5065 Traveling animal acts
- SB 5066 Law enf. misconduct
- SB 5068 Public employ. eligibility
- SB 5075 Prenatal and postnatal care
- SB 5077 Agency voter registration
- SB 5079 DSHS overpayments
- SB 5082 Extended foster care/housing
- SB 5098 Weapons in certain areas
- SB 5099 Firearms dealers
- SB 5101 Worker leave/hate crimes
- SB 5103 Sentence review/deportation
- SB 5106 Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha
- SB 5110 Tribal elder tuition waivers
- SB 5116 Marriage/medical emergency
- SB 5119 Academic employee bargaining
- SB 5131 Religious foods/correctional
- SB 5139 Reentry council members
- SB 5147 Criminal insanity
- SB 5159 Trick-or-treat day
- SB 5164 Student navigational support
- SB 5178 Sodium nitrite
- SB 5179 Education complaint process
- SB 5181 Parents rights in education
- SB 5182 Incarcerated parents
- SB 5183 Tobacco & nicotine products
- SB 5184 Minimum parking requirements
- SB 5186 School district elections
- SB 5187 Student transportation
- SB 5199 DCYF oversight board comp.
- SB 5201 Psychedelic substances
- SB 5215 Vehicle debris escape
- SB 5219 Partial confinement
- SB 5222 Residential tenants
- SB 5231 Confinement fees & expenses
- SB 5232 Essential needs program uses
- SB 5251 Lodging tax revenues
- SB 5253 Special education services
- SB 5254 Health care information
- SB 5263 Special education funding
- SB 5279 Child care provider qualif.
- SB 5282 Missing children adv. board
- SB 5284 Solid waste management
- SB 5291 Long-term services trust
- SB 5295 Sexual assault/rights
- SB 5296 Juvenile offenses
- SB 5297 Early learning facilities
- SB 5304 Homelessness/tribal colleges
- SB 5307 Special education funding
- SB 5312 Net nanny operations
- SB 5321 Postsecondary/med. abortion
- SB 5330 Spiked drink testing
- SB 5331 Insurance code violations
- SB 5336 Isolated employees
- SB 5337 Memory care services
- SB 5342 Legislators/state facilities
- SB 5344 Essential worker health care
- SB 5345 Access to personnel records
- SB 5346 Student mobile device use
- SB 5351 Dental insurance practices
- SB 5352 Free school meals
- SB 5353 Diabetes and obesity
- SB 5360 Environmental crimes
- SB 5362 Crime victim services
- SB 5366 Victim of rape/pregnancy
- SB 5373 Even-numbered year elections
- SB 5379 Parks & rec./interest arb.
- SB 5386 Schools/sexual assault
- SB 5400 Local news journalism
- SB 5404 Public defense services
- SB 5421 Small businesses/residential
- SB 5422 Collective bargaining/AI use
- SB 5423 Digital electronics/repair
- SB 5426 Court alternatives/youth
- SB 5433 DOC employee bargaining
- SB 5437 Noncompetition agreements
- SB 5453 Public defense recruitment
- SB 5468 Ag. cannabis workers
- SB 5469 Rental housing market
- SB 5470 Detached ADUs
- ESB 5471 Middle housing
- SB 5471 Middle housing
- SB 5496 Home buying by entities
- SB 5498 Contraceptive coverage
- SB 5500 Child care reimburse. rates
- SB 5519 Ocean vessels/environment
- SB 5520 Wrongly convicted persons
- SB 5531 Home care worker background
- SB 5539 Paid family & medical leave
- SB 5541 Future fund pilot project
- SB 5549 Job applicants and employees
- SB 5552 Kit homes/building codes
- SB 5555 Zoning regulations
- SB 5557 Pregnancy/emerg. treatment
- SB 5574 History instruction
- SB 5578 Labor standards
- SB 5580 Corp. homeowner registration
- SB 5584 OII expansion/prosecutions
- ESB 5595 Shared streets
- SB 5595 Shared streets
- SB 5598 JLARC studies
- SB 5600 TNCs/large-scale events
- SB 5611 Land use permitting workload
- SB 5614 Impact fees
- SB 5617 Juvenile detention/CHINS
- SB 5620 Foster care/rights of child
- SB 5625 State clam/Pacific geoduck
- SB 5626 Wage replacement
- SB 5629 Prosthetic limb coverage
- SB 5647 Affordable housing/REET
- SB 5654 Student restraint, isolation
- SB 5663 Virtual campus/colleges
- SB 5677 Associate development orgs
- SB 5680 Mobility equipment repair
- SB 5681 DDA employment services age
- SB 5683 Health carrier payment times
- SB 5686 Foreclosure mediation prg.
- SB 5688 Constitutional rights
- SB 5715 Juvenile convictions/score
- SB 5768 Working families' tax credit
- SB 5770 Primary residence/tax
- SB 5771 WFTC increase/tenants
- SB 5794 Tax preferences
- SB 5795 Sales and use tax rate
- SB 5796 Payroll expense tax
- SB 5798 Property tax
- SJM 8000 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way
- SJR 8200 School district bond voting
- SJR 8203 Principal residence/tax
- SJR 8204 Reproductive & gender care
- SR 8605 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8606 National Guard family, empl.
- SR 8611 Keri Rawlings Rooney
- SR 8618 Ramadan
- SR 8640 Karen Keiser
- SR 8642