Senator Manka Dhingra
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor click to expand contents
- SB 5038 Hate crime offense
- SB 5043 PTSD/correctional workers
- SB 5093 Pregnancy loss
- SB 5094 Sexually explicit depictions
- SB 5095 School construction debt
- SB 5096 Natural death act/pregnancy
- SB 5330 Spiked drink testing
- SB 5361 ASAM 4 treatment criteria
- SB 5362 Crime victim services
- SB 5366 Victim of rape/pregnancy
- SB 5388 DOC behavioral health cert.
- SB 5490 Jail searches/gender
- SB 5575 Parenting plan limitations
- SB 5584 OII expansion/prosecutions
- SB 5585 Tribal warrants
- SB 5704 Health care marketplace
- SB 5745 Invol. treatment counsel
- SR 8604 Indian Americans
- SR 8630 Sikhs
- SR 8638 Senate rule 10
- SR 8642
Secondary Sponsor click to expand contents
- SB 5001 Year-round Pacific std. time
- SB 5007 Chronically absent students
- SB 5017 Uniformed & overseas voting
- SB 5019 Prepacked medication distr.
- SB 5021 Retention of court exhibits
- SB 5022 Law enf. hiring
- SB 5027 Law school loan repayment
- SB 5033 Biosolids/PFAS chemicals
- SB 5034 System improvement team
- SB 5035 Voter education
- SB 5037 Uniform custodial trust act
- SB 5041 Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts
- SB 5046 Kimchi day
- SB 5052 Law enf. juvenile contact
- SB 5060 Law enf. hiring grants
- SB 5062 Child care workforce board
- SB 5067 Impaired driving
- SB 5068 Public employ. eligibility
- SB 5071 Controlled sub. endangerment
- SB 5084 Health carrier reporting
- SB 5098 Weapons in certain areas
- SB 5099 Firearms dealers
- SB 5105 Fabricated depictions/minors
- SB 5106 Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha
- SB 5110 Tribal elder tuition waivers
- SB 5114 Retirement benefits/death
- SB 5131 Religious foods/correctional
- SB 5132 Small claims actions notice
- SB 5138 Public facilities districts
- SB 5141 Disability insurer filings
- SB 5147 Criminal insanity
- SB 5162 Health care work violence
- SB 5163 Child fatalities
- SB 5164 Student navigational support
- SB 5169 Testimony of children
- SB 5179 Education complaint process
- SB 5180 Schools/gender inclusive
- SB 5181 Parents rights in education
- SB 5183 Tobacco & nicotine products
- SB 5185 International med. pathways
- SB 5186 School district elections
- SB 5187 Student transportation
- SB 5189 Competency-based education
- SB 5192 School district materials
- SB 5198 Driver training alternative
- SB 5202 Judicial orders
- SB 5209 L&I law enforcement
- SB 5211 DD parental caregivers
- SB 5215 Vehicle debris escape
- SB 5233 Washington health trust
- SB 5263 Special education funding
- SB 5273 Violence prevention services
- SB 5274 Body cameras/corrections
- SB 5282 Missing children adv. board
- SB 5286 State hospitals/police costs
- SB 5290 Controlled subs. dismissal
- SB 5295 Sexual assault/rights
- SB 5321 Postsecondary/med. abortion
- SB 5338 Veterans affairs adv. comm.
- SB 5345 Access to personnel records
- SB 5352 Free school meals
- SB 5355 Higher education safety
- SB 5364 Sheriffs, chiefs, etc.
- SB 5375 Clergy, duty to report abuse
- SB 5386 Schools/sexual assault
- SB 5402 Financial aid eligibility
- SB 5423 Digital electronics/repair
- SB 5434 Gubernatorial emergencies
- SB 5436 Worship/access interference
- SB 5437 Noncompetition agreements
- SB 5442 College promise pilot
- SB 5468 Ag. cannabis workers
- SB 5477 Mental health services
- SB 5486 Motion picture captioning
- SB 5499 DOC body scanner program
- SB 5519 Ocean vessels/environment
- SB 5525 Layoffs
- SB 5541 Future fund pilot project
- SB 5557 Pregnancy/emerg. treatment
- SB 5577 HIV antiviral drugs/medicaid
- SB 5622 Diet pills and supplements
- SB 5626 Wage replacement
- SB 5697 Social services/property tax
- SB 5709 Public health clinics/tax
- SB 5752 Child care & early dev.
- SB 5754 Washington state public bank
- SB 5756 Working minors
- SB 5762 988 line tax
- SB 5768 Working families' tax credit
- SB 5770 Primary residence/tax
- SB 5794 Tax preferences
- SB 5795 Sales and use tax rate
- SB 5797 Intangible assets tax
- SJR 8200 School district bond voting
- SJR 8203 Principal residence/tax
- SJR 8204 Reproductive & gender care
- SR 8605 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8606 National Guard family, empl.
- SR 8607 Public works board
- SR 8612 Navy service members
- SR 8618 Ramadan
- SR 8619 Bloody Sunday
- SR 8621 Women in cloud
- SR 8625 Ana Mari Cauce
- SR 8626 Student leaders
- SR 8640 Karen Keiser