Representative Carolyn Eslick
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- HB 1020 County road admin. board
- HB 1103 Smoke detection devices
- HB 1248 Firework sales in December
- HB 1371 Parks benefit districts
- HB 1669 Fire district powers
- HB 1670 Fire district bid limits
- HB 1699 Deannexation/parks & rec.
- HB 1709 Death penalty
- HB 1875 Ag. crop damage by wildlife
- EHB 2216 Sports boards maximum bet
- HB 2217 Cottage food product labels
- HB 2218 Cottage food sales cap
- HB 2219 Sports pool boards/WSGC
- EHB 2501 Multiuse roadway safety acct
- HB 2599 Multiple handicaps, children
- HB 2625 Local parks funding options
- HB 2626 Vaccination exemption
- HB 2883 Adolescent behavioral health
- HR 4623 Oso landslide
Secondary Sponsor
- HB 1014 Motorcycle operators
- HB 1019 Vaccination/antibody testing
- HB 1028 Off-road vehicles/local gov.
- HB 1038 Firearms/school employees
- HB 1042 DOC/interest arbitration
- HB 1059 B&O return filing due date
- HB 1080 Domestic violence registry
- HB 1134 Mobile food fire safety
- HB 1158 Permanent cosmetics
- HB 1193 Benchmark rate/comm services
- HB 1196 Perm. daylight saving time
- HB 1198 Health prv misconduct notice
- HB 1230 Disabled hunters & fishers
- HB 1231 Sex offenses/modify SOL
- HB 1232 Hydroelectricity/renewable
- HB 1233 GMA/use of science
- HB 1234 Sex offenses/eliminate SOL
- HB 1235 Providing harmful material
- HB 1237 Marijuana license compliance
- HB 1243 Small winery tax relief
- HB 1246 Referred and diverted youth
- HB 1263 Homeless student support
- HB 1267 ECEAP sabbatical year
- HB 1275 Vaccine adverse effect data
- HB 1276 Mercury exposure
- HB 1283 Agricultural fair funding
- HB 1291 Election cost reimbursement
- HB 1303 Child care/higher education
- HB 1304 CTE/alt. learning exp. prgs.
- HB 1318 Capital budget/public art
- HB 1324 Rural development, zones
- HB 1331 Opioid use disorder
- HB 1353 Accessory dwelling units
- EHB 1354 Scan-down allowances
- HB 1359 Local government procurement
- HB 1367 Child-placing agencies
- HB 1376 Mistreatment/faith exemption
- HB 1378 Child care provider ed equiv
- EHB 1390 PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase
- HB 1391 Early achievers program
- HB 1392 Cost of child care regs
- HB 1397 Electric aircraft
- HB 1401 Hemp production
- HB 1416 Liquor licensees/events
- HB 1418 Building trades apprentices
- HB 1424 CTE course equivalencies
- HB 1434 Noncriminal youth detention
- HB 1447 Mental health parity
- HB 1448 Veterans service officer prg
- HB 1455 Aeronautics industry
- HB 1456 Aviation revital. loan prg
- HB 1457 Aircraft fuel tax distrib.
- HB 1472 Special transportation needs
- HB 1473 Surplus trans. property
- HB 1474 Mobile comm. tech./sales tax
- HB 1475 Leadership skills grant prg.
- HB 1479 Student mental health
- HB 1481 Election costs & postage
- HB 1508 Connecting Washington funds
- HB 1525 Digoxin & KCl/med procedures
- HB 1528 Recovery support services
- HB 1532 Domestic violence TBIs
- HB 1556 Employment in hospitality
- HB 1574 Vulnerable children/care
- HB 1589 Correctional emps/firearms
- HB 1595 Child sexual abuse investig.
- HB 1605 Foster care TBI screenings
- HB 1606 Broadband loans & grants
- HB 1609 DCYF resource centers eval.
- HB 1633 Fuel tax rate posting
- HB 1634 Tax foreclosure/as-is sale
- HB 1635 Libraries/internet safety
- HB 1639 Wolf population expansion
- HB 1646 Juvenile rehab. confinement
- HB 1649 Concealed pistol lic holders
- HB 1651 DSHS dev. disability clients
- HB 1657 Homeless youth services
- HB 1672 Wine recorking
- HB 1673 Explosives/public record act
- HB 1695 Pavement condition reporting
- HB 1702 Low-cost course material/CTC
- HB 1705 Utility services/tenant
- HB 1712 Farm products/vehicle weight
- HB 1723 Active transp safety council
- HB 1737 Utility service annexation
- HB 1740 DCYF/minimum security status
- HB 1742 Juvenile offenses/depictions
- HB 1757 Franchisors/employer status
- HB 1758 School construction taxes
- HB 1780 Main street program access
- HB 1811 Hearing instruments/children
- HB 1836 Child sex crimes/fee waivers
- HB 1841 Crew size on certain trains
- HB 1842 Railroad employee work hours
- HB 1843 Railroad workers
- HB 1851 Care worker center
- HB 1863 Ag., food, nat. resource ed.
- HB 1867 Day care prof dev changes
- HB 1874 Adolescent behavioral health
- HB 1876 Children's mental health
- HB 1951 County road emergency loans
- HB 1957 Park and ride lot use
- HB 1959 Marijuana tax distribution
- HB 1976 Vaccine safety
- HB 1978 GMA gov. action assistance
- HB 1979 Surface water flow levels
- HB 1981 Manufacturing w/ patent/tax
- HB 1982 Groundwater fees/low-income
- HB 1984 Ag competitiveness/emissions
- HB 1985 Ag/greenhouse emission rules
- HB 2013 Allied veteran emblems
- HB 2022 Fish barrier removal funding
- HB 2025 Industrial insurance options
- HB 2026 Out-of-home care/relatives
- HB 2027 Suitable person/foster, etc.
- HB 2028 Foster care assessments
- HB 2033 Mandatory reporting of abuse
- HB 2034 Extended foster care
- HB 2038 Pavement condition reporting
- HB 2055 Elk management pilot project
- HB 2057 Ethics act/special privilege
- HB 2069 Utility service charges
- HB 2087 Retired farmers/prop. tax
- HB 2092 Huckleberry buyers/records
- HB 2093 Small business rights
- HB 2095 Sustainable farms and fields
- HB 2100 Small city business licenses
- HB 2103 Firearms regulations
- HB 2116 Institutional education
- HB 2155 State dinosaur
- HB 2182 Bump-fire stock prog records
- HB 2185 Higher ed residency/military
- EHB 2188 Military veteran CDL waivers
- HB 2190 Legislative transparency
- HB 2222 Property tax reduction
- HB 2237 Local effort assistance
- HB 2243 All-terrain vehicles
- HB 2244 Wheeled ATVs/state highways
- HB 2257 Regulatory reduction pilot
- HB 2262 WIC fruit & veg. benefit
- HB 2282 Unused public buildings
- HB 2298 Free and reduced meals info.
- HB 2299 Prison to postsecondary ed.
- HB 2320 Human trafficking training
- HB 2330 Agency actions & enforcement
- HB 2332 Lyme disease treatment
- HB 2412 Domestic brewery retail
- HB 2422 Civil immigration enf.
- HB 2430 Minors/intimate images
- HB 2455 High school/child care
- HB 2456 Working connect. eligibility
- HB 2471 Working connect. payments
- HB 2479 Local income taxes
- HB 2492 Pull-tab dollar limit
- HB 2498 DNR lease termination
- HB 2525 Family connections program
- HB 2556 Early learning provider regs
- HB 2557 WDFW hunting pamphlet
- HB 2579 Horse program/Coyote Ridge
- HB 2591 Foster care/dev. disability
- HB 2592 All-terrain vehicles
- HB 2595 Smoke detection devices
- HB 2596 New space economy
- HB 2605 Loans to businesses/B&O tax
- HB 2606 Loans for housing/B&O tax
- HB 2607 Identicards/homelessness
- HB 2608 Building code/projects
- HB 2621 Home health shortage areas
- HB 2644 AI-enabled profiling
- HB 2645 Photovoltaic modules
- HB 2648 Sex ed./parent involvement
- HB 2662 Total cost of insulin
- HB 2665 Spacecraft manufacturing/tax
- HB 2666 Warm water fishing adv group
- HB 2667 Energy code/residential
- HB 2671 Short subdivisions
- HB 2672 Intensive rural development
- HB 2673 Infill development
- HB 2681 Long-term care workers
- HB 2693 Special event liquor sales
- HB 2696 Meat and poultry misbranding
- HB 2700 Prosthetics and orthotics
- HB 2701 Fire & smoke control systems
- HB 2703 Public records act/judiciary
- HB 2705 Antlerless deer hunting
- HB 2712 Beef country of origin
- HB 2717 Learning assistance program
- HB 2718 Insurance comm. w/ minors
- HB 2729 Small rural hospital payment
- HB 2737 Child. mental health wk grp
- HB 2752 Wildlife mgmt. plans review
- HB 2758 911 dispatch personnel/PTSD
- HB 2767 Rec. target shooting areas
- HB 2784 Firearms/sales & use tax
- HB 2787 Infants and toddlers program
- HB 2790 License compliance agree.
- HB 2791 Basic ed funding/forestlands
- HB 2800 Personal services/liquor
- HB 2808 Legal firearms/possession
- HB 2813 Early achievers, voluntary
- HB 2816 School & classroom climates
- HB 2818 Blood donor day
- HB 2830 Electronic benefit cards
- HB 2845 Pistols/females under 21
- HB 2855 Road usage charge limits
- HB 2865 Kindergarten readiness info.
- HB 2866 Transfer of water rights
- HB 2879 In-state manufacturing
- HB 2885 Veterans service orgs.
- HB 2886 Local government permitting
- HB 2888 Pharmacists/behav. health
- HB 2924 Shared housing
- HB 2926 Critical incident stress
- HB 2928 Parents' bill of rights
- HB 2930 Student restraint, isolation
- HB 2933 Education choice scholarship
- HB 2946 Financial costs by state
- HB 2953 Health care B&O tax
- HB 2954 State property tax reduction
- HB 2958 Training wage
- HB 2968 Ballot envelope secrecy flap
- HJM 4000 Biochar
- HJM 4010 Vaccine side effect claims
- HJR 4206 2/3rd vote for tax increases
- HCR 4401 Code of conduct
- HR 4602 Dr. Martin Luther King
- HR 4609 Edgar Martínez
- HR 4610 Japanese American internment
- HR 4612 Children's day
- HR 4613 Presidents Day
- HR 4620 Washington National Guard
- HR 4621 Remote testimony
- HR 4622 Navy personnel
- HR 4630 Deputy Ryan Thompson
- HR 4632 Kittitas boys' basketball
- HR 4636 Sister Sharon Park
- HR 4639 Greg Payne
- HR 4641 Frank Chopp
- HR 4647 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4651 Auschwitz-Birkenau/Allies
- HR 4652 Navy day
- HR 4653 Agricultural producers
- HR 4655 Black history month
- HR 4656 Womens' right to vote
- HR 4661 Japanese American internment
- HR 4662 Presidents' Day
- HR 4665 TVW, 25 years
- HR 4680 Washington FFA
- HR 4682 Legislative staff
- HR 4684 Norma Smith
- HR 4685 Rep. Sherry Appleton
- HR 4686 Rep. Richard DeBolt
- HR 4687 Rep. Eric Pettigrew
- HR 4688 Rep. Christine Kilduff