Senator Jim McCune
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor click to expand contents
- SB 5134 Chinese Americans/schools
- SB 5135 Curriculum establishment
- SB 5136 Student given names
- SB 5137 Sex ed./parent approval
- SB 5213 Fentanyl possession
- SB 5483 History & heritage education
- SB 5564 Goals of a basic education
- SB 5565 Bingo gambling/senior groups
- SB 5566 Assaulting law enf. officers
- SB 5670 Fuel tax assistance grants
Secondary Sponsor click to expand contents
- SB 5000 State nickname
- SB 5001 Year-round Pacific std. time
- SB 5002 Immigration enforcement
- SB 5003 School security grants
- SB 5004 School emergency response
- SB 5012 Interscholastic athletics
- SB 5020 Senior citizens/prop. taxes
- SB 5028 Unlawful camping
- SB 5045 Battery stewardship/EVs
- SB 5046 Kimchi day
- SB 5047 Signature gathering/protests
- SB 5048 Initiative sig. challenges
- SB 5049 Sunshine committee
- SB 5050 Presidential primary privacy
- SB 5067 Impaired driving
- SB 5071 Controlled sub. endangerment
- SB 5073 Motor vehicles sales tax use
- ESB 5081 Unattended motor vehicles
- SB 5081 Unattended motor vehicles
- SB 5145 State spending prgs. review
- SB 5475 Salmon recovery maintenance
- SB 5524 Donate life license plate
- SB 5552 Kit homes/building codes
- SB 5574 History instruction
- SB 5623 Public records exemptions
- SB 5624 Electric vehicle fires
- SB 5630 Farm fuel users
- SB 5739 Public facilities districts
- SB 5748 Impact fees
- SB 5749 Housing opportunity zones
- SB 5750 State facility EV charging
- SB 5757 Auto. traffic safety revenue
- SB 5781 FDA labeling
- SB 5783 Vaccination status
- SR 8605 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8606 National Guard family, empl.
- SR 8612 Navy service members
- SR 8640 Karen Keiser