Senator Leonard Christian
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5116 Marriage/medical emergency
- SB 5172 Fire district civil service
- SB 5251 Lodging tax revenues
- SB 5255 Juvenile detention
- SB 5256 ISRB hearings/victims
- SB 5257 Juvenile firearm sentencing
- SB 5260 Juvenile correctional pop.
- SB 5287 Ignition interlock assist.
- SB 5342 Legislators/state facilities
- SB 5499 DOC body scanner program
- SB 5506 Residential private schools
- SB 5603 Juvenile attorney access
- SB 5635 Alt. on-site sewage systems
- SB 5639 Children of murdered parents
- SB 5643 Child fatality reviews
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5000 State nickname
- SB 5003 School security grants
- SB 5004 School emergency response
- SB 5009 Student transp. allocation
- SB 5012 Interscholastic athletics
- SB 5015 EFSEC governor approval
- SB 5019 Prepacked medication distr.
- SB 5020 Senior citizens/prop. taxes
- SB 5026 Motor vehicle sales tax
- SB 5028 Unlawful camping
- SB 5045 Battery stewardship/EVs
- SB 5047 Signature gathering/protests
- SB 5048 Initiative sig. challenges
- SB 5050 Presidential primary privacy
- SB 5056 WSP firearms records system
- SB 5060 Law enf. hiring grants
- SB 5071 Controlled sub. endangerment
- SB 5072 Abandoned vehicle auctions
- SB 5073 Motor vehicles sales tax use
- SB 5079 DSHS overpayments
- SB 5081 Unattended motor vehicles
- SB 5091 Motor vehicle emissions
- SB 5105 Fabricated depictions/minors
- SB 5111 Recording fees/escrow tax
- SB 5114 Retirement benefits/death
- SB 5117 Agriculture impacts
- SB 5130 Child care licensing fees
- SB 5135 Curriculum establishment
- SB 5137 Sex ed./parent approval
- SB 5144 St. agency tortious conduct
- SB 5145 State spending prgs. review
- SB 5146 Government efficiency portal
- SB 5150 Juvenile access to attorney
- SB 5151 Annual state spending growth
- SB 5153 DCYF to DOC transfer, age 18
- SB 5200 Veteran medical foster homes
- SB 5211 DD parental caregivers
- SB 5213 Fentanyl possession
- SB 5241 Fusion energy facilities
- SB 5250 Squatters
- SB 5258 Medicaid concurrent enroll.
- SB 5274 Body cameras/corrections
- SB 5276 Institution reimburse. rates
- SB 5277 Juvenile rehab. to 25 repeal
- SB 5278 Juvenile correctional pop.
- SB 5280 Virtual currency kiosks
- SB 5310 Child care subsidy rates
- SB 5311 Cash & food assistance/work
- SB 5317 EFSEC/services by local gov.
- SB 5323 Theft from first responders
- SB 5346 Student mobile device use
- SB 5351 Dental insurance practices
- SB 5352 Free school meals
- SB 5358 Career & tech. ed./6th grade
- SB 5405 Estate tax exclusion amount
- SB 5406 EV charging/state expense
- SB 5434 Gubernatorial emergencies
- SB 5442 College promise pilot
- SB 5483 History & heritage education
- SB 5527 State patrol longevity bonus
- SB 5530 Penalties/certain offenses
- SB 5533 Domestic violence/custody
- SB 5535 Firearms/individual right
- SB 5545 Family home prov./military
- SB 5547 Cannabis revenue/local gov.
- SB 5552 Kit homes/building codes
- SB 5558 Growth management comp plans
- SB 5566 Assaulting law enf. officers
- SB 5569 Direct transfer to treatment
- SB 5601 Alternative jet fuels
- SB 5630 Farm fuel users
- SB 5650 Cannabis local excise tax
- SB 5670 Fuel tax assistance grants
- SB 5703 Municipal solid waste
- SR 8605 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8606 National Guard family, empl.