Senator John Braun
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5007 Chronically absent students
- SB 5008 Public school tools
- SB 5009 Student transp. allocation
- SB 5071 Controlled sub. endangerment
- SB 5274 Body cameras/corrections
- SB 5276 Institution reimburse. rates
- SB 5277 Juvenile rehab. to 25 repeal
- SB 5278 Juvenile correctional pop.
- SB 5301 Gov. services/tribal lands
- SB 5310 Child care subsidy rates
- SB 5311 Cash & food assistance/work
- SB 5358 Career & tech. ed./6th grade
- SB 5410 Veteran parking privileges
- SB 5424 UW health sciences campus
- SB 5462 Vehicle inspection backlog
- SB 5645 Estate tax/extraordinary rev
- SB 5648 ABLE accounts
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5075 Prenatal and postnatal care
- SB 5091 Motor vehicle emissions
- SB 5117 Agriculture impacts
- SB 5144 St. agency tortious conduct
- SB 5145 State spending prgs. review
- SB 5146 Government efficiency portal
- SB 5151 Annual state spending growth
- SB 5153 DCYF to DOC transfer, age 18
- SB 5255 Juvenile detention
- SB 5256 ISRB hearings/victims
- SB 5257 Juvenile firearm sentencing
- SB 5258 Medicaid concurrent enroll.
- SB 5260 Juvenile correctional pop.
- SB 5263 Special education funding
- SB 5323 Theft from first responders
- SB 5330 Spiked drink testing
- SB 5434 Gubernatorial emergencies
- SB 5436 Worship/access interference
- SB 5455 Cancer research endowment
- SB 5458 Newspaper tax preference
- SB 5524 Donate life license plate
- SB 5526 Tobacco, nicotine, & vapor
- SB 5552 Kit homes/building codes
- SB 5577 HIV antiviral drugs/medicaid
- SB 5621 Sporting event raffles
- SB 5623 Public records exemptions
- SB 5630 Farm fuel users
- SB 5670 Fuel tax assistance grants
- SB 5678 Residential landlord-tenant
- SB 5679 Multifamily tax exemption
- SR 8605 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8606 National Guard family, empl.
- SR 8612 Navy service members