Senator Jeff Wilson
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5023 Roadside safety measures
- SB 5040 Enhanced docs/citizenship
- SB 5222 Litter control program
- SB 5224 Homelessness services/perf.
- SB 5245 Biosolids
- SB 5279 Housing equity property
- SB 5287 Wind turbine blade recycling
- SB 5314 Electric bicycle use
- SB 5414 Elections law violation info
- SB 5422 Behavioral health/schools
- SB 5436 Firearm transfers to museums
- SB 5494 Freight railroad infra.
- SB 5542 Vehicle charging equipment
- SB 5548 Vehicle service fees
- SB 5556 Naselle Youth Camp property
- SB 5595 State nickname
- SB 5596 Public health/consumers
- SB 5657 Kit home permitting
- SB 5740 Catalytic converter theft
- SB 5750 Wahkiakum county ferry
- SB 5779 Sunshine committee
- SB 5812 Electric vehicle fires
- SB 5820 Signature gathering/protests
- SB 5909 Electric vehicle impoundment
- SB 6149 Kimchi day
- SB 6158 Public facilities districts
- SB 6163 Biosolids
- SB 6174 Highways/mowing & litter
- SB 6232 Public records portal pilot
- SB 6262 State park heritage center
- SJM 8003 Justin DeRosier highway
- SJM 8008 Justin R. Schaffer highway
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5000 Americans of Chinese descent
- SB 5001 Public facility districts
- SB 5002 Alcohol concentration/DUI
- SB 5004 Business corporations
- SB 5008 K-12 instr. materials/access
- SB 5010 Synthetic opioids/endanger.
- SB 5011 Persistent offenders/robbery
- SB 5014 Emergency rules/approval
- SB 5017 Motor vehicles sales tax use
- SB 5018 Sales tax/transp. projects
- ESB 5022 Drug testing equipment
- SB 5024 K-12 education/parent rights
- SB 5025 DOC technology systems
- SB 5027 American dream homes
- SB 5029 School district boards
- SB 5030 Hog fuel/tax exemption
- SB 5034 Vehicular pursuits
- SB 5035 Controlled sub. possession
- SB 5063 Gubernatorial emergencies
- SB 5067 County legislative meetings
- SB 5071 Purple star award
- SB 5081 Victim notification
- SB 5089 Factory assembled structures
- SB 5112 Voter registration
- SB 5137 Indigenous women
- SB 5138 Vehicles as homestead
- SB 5142 HIV medication rebate rev.
- SB 5170 Legislative organizations
- SB 5182 Candidate filing
- SB 5246 Supreme court fiscal notes
- SB 5312 Clean energy/residential
- SB 5317 RTA vehicle removal
- SB 5351 Consumer health data
- SB 5353 Voluntary stewardship prog.
- SB 5356 Procurement/automated system
- SB 5378 Voter education
- SB 5381 Legislators/letters
- SB 5382 Fish and wildlife officers
- SB 5401 Motorcycles on laned roads
- SB 5416 Building code classif.
- SB 5425 Fire sprinkler contractors
- SB 5428 State procurement procedures
- SB 5438 Supportive relationships
- SB 5442 Charter schools/enrichment
- SB 5461 WSDOT graffiti removal order
- SB 5471 Electric bicycles/disability
- SB 5483 Digital processing services
- SB 5502 Sub. use disorder treatment
- SB 5508 Greenhouses
- SB 5512 Higher ed. financial reports
- SB 5520 Fire service policy board
- SB 5525 Dependency
- SB 5552 Military exercises/parks
- SB 5564 Missing persons reward prg.
- SB 5571 Public records act requests
- SB 5580 Maternal health outcomes
- SB 5581 Maternal support services
- ESB 5590 Mt. St. Helens license plate
- SB 5598 Horse racing/funding
- SB 5613 Rural public facilities/tax
- SB 5647 School safety/temp employees
- SB 5664 Salmon labeling
- SB 5677 Walla Walla sweet onion day
- SB 5680 Seismic safety/schools
- SB 5686 Senior citizens local tax
- SB 5698 State cactus
- SB 5715 Senior citizens/prop. taxes
- SB 5728 Fuels/climate commit. act
- SB 5734 ABLE accounts
- SB 5735 Impounded vehicles/military
- SB 5741 Housing gap voucher pilot
- SB 5745 Use of a stolen firearm
- SB 5756 Fuel tax suspension
- SB 5758 Electromagnetic attacks
- SB 5772 Energy code/federal law
- SB 5773 Public defense services
- SB 5780 Public defense training
- SB 5781 Law student rural PD program
- SB 5782 Right to counsel services
- SB 5792 Multiunit res./definition
- SB 5795 Year-round Pacific std. time
- SB 5801 Special deposits
- SB 5813 Agricultural instruction
- SB 5831 Vintage snowmobiles
- SB 5835 Rule making websites
- SB 5844 Dilapidated RV disposal
- SB 5861 Civil actions/domestic rel.
- SB 5863 Credit reporting/divorce
- SB 5871 Definition of veteran
- SB 5891 School bus trespass
- ESB 5906 Drug overdose prevention
- SB 5910 Smokey Bear license plates
- SB 5911 Cancer research funding
- SB 5916 Indigent defense task force
- SB 5926 Medicaid/continuous coverage
- SB 5951 EV charging/state expense
- SB 5967 Housing/public lands leases
- SB 5981 Early release petitions
- SB 5987 Gift certificates
- SB 5993 Voter education
- SB 6029 Detached ADUs
- SB 6030 ADU tax exemptions
- SB 6032 Religious schools/law enf.
- SB 6033 Ceremonial open carry
- SB 6041 False information/ethics
- SB 6081 Consumer contracts
- SB 6090 Law enf. hiring grants
- SB 6109 Children and families
- SB 6119 Law enforcement use of force
- SB 6125 Lakeland Village records
- SB 6160 Obstructing traffic
- SB 6169 Law enf. & military/firearms
- SB 6170 Enforcement action moneys
- SB 6171 Criminal justice/child care
- SB 6176 Payments/state enf. actions
- SB 6180 Waste material management
- SB 6184 Deepfake AI material/minors
- SB 6204 Curriculum establishment
- SB 6205 Pledge of allegiance instr.
- SB 6216 Student mental health net.
- SB 6219 Agritourism
- SB 6233 Energy code amendments
- SB 6235 Criminal justice assistance
- SB 6237 Wildlife safe passages
- SB 6238 Property tax/veteran widows
- SB 6251 Behavioral crisis coord.
- SB 6274 School resource officers
- SB 6280 Veteran parking privileges
- SB 6283 Connecting communities prg.
- SB 6288 Headlight use at all times
- SB 6301 Basic law enf. academy
- SJM 8004 Constitutional convention
- SJR 8200 Revenue for highway purposes
- SCR 8408 New Newhouse Building naming
- SCR 8414 Civic health committee
- SCR 8415 Yakima Valley redistricting
- SR 8604 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8605 Lunar new year
- SR 8610 India's Republic Day
- SR 8613 Washington National Guard
- SR 8634 People of Iran
- SR 8639 National donate life month
- SR 8649 Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8656 National donate life month
- SR 8660 Victims of stalking
- SR 8662 NCSL
- SR 8663 India's Republic Day
- SR 8664 Sandra Day O'Connor
- SR 8665 Lunar New Year
- SR 8672 Black history month
- SR 8674 1st territorial legislature