Senator Jeff Holy
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5097 Rare diseases adv. council
- SB 5246 Supreme court fiscal notes
- SB 5361 Law enf. officers/increase
- SB 5512 Higher ed. financial reports
- SB 5582 Nurse supply
- SB 5682 State hospitals/police costs
- SB 6053 Education data sharing
- SB 6090 Law enf. hiring grants
- SB 6119 Law enforcement use of force
- SB 6124 Shared leave/disasters
- SB 6197 LEOFF plan 2
- SB 6198 LEOFF 2 board employees
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5000 Americans of Chinese descent
- SB 5010 Synthetic opioids/endanger.
- SB 5011 Persistent offenders/robbery
- SB 5012 Columbia river third bridge
- SB 5024 K-12 education/parent rights
- SB 5027 American dream homes
- SB 5029 School district boards
- SB 5034 Vehicular pursuits
- SB 5035 Controlled sub. possession
- SB 5036 Audio-only telemedicine
- SB 5042 Vascular neck restraints
- SB 5043 Power plant long-term policy
- SB 5045 ADU rental/property tax
- SB 5048 College in high school fees
- SB 5058 Multiunit res. buildings
- SB 5063 Gubernatorial emergencies
- SB 5069 Interstate cannabis agrmts.
- SB 5079 Tuition establishment date
- SB 5086 Tribal police training
- SB 5090 Torts
- SB 5108 Law enf. training/regional
- SB 5113 Dental school faculty
- SB 5129 Nuclear reactor technology
- SB 5132 Assaulting law enf. officers
- SB 5146 Hydropower
- SB 5160 Organized retail theft
- SB 5199 Newspaper publishers/tax
- SB 5206 Intercollegiate athletics
- SB 5245 Biosolids
- SB 5250 Property tax exemptions
- SB 5289 Impact fees/law enforcement
- SB 5296 Military service credit
- SB 5299 Law enf. officer protection
- SB 5302 Adult family homes/prop. tax
- SB 5303 Public works assist. account
- SB 5312 Clean energy/residential
- SB 5328 Pub safety telecommunicators
- SB 5329 Higher ed. fees/campuses
- SB 5332 Homeless camps/schools, etc.
- SB 5349 Postretirement employment
- SB 5350 PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase
- ESB 5352 Vehicular pursuits
- SB 5358 Veterans' services
- SB 5373 ARNP, PA, & MD reimbursement
- SB 5382 Fish and wildlife officers
- SB 5385 Higher ed./work
- SB 5389 Optometry
- SB 5402 PTBA/limited law enforcement
- SB 5424 Flexible work/peace officers
- SB 5467 Controlled sub. possession
- SB 5468 Firefighters/LEOFF
- SB 5488 Food fish excise tax revenue
- SB 5494 Freight railroad infra.
- SB 5498 Nurse student loan repayment
- SB 5503 Nursing ed./clinical hours
- SB 5524 Industrial insurance/duties
- ESB 5534 Workforce investment board
- SB 5564 Missing persons reward prg.
- SB 5593 Student data transfer
- SB 5595 State nickname
- SB 5603 Driver training/large veh.
- SB 5664 Salmon labeling
- SB 5670 Running start/10th grade
- SB 5677 Walla Walla sweet onion day
- SB 5703 College grant/bridge grants
- SB 5736 Workforce shortages
- SB 5745 Use of a stolen firearm
- SB 5747 Projectile stun guns
- SB 5756 Fuel tax suspension
- SB 5758 Electromagnetic attacks
- SB 5760 Ferry vessel procurement
- SB 5763 Connecting WA bonds
- SB 5765 I-5 bridge tolling
- SB 5772 Energy code/federal law
- SB 5795 Year-round Pacific std. time
- SB 5803 National guard recruitment
- SB 5810 Interpreter bargaining units
- SB 5814 Cancer drugs coverage
- SB 5815 Physician assistant compact
- SB 5820 Signature gathering/protests
- SB 5826 Utility bills/CCA charges
- SB 5831 Vintage snowmobiles
- SB 5851 Holocaust and genocide edu.
- ESB 5906 Drug overdose prevention
- SB 5910 Smokey Bear license plates
- SB 5927 Tear gas authorization
- SB 5984 Higher ed. nonresidents
- SB 6000 Military service credit
- SB 6033 Ceremonial open carry
- SB 6035 Student loans/PSLF
- SB 6093 College admission criteria
- SB 6106 DSHS competency rest./PSERS
- SB 6137 Semiconductor tax incentives
- SB 6145 Small fire districts/leave
- SB 6147 Salmon purse seine fishing
- SB 6169 Law enf. & military/firearms
- SB 6204 Curriculum establishment
- SB 6219 Agritourism
- SB 6229 Green transp. grants/match
- SB 6280 Veteran parking privileges
- SB 6283 Connecting communities prg.
- SB 6318 Child sexual abuse
- SJR 8201 Public works account
- SJR 8205 Investments/persist. poverty
- SCR 8414 Civic health committee
- SCR 8415 Yakima Valley redistricting
- SR 8613 Washington National Guard
- SR 8625 Special Olympics
- SR 8633 Stephen Roy Lindstrom
- SR 8634 People of Iran
- SR 8635 Bill Russell
- SR 8645 Taiwan partnership
- SR 8649 Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8664 Sandra Day O'Connor
- SR 8665 Lunar New Year
- SR 8671 Civil rights act
- SR 8672 Black history month
- SR 8673 Ukrainian Americans
- SR 8674 1st territorial legislature