Senator Bob Hasegawa
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5268 Public works procurement
- SB 5335 Washington health trust
- SB 5356 Procurement/automated system
- SB 5643 Personal data rights charter
- SB 5684 Small works rosters
- SB 5975 Social housing
- SB 5993 Voter education
- SB 6077 Hemp in food
- ESB 6167 Local government procurement
- SB 6245 Refugee & immigrant assist.
- SJM 8001 National infrastructure bank
- SJM 8002 Elections, money spent on
- ESJM 8005 De-risking/financial inst.
- ESJM 8006 Universal health care
- SJM 8009 Harbor maintenance tax
- SR 8618 Japanese Americans/EO 9066
- SR 8654 Dick Nelms
- SR 8677 Japanese-Americans/WWII
- SR 8685 Seattle JACL
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5000 Americans of Chinese descent
- SB 5006 Waiver of firearm rights
- SB 5033 Custodial sexual misconduct
- SB 5039 Wildfires/electric utilities
- SB 5047 Voting rights act
- SB 5048 College in high school fees
- SB 5051 Dissolution/doc. language
- SB 5061 Personnel records
- SB 5070 Nonfatal strangulation
- SB 5078 Firearm industry duties
- SB 5080 Cannabis social equity
- SB 5081 Victim notification
- SB 5082 Advisory votes
- SB 5087 Defects and omissions
- SB 5093 Climate response strategy
- SB 5094 Water system plans/climate
- SB 5095 Parks/health & wellness
- SB 5096 Employee ownership
- SB 5109 Wage replacement
- SB 5112 Voter registration
- SB 5114 Sex trafficking
- SB 5119 Nonconviction data/auditor
- SB 5120 23-hr crisis relief centers
- SB 5125 Future fund program
- SB 5127 Student information/PRA
- SB 5128 Jury diversity
- SB 5131 Commissary funds
- SB 5134 Reentry services & supports
- SB 5137 Indigenous women
- SB 5144 Batteries/environment
- SB 5154 Solid waste management
- SB 5156 Farm internship program
- SB 5158 State & local taxation
- SB 5163 Medicaid fraud false claims
- SB 5165 Electric transm. planning
- SB 5170 Legislative organizations
- SB 5171 Consumer products/gender
- SB 5173 Property exempt from exec.
- SB 5190 Middle housing
- SB 5198 Mobile home community sales
- SB 5203 Climate change/planning
- SB 5208 Online voter registration
- SB 5209 Universal civic duty voting
- SB 5210 Annuity transactions
- SB 5214 Music therapists
- SB 5216 Collisions/driver reexam
- SB 5225 Working conn. child care
- SB 5230 Extended foster care
- SB 5231 Emergency DV orders
- SB 5238 Academic employee bargaining
- SB 5242 Abortion cost sharing
- SB 5250 Property tax exemptions
- SB 5256 Child welfare housing
- SB 5257 Elementary school recess
- SB 5263 Psilocybin
- SB 5264 Paraeducator requirements
- SB 5266 Riparian areas
- SB 5267 Railroad workers
- SB 5270 DOC/immigration assistance
- SB 5287 Wind turbine blade recycling
- SB 5300 Behavioral health continuity
- ESB 5309 Petroleum transportation/tax
- SB 5310 Workers' comp. providers
- SB 5315 Special education/nonpublic
- SB 5322 Public building materials
- SB 5327 Intern wages
- SB 5328 Pub safety telecommunicators
- SB 5334 Affordable housing funding
- SB 5339 Free school meals
- SB 5348 Distribution centers
- SB 5349 Postretirement employment
- SB 5350 PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase
- SB 5351 Consumer health data
- SB 5354 Social worker licensing
- SB 5366 Utility shutoffs/heat
- SB 5369 Polychlorinated biphenyls
- SB 5371 Orca vessel protection
- SB 5373 ARNP, PA, & MD reimbursement
- SB 5378 Voter education
- SB 5379 Associate development orgs.
- SB 5388 Diversity in clinical trials
- SB 5393 Health provider contracting
- SB 5397 Public benefit payments/DCYF
- SB 5400 Health professions/conduct
- SB 5417 Employer political speech
- SB 5418 Definition of public work
- SB 5423 Working conn. child care
- SB 5427 Hate crimes & bias incidents
- SB 5431 Zero emission school buses
- SB 5434 Juvenile court jurisdiction
- SB 5439 Livestock identification
- SB 5445 Prescription cost-sharing
- SB 5451 Long sentences review
- SB 5452 Impact fee use
- SB 5464 Electronics repair
- SB 5477 Murdered indigenous women
- SB 5484 Food/environmental steward.
- SB 5485 Public employees/child care
- SB 5486 Wealth/property tax
- SB 5489 Health care services/access
- SB 5492 Health care afford./medicare
- SB 5493 Financial instit./B&O tax
- SB 5506 Behavior support homes
- SB 5507 Tenure-track faculty
- SB 5509 Public infrastructure bank
- SB 5513 CTC mental health counseling
- SB 5519 Health care cost board
- SB 5522 College grant prg. stipend
- SB 5524 Industrial insurance/duties
- SB 5529 Domestic workers
- SB 5536 Controlled substances
- SB 5541 Supply chain transparency
- SB 5547 Nursing pool transparency
- SB 5550 Ferry workforce development
- SB 5551 Methane capture
- SB 5554 College grant award amounts
- SB 5555 Certified peer specialists
- SB 5557 Part-time faculty pay
- SB 5561 Law enf. community grants
- SB 5564 Missing persons reward prg.
- SB 5566 Postsecondary student needs
- SB 5570 Energy efficiency loans
- SB 5575 PTBA governing bodies
- SB 5580 Maternal health outcomes
- SB 5581 Maternal support services
- SB 5584 SR 520 tolls
- SB 5595 State nickname
- SB 5601 Youth development office
- SB 5603 Driver training/large veh.
- SB 5615 Rent controls/local gov.
- SB 5616 Lived experience
- SB 5617 Skill centers course equiv.
- ESB 5623 Hate crimes
- ESB 5629 Hepatitis B and C
- ESB 5632 Labor disputes/health care
- SB 5634 Problem gambling
- SB 5641 African heritage week
- SB 5651 GMA/equity and env. justice
- SB 5666 CTC student housing pilot
- SB 5683 Foster care/Indian children
- SB 5703 College grant/bridge grants
- SB 5705 Economic dev. committee
- SB 5706 Employee-union privilege
- SB 5708 Microenterprise home kitchen
- SB 5711 College grant eligibility
- SB 5712 College grant/promise prg.
- SB 5723 Even-numbered year elections
- SB 5729 Insulin cost-sharing cap
- SB 5732 Property tax exemptions
- SB 5767 Hospital exec. excise tax
- SB 5770 Property tax
- SB 5775 Epinephrine autoinjectors
- SB 5776 Insulin emergency supply
- SB 5777 Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts
- SB 5778 Employer political speech
- SB 5780 Public defense training
- ESB 5790 Medical equipment in schools
- SB 5798 Insurance notices
- SB 5799 Sale of halal foods
- SB 5802 Nursing rate calculation
- SB 5804 Opioid overdose/high schools
- SB 5806 Insurance company data
- SB 5808 Safety telecom/interest arb.
- SB 5810 Interpreter bargaining units
- SB 5811 Individual providers/family
- SB 5814 Cancer drugs coverage
- SB 5818 Seashore conserv. exemption
- SB 5819 Financial education
- SB 5829 Congenital cytomegalovirus
- SB 5830 Commission on boys and men
- SB 5832 Campaign finance/foreign
- SB 5837 State election database
- SB 5838 AI task force
- SB 5841 DUI/financial support
- SB 5842 Child support/SSN use
- SB 5843 Election security breaches
- SB 5845 Military housing taxation
- SB 5847 Prorate & fuel tax collect.
- SB 5848 Supreme court bailiffs
- SB 5849 Computer science/graduation
- SB 5850 Chronically absent students
- SB 5851 Holocaust and genocide edu.
- SB 5853 Behav crisis services/minors
- SB 5870 Early learning programs
- SB 5871 Definition of veteran
- SB 5872 Autonomous vehicles
- SB 5873 Student transportation
- SB 5882 Prototypical school staffing
- SB 5883 Special education hearings
- SB 5884 Restitution/env. crimes
- SB 5888 Health care/confinement
- SB 5889 Customer voice council
- SB 5893 Gate money/early release
- SB 5894 Equal pay/protected classes
- SB 5895 Academic employee bargaining
- SB 5896 Financial aid terms
- SB 5904 Financial aid terms
- SB 5908 Extended foster care
- SB 5912 Reentry services & supports
- SB 5916 Indigent defense task force
- SB 5917 Bias-motivated defacement
- SB 5921 Tribal rep./conserv. comm'n
- SB 5923 Substance use prevention ed.
- SB 5924 Access to personnel records
- SB 5926 Medicaid/continuous coverage
- SB 5930 Payday lending/small loans
- SB 5932 Temporary total disability
- SB 5936 Palliative care work group
- SB 5937 Crime victims & witnesses
- SB 5938 Community parenting alt./DOC
- SB 5940 Medical assistant-EMT cert.
- SB 5941 Subsidized child care
- SB 5942 Lead testing/Medicaid
- SB 5943 Resource data tool
- SB 5945 Vehicle dealers
- SB 5953 Incarcerated student grants
- SB 5955 Large port districts
- SB 5957 AI use guidelines
- SB 5960 Prescription labels/abortion
- SB 5961 Residential tenants
- SB 5964 Free school meals
- SB 5966 Student restraint, isolation
- SB 5968 Home equity sharing
- SB 5971 Offender score recalc.
- SB 5974 Unenforceable LFOs
- SB 5979 Construction worker leave
- SB 5980 WISHA violation timeline
- SB 5981 Early release petitions
- SB 5985 Firearms background checks
- SB 5986 Out-of-network health costs
- SB 5987 Gift certificates
- SB 5988 Gift certificates/unclaimed
- SB 5990 Env. justice/SEPA projects
- SB 5991 Industrial insurance/duties
- SB 5994 Antitrust penalties
- SB 5995 Interpreters and translators
- SB 5996 H-2A worker program data
- SB 5999 Financial aid eligibility
- SB 6001 Firearm disposition
- SB 6005 Solid waste management
- SB 6006 Victims of human trafficking
- SB 6007 Grocery workers
- SB 6009 Hog-tying
- SB 6018 Early learning coordinators
- SB 6021 Correctional fees & expenses
- SB 6025 Predatory loans
- SB 6035 Student loans/PSLF
- SB 6037 Sentence modification
- SB 6039 Geothermal energy resources
- SB 6040 Public works payments
- SB 6042 Juvenile detention release
- SB 6050 Postinpatient housing
- SB 6052 Petroleum product supply
- SB 6060 Electronic signatures/PERC
- SB 6063 Persistent offenders
- SB 6074 TNC driver death benefits
- SB 6097 Dental services contracts
- SB 6101 Hospital at-home services
- SB 6107 Construction/sanitary cond.
- SB 6109 Children and families
- SB 6111 Prevailing wage sanctions
- SB 6114 Sustainable aviation fuel
- SB 6123 Classified school employees
- SB 6126 Respite care
- SB 6127 HIV prophylaxis
- SB 6135 TANF transitional assistance
- SB 6136 Rental property B&O tax
- SB 6138 Thermal energy networks
- SB 6139 Health subsidy/retirees
- SB 6143 Salmon habitat planning
- SB 6145 Small fire districts/leave
- SB 6146 Tribal warrants
- SB 6148 Quality of care metrics
- SB 6149 Kimchi day
- ESB 6151 Ultrasound
- SB 6153 Peace officer hiring & cert.
- SB 6157 Civil service
- SB 6163 Biosolids
- SB 6166 Pesticide application comm.
- SB 6172 Birth doulas
- SB 6184 Deepfake AI material/minors
- SB 6185 PTBA governing body members
- SB 6186 Missing persons/pub. assist.
- SB 6187 DOC body scanner pilot
- SB 6189 Jail system
- SB 6191 Housing/taxes
- SB 6194 Legislative employees
- SB 6196 Basic income pilot program
- SB 6197 LEOFF plan 2
- SB 6200 Eluding & resisting arrest
- SB 6207 Office of indep. invest.
- SB 6208 Public school materials
- SB 6216 Student mental health net.
- SB 6219 Agritourism
- SB 6227 Protection order/insanity
- SB 6228 Substance use treatment
- SB 6234 Newborn screening for BCKDK
- SB 6235 Criminal justice assistance
- SB 6237 Wildlife safe passages
- SB 6238 Property tax/veteran widows
- SB 6241 Job posting wage disclosures
- SB 6252 Automobile insurance
- SB 6253 Learning assistance program
- SB 6254 Student navigational support
- SB 6256 Solar consumer protections
- SB 6264 Competency-based education
- SB 6265 Grocery coupons
- SB 6266 Firearms dealers
- SB 6267 DD parental caregivers
- SB 6276 Digital electronics/repair
- SB 6283 Connecting communities prg.
- SB 6287 Veterans benefits advising
- SB 6292 Eid al-Fitr and Hannukah
- SB 6293 Law enf. officers/deception
- SB 6299 Employees/digital technology
- SB 6314 Social studies instruction
- SB 6315 Retiree benefits
- SJM 8007 IDEA funding
- SJR 8202 Reproductive freedom
- SCR 8402 Jennifer Belcher Building
- SR 8604 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8605 Lunar new year
- SR 8607 Lourdes Alvarado-Ramos
- SR 8610 India's Republic Day
- SR 8611 Maritime economy
- SR 8613 Washington National Guard
- SR 8614 Keenan Konopaski
- SR 8620 Ukrainian Americans
- SR 8624 Holocaust remembrance day
- SR 8625 Special Olympics
- SR 8627 Cricket day
- SR 8628 U.S. Navy
- SR 8630 Women in cloud
- SR 8633 Stephen Roy Lindstrom
- SR 8634 People of Iran
- SR 8635 Bill Russell
- SR 8637 Ahmad Hilal Abid
- SR 8638 Sikh American community
- SR 8640 Ramadan
- SR 8641 Larry Itliong
- SR 8642 Mental & behavioral health
- SR 8643 Gary Wilburn
- SR 8644 Seattle Mariners
- SR 8645 Taiwan partnership
- SR 8646 Elijah Lee Lewis
- SR 8649 Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8653 Danny O'Keefe
- SR 8655 Pete Carroll
- SR 8657 Women in cloud
- SR 8663 India's Republic Day
- SR 8664 Sandra Day O'Connor
- SR 8665 Lunar New Year
- SR 8666 Gregory & Evelyn Christopher
- SR 8668 Jeannie Darneille
- SR 8671 Civil rights act
- SR 8672 Black history month
- SR 8673 Ukrainian Americans
- SR 8674 1st territorial legislature
- SR 8679 Sikh Americans
- SR 8688 Ramadan