Representative Kristine Reeves
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- HB 1120 Annuity transactions
- HB 1136 Employee expenditures
- HB 1227 Employer health care funding
- HB 1288 Dept. of veterans affairs
- HB 1297 Geoduck task force
- HB 1311 Credit repair services
- HB 1338 DOC ed. and vocational prgs.
- HB 1356 Biosimilar medicines
- HB 1370 Securities whistleblowers
- HB 1375 Delivery of alcohol
- HB 1378 Derelict aquatic structures
- HB 1511 Income/child care programs
- HB 1552 Urban agriculture study
- HB 1627 Family vlogs
- HB 1632 Retirement options study
- HB 1634 Residential insurance
- HB 1648 Ticket sales
- HB 1651 Infraction debt
- HB 1666 Fee and debt collection
- HB 1690 Kidney disease centers
- HB 1789 Ecosystem services
- HB 2148 Public school staff wages
- HB 2149 Consumer personal info.
- HB 2150 Candidate disqualification
- HB 2151 Cannabis lab. accreditation
- HB 2154 Persistent offenders
- HB 2155 Credential registry
- HB 2156 Solar consumer protections
- HB 2182 Regulated substance use data
- HB 2198 School facility temperatures
- HB 2243 Social equity land trust
- HB 2244 Retirement savings
- HB 2261 Employee student loans/tax
- HB 2275 Senior independent living
- HB 2298 Climate equity campus
- HB 2330 Wildfire protection
- HB 2333 Carbon seq./state lands
- HB 2334 Cannabis/dept of agriculture
- HB 2347 Adult family home info.
- HJM 4005 AI bill of rights blueprint
Secondary Sponsor
- HB 1001 Audiology & speech compact
- HB 1002 Hazing penalty
- HB 1006 Drug testing equipment
- HB 1007 Military service credit
- HB 1009 Military spouse employment
- HB 1010 Shellfish sanitary control
- HB 1012 Extreme weather events
- HB 1013 Regional apprenticeship prgs
- HB 1015 Paraeducator requirements
- HB 1017 Cosmetologists, etc/licenses
- HB 1019 Pesticide advisory board
- HB 1021 Social worker licensing
- HB 1022 Support & services levies
- HB 1023 Wire tap reports/courts
- HB 1024 Incarcerated persons/labor
- HB 1027 Audio-only telemedicine
- HB 1028 Crime victims & witnesses
- HB 1030 Applied doctorate degrees
- HB 1031 Medal of valor award
- HB 1032 Wildfires/electric utilities
- HB 1041 Prescribing psychologists
- HB 1042 Use of existing buildings
- HB 1046 Housing dev. income limits
- HB 1059 Sexual exploitation/minors
- HB 1060 Mutual insurer reorg.
- HB 1061 Insurance producer education
- HB 1070 Property sale and leaseback
- HB 1078 Urban forest management
- HB 1088 Uniform family law arbitrat.
- HB 1089 Sex trafficking
- HB 1090 Defects and omissions
- HB 1094 Future fund program
- HB 1095 Wage replacement
- HB 1097 Cosmetics tested on animals
- HB 1098 Clergy/child abuse reporting
- HB 1106 Unemployment/voluntary
- HB 1107 "Master" and "servant" terms
- HB 1109 Special education funding
- HB 1121 Uniform child abduction act
- HB 1122 WMS bargaining
- HB 1129 Mobile home community sales
- HB 1130 Firearm industry duties
- HB 1134 988 system
- HB 1139 Harassment/election official
- HB 1142 Tenure-track faculty
- HB 1149 Housing/capital expenditures
- HB 1150 Unlawful branding of person
- HB 1151 Fertility services coverage
- HB 1152 Consumer products/gender
- HB 1155 Consumer health data
- HB 1156 College grant eligibility
- HB 1158 Advisory votes
- HB 1165 Intimate images/civil remedy
- HB 1174 Jail-based voting
- HB 1176 Climate-ready communities
- HB 1177 Indigenous women
- HB 1186 Child welfare housing
- HB 1222 Hearing instruments coverage
- HB 1228 Dual & tribal language edu.
- HB 1229 Voter registration
- HB 1230 School websites/drug info.
- HB 1232 College bound scholarship
- HB 1238 Free school meals
- HB 1240 Firearms/assault weapons
- HB 1241 Harassment
- HB 1244 Enrichment levy authority
- HB 1246 Health benefits/SEBB
- HB 1247 Music therapists
- HB 1248 Pupil transportation
- HB 1249 Retail cannabis products
- HB 1258 Tourism marketing
- HB 1259 Secretary of state exec team
- HB 1260 Work-limiting disability
- HB 1261 Breast exam cost sharing
- HB 1265 Adult family homes/prop. tax
- HB 1266 Insurance comnr./email
- HB 1272 Voters' pamphlets
- EHB 1274 Child malnutrition guide
- HB 1277 Paraeducator course of study
- HB 1278 Nonrelative kin placement
- HB 1279 Firefighters/LEOFF
- HB 1281 Death with dignity act
- HB 1286 Reprod. health/employers
- HB 1289 Opportunity scholarship
- HB 1291 Academic employee bargaining
- HB 1295 DCYF placement agreements
- HB 1305 Students with disabilities
- HB 1313 Health care afford./medicare
- HB 1318 Aircraft maintenance/tax
- HB 1322 Walla Walla water 2050 plan
- EHB 1336 Vol. firefighter pensions
- EHB 1337 Accessory dwelling units
- HB 1361 State employment
- HB 1362 Reports
- HB 1363 Vehicular pursuits
- HB 1393 Journey level electricians
- HB 1405 Public benefit payments/DCYF
- HB 1415 Controlled sub. possession
- HB 1418 Charter schools/enrichment
- HB 1431 Senior living meals/tax
- HB 1435 Home care safety net assess.
- HB 1436 Special education funding
- HB 1437 Interstate massage compact
- HB 1451 Child care workforce
- HB 1469 Health care services/access
- HB 1473 Wealth/property tax
- HB 1481 Tribal peace officers/LEOFF
- HB 1488 Working forest license plate
- HB 1494 Irrigation & rehab districts
- HB 1501 Family counseling/homicide
- HB 1502 PFML job protection study
- HB 1503 Health care licenses/info.
- HB 1505 Alternative jet fuel
- HB 1507 Fair housing training
- HB 1516 Lunar new year
- HB 1525 Apprenticeships/child care
- HB 1557 Digital processing services
- HB 1563 Medical use of cannabis
- HB 1565 Prof. education workforce
- HB 1566 Vacation leave accrual
- HB 1573 Dairy, etc. tax preferences
- HB 1574 Methane/agriculture
- HB 1578 Wildland fire safety
- HB 1581 Cannabis commission
- HB 1593 RN PTSD/industrial insurance
- HB 1596 Affordable housing incentive
- HB 1603 Agricultural products promo.
- HB 1613 Controlled sub. possession
- HB 1633 Homes for heroes program
- HB 1668 Vehicular homicide/survivors
- HB 1669 Auto theft authority account
- HB 1670 Property tax limit factor
- HB 1679 Student homelessness group
- HB 1681 Problem gambling
- HB 1682 Auto theft authority account
- HB 1686 Salmon recovery
- HB 1693 Student homelessness pilot
- HB 1716 Child care B&O credit
- HB 1720 Riparian grant program
- HB 1725 Insulin/access under 21
- HB 1726 Fire service training
- HB 1728 Statewide resiliency program
- HB 1737 Reconciliation account
- HB 1740 Forestry riparian easements
- HB 1741 Prototypical school formulas
- HB 1746 State broadband map
- HB 1747 Seismic safety/schools
- HB 1750 Water safety education
- HB 1755 Democracy voucher program
- HB 1769 Juvenile records
- HB 1786 Milk product haulers
- HB 1790 Cannabis social equity
- HB 1862 Disabled veteran assist./tax
- HB 1866 Seasonal farmworker children
- HB 1869 National guard recruitment
- HB 1870 Local comm. federal funding
- HB 1873 Social service workers/OPD
- HB 1874 Predatory loans
- HB 1875 Child welfare workers
- HB 1876 Confidential fisheries info.
- HB 1877 Behavioral health/tribes
- HB 1879 Tribal curriculum/John McCoy
- HB 1880 Architecture licensing exams
- HB 1882 Even-numbered year elections
- HB 1883 Juror service wages/tax
- HB 1884 Cancer drugs coverage
- HB 1885 Campaign finance/foreign
- HB 1886 Prearrang. funeral services
- HB 1887 Climate cmit. act/consumers
- HB 1888 Newborn safe transfer
- HB 1889 Professionals/immigration
- HB 1890 Housing authorities
- HB 1891 Parent substance use
- HB 1892 Workforce housing prg.
- HB 1893 Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts
- HB 1894 Business licensing service
- HB 1895 Working families' tax credit
- HB 1896 Tourism marketing funding
- HB 1897 Charter schools/enrichment
- HB 1898 Unempl. benefit charging
- HB 1900 Recycling rates
- HB 1901 Unempl. voluntary program
- HB 1902 Firearms/purchase & transfer
- HB 1903 Lost or stolen firearms
- HB 1905 Equal pay/protected classes
- HB 1906 Vessel length/nonresident
- HB 1907 Medical assistant-EMT cert.
- HB 1910 Pawnbroker fees, int. rates
- HB 1911 Office of public defense
- HB 1912 Economic development info.
- HB 1913 International services/tax
- HB 1915 Financial education
- HB 1916 Infants and toddlers program
- HB 1917 Physician assistant compact
- HB 1920 Public accountancy act
- HB 1921 Food/certain substances
- HB 1925 Veterans service officers
- HB 1929 Postinpatient housing
- HB 1931 Incarcerated students
- HB 1932 Even-numbered year elections
- HB 1934 AI task force
- HB 1937 Trafficking/health providers
- HB 1939 Social work compact
- HB 1940 Employer political speech
- HB 1943 National guard ed. grants
- HB 1944 Running start for the trades
- HB 1947 Technology governance
- HB 1949 DSHS competency rest./PSERS
- HB 1950 Student loans/PSLF
- HB 1953 Dept. of licensing documents
- HB 1954 Health care/certain services
- HB 1955 Greenhouse gas disclosures
- HB 1956 Substance use prevention ed.
- HB 1958 Sexually protective devices
- HB 1960 Prototypical school staffing
- HB 1962 Voter address changes
- EHB 1964 Prorate & fuel tax collect.
- HB 1968 Fitness center defibrill.
- HB 1969 Individual providers/family
- HB 1975 Unemployment overpayments
- HB 1976 Incentives/energy upgrades
- HB 1978 Intrastate mutual aid system
- HB 1985 PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase
- HB 1986 Firefighter safety funding
- HB 1988 Customer voice council
- HB 1992 Superior court/Whatcom
- HB 1993 Water rights commissioners
- HB 1994 Misdemeanor dismissal
- HB 1997 Parks and recreation comm.
- HB 1999 Fabricated intimate images
- HB 2003 Housing/public lands leases
- HB 2010 Family violence
- HB 2013 Retirement benefits/death
- HB 2014 Definition of veteran
- HB 2015 Adult family homes capacity
- HB 2016 Minors/contracts for housing
- HB 2017 Schools/aged facilities
- HB 2019 Native American apprentices
- HB 2020 Public infra. assistance prg
- HB 2021 Firearm disposition
- HB 2022 Construction crane safety
- HB 2023 Elections/language assist.
- HB 2027 Law enf. certification
- HB 2028 Vehicle dealers
- HB 2029 Opioid overdose/high schools
- HB 2031 PTSD/coroners & examiners
- HB 2034 Court reorganization notices
- HB 2035 Work restrictions/age 16, 17
- HB 2036 Adult entertainment
- HB 2037 Holocaust and genocide edu.
- HB 2043 Theater licenses/alcohol
- HB 2045 Adopt a fish barrier program
- HB 2051 Small off-road engines
- HB 2052 Diaper changing stations
- HB 2053 Ninth grade success grants
- HB 2054 Firearm bulk purchases
- HB 2055 Gambling diversion court
- HB 2056 Supreme court bailiffs
- HB 2057 Incarcerated veterans
- HB 2058 Free school meals
- HB 2059 Sale of halal foods
- HB 2063 Homebuyers/REET exemption
- HB 2065 Offender score recalc.
- HB 2067 Congenital cytomegalovirus
- HB 2069 Biogenic carbon dioxide
- HB 2070 Env. justice/SEPA projects
- HB 2072 Antitrust penalties
- HB 2075 Indian health care providers
- HB 2076 Human trafficking crimes
- HB 2081 Home equity sharing
- HB 2082 Electrical transmission
- HB 2084 Construction training/DOC
- HB 2085 Habitat recovery pilot prg.
- EHB 2088 Crisis teams/liability
- HB 2089 Capital budget, supplemental
- HB 2090 Local boards of health
- HB 2091 Fallen firefighter memorial
- HB 2092 School construction funding
- HB 2098 Women's commission/gifts
- HB 2099 State custody/ID cards
- HB 2100 Mass layoffs
- HB 2101 Child care licensing fees
- HB 2103 Large port districts
- HB 2104 Operating budget, supp.
- HB 2105 Instream resources
- HB 2108 Smokey Bear license plates
- HB 2109 Permanent cosmetics
- HB 2110 High school graduation
- HB 2111 Subsidized child care
- HB 2112 Higher ed. opioid prevention
- HB 2115 Prescription labels/abortion
- HB 2117 Aerial firefighting/permits
- HB 2118 Firearms dealers
- HB 2119 Medical debt garnishment
- HB 2121 Special education hearings
- HB 2123 Running start for the trades
- HB 2124 Child care prg. eligibility
- HB 2125 Contingent faculty benefits
- HB 2130 Special education services
- HB 2134 Transportation budget, supp.
- HB 2135 Emergency worker prg./tribes
- HB 2136 Prevailing wage sanctions
- HB 2137 Tourism promotion exemptions
- HB 2138 Outdoor learning/state parks
- HB 2139 Self-service storage rental
- HB 2142 Reading coaches grants
- HB 2143 Oil exporters/human rights
- HB 2145 Health plans/mental health
- HB 2146 Chronically absent students
- HB 2147 Agriculture pests & diseases
- HB 2153 Catalytic converter theft
- HB 2157 Vaccine definition
- HB 2158 Urban growth area boundaries
- EHB 2164 Postsecondary ed protections
- HB 2165 Recreational use fees
- HB 2170 Budget stabilization account
- HB 2171 Incarcerated students
- HB 2174 Funded special education
- HB 2176 Preventive dental care
- HB 2180 Special education cap
- HB 2184 DD parental caregivers
- HB 2185 DCYF oversight board
- HB 2188 Health subsidy/retirees
- HB 2190 Public records act study
- HB 2191 PTBA governing body members
- HB 2192 National voter reg. day
- HB 2195 Early learning facilities
- HB 2201 Carbon market linkage
- HB 2203 Incarcerated veterans pilot
- HB 2209 Lunar new year
- HB 2214 College grant/public assist.
- HB 2215 Enrichment levies limit
- HB 2218 Extended foster care
- HB 2221 Sign language work group
- HB 2223 Librarians in public schools
- HB 2226 H-2A worker program data
- HB 2238 Ammunition tax
- HB 2239 Social-emotional instruction
- HB 2246 Vacation leave accrual
- HB 2250 Local elections
- HB 2254 Child support schedule
- HB 2260 Alcohol sale to minors/civil
- HB 2270 Department of housing
- HB 2282 African American studies
- HB 2300 Child care qualifications
- HB 2425 Rental support program
- HB 2430 Business licensing fees
- HB 2437 Retirement savings
- HB 2484 Legislative employees/ethics
- HJM 4003 Fossil fuel nonproliferation
- HJM 4004 DC statehood
- HJR 4201 Reproductive freedom
- HJR 4203 School district bonds
- HJR 4208 Gendered terms/Constitution
- HCR 4405 New Newhouse Building naming
- HR 4602 Jamie Walsh
- HR 4603 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4605 Presidents' Day
- HR 4606 Lourdes E. Alvarado-Ramos
- HR 4610 Washington National Guard
- HR 4615 Japanese American internment
- HR 4616 Children's day
- HR 4621 Bill Russell
- HR 4628 Feast of Saint Patrick
- HR 4629 Nowruz
- HR 4633 Rep. Jim Moeller
- HR 4642 Holocaust remembrance day
- HR 4643 Taiwan
- HR 4644 Office of Program Research
- HR 4653 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4661 Washington National Guard
- HR 4667 Black history month
- HR 4671 Presidents' day
- HR 4672 Japanese-Americans/WWII
- HR 4674 Derek Kilmer
- HR 4678 Nowruz
- HR 4697 Maureen Mueller
- HR 4698 Patty Moore
- HR 4699 Lisa Fenton
- HR 4700 Joel Kretz
- HR 4701 J.T. Wilcox