Representative Dan Griffey
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- HB 1279 Firefighters/LEOFF
- HB 1369 Fish and wildlife officers
- HB 1456 Definition of theft
- HB 1538 Special district malfeasance
- HB 1705 Stormwater facilities/county
- HB 1766 Protection orders/hope cards
- HB 1813 Community transition facs.
- HB 2093 Sexually violent predators
- HB 2140 Adverse possession
- HB 2296 Comprehensive plan revisions
- HB 2395 Strangulation & suffocation
Secondary Sponsor
- HB 1000 Working families' tax credit
- HB 1003 Dual credit program access
- HB 1004 Bridge jumping signs
- HB 1005 Military/employer tax incen.
- HB 1006 Drug testing equipment
- HB 1007 Military service credit
- HB 1009 Military spouse employment
- HB 1010 Shellfish sanitary control
- HB 1011 Long-term care/repeal
- HB 1013 Regional apprenticeship prgs
- HB 1014 Fire protection projects
- HB 1016 Wine retailer shippers
- HB 1029 Vaccine mandate reemployment
- HB 1032 Wildfires/electric utilities
- HB 1053 Vehicular pursuits
- HB 1056 Postretirement employment
- HB 1071 School resource officers
- EHB 1086 Community org. contracts
- HB 1159 Interstate cannabis agrmts.
- EHB 1209 Controlled substance equip.
- EHB 1274 Child malnutrition guide
- HB 1363 Vehicular pursuits
- HB 1371 Freight railroad infra.
- HB 1401 Housing permit process
- HB 1402 Urban growth boundaries
- HB 1403 Water & sewage system access
- HB 1404 State building code council
- HB 1418 Charter schools/enrichment
- EHB 1468 Impact fee deferrals
- HB 1472 Motor vehicle sales tax
- HB 1488 Working forest license plate
- HB 1533 PRA/employee information
- HB 1535 Gubernatorial proclamations
- HB 1537 Child care licensing
- HB 1540 Driver training/large veh.
- HB 1541 Lived experience
- HB 1542 AEDs/high voltage work
- HB 1548 Railroad workers
- HB 1561 Public utility tax exemption
- HB 1626 Colorectal screening tests
- HB 1696 Stalking-related offenses
- HB 1713 Health care/rural areas
- HB 1715 Domestic violence
- HB 1726 Fire service training
- HB 1734 Alt. placement contracting
- HB 1746 State broadband map
- HB 1751 Sex offender facility siting
- HB 1791 Commercial aviation services
- HB 1808 Parentage/sexual assault
- HB 1814 Vaccine mandate/reemployment
- HB 1845 Crime victims ombuds
- HB 1856 Transparency ombuds study
- HB 1863 Aquatic land surveys/payment
- HB 1864 Ignition interlock assist.
- HB 1869 National guard recruitment
- HB 1870 Local comm. federal funding
- HB 1871 Ferry empl./COVID-19 vaccine
- HB 1872 Homeless housing grants
- HB 1875 Child welfare workers
- HB 1878 State employee seniority
- HB 1891 Parent substance use
- HB 1897 Charter schools/enrichment
- HB 1899 Wildfire reconstruction
- HB 1914 Special education services
- HB 1915 Financial education
- HB 1922 Vape detectors/schools
- HB 1926 Supervision compliance
- HB 1941 Health home serv./children
- HB 1956 Substance use prevention ed.
- HB 1971 Rangeland fire pilot
- HB 2037 Holocaust and genocide edu.
- HB 2038 Public school transfer data
- HB 2060 Liquor/private club licenses
- HB 2091 Fallen firefighter memorial
- HB 2179 Child care local licensing
- HB 2202 Local public defense costs
- HB 2233 Controlled sub./children
- HB 2311 First responder wellness
- HB 2319 Substance use treatment
- HB 2332 Firearm recovery rewards
- HB 2337 LEOFF 2 board employees
- HB 2338 LEOFF plan 2
- HB 2353 Residential targeted areas
- HB 2358 Obstructing highways
- HB 2369 Private club liquor permit
- HB 2402 Fire srv. training account
- HB 2439 Personal income taxes
- HB 2442 Law enforcement memorial
- HB 2468 Child care facility siting
- HB 2469 Involuntary treatment
- HB 2472 Mental health/matching funds
- HB 2492 Ferries 75 commission
- HB 2498 Ferry system emergency decl.
- HJM 4002 Constitutional convention
- HJR 4202 Tax referendums
- HJR 4204 Investments/persist. poverty
- HJR 4211 Line item vetoes
- HR 4602 Jamie Walsh
- HR 4603 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4605 Presidents' Day
- HR 4610 Washington National Guard
- HR 4615 Japanese American internment
- HR 4616 Children's day
- HR 4619 Black history month
- HR 4626 Survivors of crimes
- HR 4633 Rep. Jim Moeller
- HR 4644 Office of Program Research
- HR 4646 Aeronautics and military
- HR 4653 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4661 Washington National Guard
- HR 4667 Black history month
- HR 4671 Presidents' day
- HR 4672 Japanese-Americans/WWII
- HR 4697 Maureen Mueller
- HR 4698 Patty Moore
- HR 4699 Lisa Fenton
- HR 4700 Joel Kretz
- HR 4701 J.T. Wilcox