Representative Darya Farivar
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- HB 1313 Health care afford./medicare
- HB 1345 DOC/costs of privileges
- HB 1432 Juvenile justice
- HB 1475 Online ballot portal
- HB 1541 Lived experience
- HB 1618 Childhood sexual abuse/SOL
- HB 1755 Democracy voucher program
- HB 1882 Even-numbered year elections
- HB 1994 Misdemeanor dismissal
- HB 2054 Firearm bulk purchases
- HB 2072 Antitrust penalties
- HB 2099 State custody/ID cards
- HB 2100 Mass layoffs
- HB 2192 National voter reg. day
- HB 2279 Dev. disabilities waiver use
- HB 2287 Corrections ombuds adv board
- HB 2403 Kennel fire safety standards
- HB 2473 Jail system
- HR 4629 Nowruz
- HR 4678 Nowruz
Secondary Sponsor
- HB 1006 Drug testing equipment
- HB 1025 Police/private actions
- HB 1027 Audio-only telemedicine
- HB 1048 Voting rights act
- HB 1062 Law enf. officers/deception
- HB 1069 Mental health counselor comp
- HB 1087 Solitary confinement
- HB 1110 Middle housing
- HB 1134 988 system
- HB 1152 Consumer products/gender
- HB 1174 Jail-based voting
- HB 1222 Hearing instruments coverage
- HB 1260 Work-limiting disability
- HB 1326 Utility connection charges
- HB 1335 Personal identifying info.
- HB 1388 Residential rent practices
- HB 1389 Residential rent increases
- HB 1400 Property exempt from exec.
- HB 1405 Public benefit payments/DCYF
- HB 1436 Special education funding
- HB 1455 Child marriage
- HB 1463 State employee transport.
- HB 1473 Wealth/property tax
- HB 1474 Covenant homeownership prg.
- HB 1513 Traffic safety
- HB 1515 Behavioral health contracts
- HB 1516 Lunar new year
- HB 1525 Apprenticeships/child care
- HB 1556 Property tax rebates
- HB 1575 Cultural access programs/tax
- HB 1625 Rent controls/local gov.
- HB 1628 Real estate excise tax
- HB 1640 Pardons and commutations
- HB 1769 Juvenile records
- HB 1772 Tetrahydrocannabinol & alc.
- HB 1837 Contraception vend. machines
- HB 1854 DOC/abortion medications
- HB 1893 Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts
- HB 1902 Firearms/purchase & transfer
- HB 1903 Lost or stolen firearms
- HB 1932 Even-numbered year elections
- HB 1960 Prototypical school staffing
- HB 2001 Sentence modification
- HB 2021 Firearm disposition
- HB 2027 Law enf. certification
- HB 2036 Adult entertainment
- HB 2080 Day habilitation services
- HB 2086 Office of indep. invest.
- HB 2114 Residential tenants
- HB 2118 Firearms dealers
- HB 2121 Special education hearings
- HB 2136 Prevailing wage sanctions
- HB 2152 Criminal insanity terms
- HB 2174 Funded special education
- HB 2180 Special education cap
- HB 2184 DD parental caregivers
- HB 2276 Housing/taxes
- HB 2314 Health care/confinement
- HB 2319 Substance use treatment
- HB 2342 Dependent youth financial ed
- HB 2348 County hospital funding
- HB 2352 College athletes
- HB 2365 Respite care
- HB 2368 Refugee & immigrant assist.
- HB 2374 Washington promise program
- HB 2380 Paraeducator compensation
- HB 2414 Hog-tying
- HB 2430 Business licensing fees
- HB 2497 Ferries 75 work group
- HJM 4003 Fossil fuel nonproliferation
- HJM 4004 DC statehood
- HJR 4201 Reproductive freedom
- HJR 4205 Property tax rebates
- HR 4602 Jamie Walsh
- HR 4603 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4605 Presidents' Day
- HR 4610 Washington National Guard
- HR 4615 Japanese American internment
- HR 4616 Children's day
- HR 4619 Black history month
- HR 4632 Developmental disabilities
- HR 4633 Rep. Jim Moeller
- HR 4644 Office of Program Research
- HR 4653 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4661 Washington National Guard
- HR 4667 Black history month
- HR 4671 Presidents' day
- HR 4672 Japanese-Americans/WWII
- HR 4674 Derek Kilmer
- HR 4697 Maureen Mueller
- HR 4698 Patty Moore
- HR 4699 Lisa Fenton
- HR 4700 Joel Kretz
- HR 4701 J.T. Wilcox