Representative Melanie Morgan
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- HB 1016 Juneteenth
- HB 1067 State dinosaur
- HB 1210 Cannabis terminology
- HB 1395 Equity in farming
- HB 1441 Prospective tenants/COVID-19
- HB 1443 Cannabis industry/equity
- HB 1617 State and school holidays
- HB 1827 Community reinvestment
- HB 1951 Seller disclosure statements
- HB 1987 Housing dept. task force
- HB 2016 Sex trafficking/education
- HR 4659 Ester Wilfong
Secondary Sponsor
- HB 1044 Prison to postsecondary ed.
- HB 1046 Community solar programs
- EHB 1049 Off-site delivery of vehicle
- HB 1054 Peace officer tactics, equip
- HB 1061 Child welfare/dev disability
- HB 1078 Voter eligibility/felony
- HB 1083 Relocation assistance
- HB 1109 Victims of sexual assault
- HB 1181 Veterans & military suicide
- HB 1182 Crisis response services
- HB 1194 Parent-child visitation
- HB 1264 Equity impact statement
- HB 1302 College in the high school
- HB 1310 Uses of force by officers
- HB 1312 Solitary confinement
- HB 1329 Public meetings
- HB 1335 Racial restrictions/review
- HB 1336 Public telecomm. service
- EHB 1342 Reduced-price lunch copays
- HB 1344 Long sentences review
- HB 1363 Secondary trauma/K-12
- HB 1365 Schools/computers & devices
- HB 1373 Behavioral health/students
- HB 1383 Respiratory care
- HB 1425 CTC student scholarships
- HB 1460 Telecommunications access
- HB 1490 Electricity and heating
- HB 1494 Antidisplacement/prop. tax
- HB 1499 Sub. use disorder/health
- HB 1504 Workforce ed. investment act
- HB 1507 Indep. prosecutions/police
- HB 1602 Tacoma Narrows project
- HB 1659 Higher education grants
- HB 1724 Supportive housing resources
- HB 1732 Long-term care/delay
- HB 1733 Long-term care/exemptions
- HB 1747 Child relative placements
- HB 1782 Middle housing near transit
- HB 1806 Legislature/bargaining
- HB 1897 Juvenile rehab./parent costs
- HB 1904 Tenants/rent & fees
- HB 1935 Workplace bullying
- HB 2057 State patrol workforce
- HB 2059 Real estate agents
- HB 2061 Public improvements/housing
- HB 2063 Incorporation/population
- HB 2075 DSHS service requirements
- HB 2077 Human trafficking posters
- HB 2085 Temporary emergency shelters
- HB 2124 Leg. collective bargaining
- HR 4601 Dr. Martin Luther King
- HR 4603 Black history month
- HR 4606 Lunar New Year
- HR 4607 Presidents' Day
- HR 4609 Japanese American internment
- HR 4627 Holocaust Remembrance Day
- HR 4632 Cathy Maynard
- HR 4635 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4638 India's Republic Day
- HR 4639 Washington National Guard
- HR 4644 Black history month
- HR 4645 Japanese American internment
- HR 4648 Presidents
- HR 4650 Mark L. Doumit
- HR 4651 Taiwan
- HR 4655 Jan Yoshiwara
- HR 4656 Animal therapy
- HR 4657 St. Patrick's Day
- HR 4662 Cooper Douglas Kupp
- HR 4666 Rep. Dufault
- HR 4668 Rep. Kirby
- HR 4669 Rep. Dolan
- HR 4670 Rep. Sells
- HR 4671 Rep. Jesse Johnson
- HR 4672 Rep. Dufault
- HR 4673 Rep. Sullivan