Representative Joel McEntire
Sponsored Bills:
Secondary Sponsor
- HB 1187 Split ductless HVAC systems
- HB 1215 K-12 education scholarships
- HB 1263 Rural infrastructure
- HB 1570 Proof of vaccination
- HB 1695 Legislature op. procedures
- HB 1696 Legislative facility access
- HB 1828 Ballot QR codes
- HB 1912 Capital gains tax/repeal
- HB 1914 Motion picture program
- HB 1951 Seller disclosure statements
- HB 1963 WSDOT employees/COVID-19
- HB 2110 Fish & wildlife enforcement
- HR 4601 Dr. Martin Luther King
- HR 4607 Presidents' Day
- HR 4609 Japanese American internment
- HR 4612 Boys and Girls Clubs
- HR 4627 Holocaust Remembrance Day
- HR 4632 Cathy Maynard
- HR 4635 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4639 Washington National Guard
- HR 4645 Japanese American internment
- HR 4648 Presidents
- HR 4650 Mark L. Doumit
- HR 4664 Bruce Morris Smith
- HR 4666 Rep. Dufault
- HR 4668 Rep. Kirby
- HR 4669 Rep. Dolan
- HR 4670 Rep. Sells
- HR 4671 Rep. Jesse Johnson
- HR 4672 Rep. Dufault
- HR 4673 Rep. Sullivan