Representative Mike Chapman
Sponsored Bills:
Secondary Sponsor
- HB 1015 Equitable access to credit
- HB 1031 Birth cert., stillbirth
- HB 1079 Charter schools time frame
- HB 1112 Use tax exemptions
- HB 1132 Water supply/farming & rural
- HB 1150 Building code membership
- HB 1195 Charter school time frame
- EHB 1199 DNR lease termination
- HB 1213 Child care & early dev. exp.
- HB 1217 Overtime claim retroactivity
- HB 1224 Spring blade knives
- HB 1228 Landlord-tenant/COVID-19
- HB 1244 Emergency proc. penalties
- HB 1265 Presidential primary
- HB 1279 Main street program
- HB 1297 Working families tax exempt.
- HB 1298 Accessory dwelling units
- HB 1299 Hospitality industry/B&O tax
- HB 1321 Reopening/public health
- HB 1350 Limited equity coop. housing
- HB 1353 Main street program/access
- HB 1459 Data center tax incentive
- HB 1494 Antidisplacement/prop. tax
- HB 1553 "Open safe, open now" plan
- HB 1557 Gubernatorial proclamations
- HB 1574 Disability/civil actions
- HB 1591 Charter schools/local enrich
- HB 1602 Tacoma Narrows project
- HB 1618 Election offices/weapons
- HB 1632 Tribal license plates
- HB 1653 Anadromous fish recovery
- HB 1732 Long-term care/delay
- HB 1733 Long-term care/exemptions
- HB 1750 Agricultural overtime
- HB 1765 Health benefit ex./B&O tax
- HB 1772 Gubernatorial proclamations
- HB 1775 Capital assistance/schools
- HB 1783 Freight transporters/L&I
- HB 1924 Hog fuel tax exemption
- HB 1957 Disaster recovery assistance
- HB 1958 Shovel-ready site cert.
- HB 1962 Charter school time frame
- HB 1993 Pesticide advisory board
- HB 2015 Working families' tax credit
- HB 2018 Sales and use tax holiday
- HB 2027 WDFW governance
- HB 2059 Real estate agents
- HB 2095 School seismic safety grants
- HB 2105 Landlord & tenant notices
- HB 2111 Newspapers/B&O tax
- HB 2113 Org. retail theft task force
- HB 2123 Cannabinoid products
- HB 2124 Leg. collective bargaining
- HJR 4200 School district bonds
- HJR 4204 Residential ex./property tax
- HR 4601 Dr. Martin Luther King
- HR 4603 Black history month
- HR 4607 Presidents' Day
- HR 4609 Japanese American internment
- HR 4627 Holocaust Remembrance Day
- HR 4628 Law enforcement officers
- HR 4632 Cathy Maynard
- HR 4635 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4639 Washington National Guard
- HR 4644 Black history month
- HR 4645 Japanese American internment
- HR 4648 Presidents
- HR 4650 Mark L. Doumit
- HR 4656 Animal therapy
- HR 4657 St. Patrick's Day
- HR 4666 Rep. Dufault
- HR 4668 Rep. Kirby
- HR 4669 Rep. Dolan
- HR 4670 Rep. Sells
- HR 4671 Rep. Jesse Johnson
- HR 4672 Rep. Dufault
- HR 4673 Rep. Sullivan