Senator Judy Warnick
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5277 Agricultural fair funding
- SB 5406 Small winery tax relief
- SB 5463 Impounded vehicles/military
- SB 5481 DFW officer bargaining
- SB 5504 Peer-reviewed journal access
- ESB 5573 Domestic violence TBIs
- SB 5621 Small claims court jx amount
- SB 5650 Teaching cursive in schools
- SB 5696 Payments in lieu of prop tax
- SB 5702 Public works bidding
- SB 5804 Ag., food, nat. resource ed.
- SB 5871 Columbia river endorsement
- SB 5874 Rural sat. skill centers
- SB 5904 Adolescent behavioral health
- SB 5945 Youth gang reduction pilot
- SB 5956 Livestock inspection
- SB 5959 Livestock identification
- SB 6068 Private airplanes/sales tax
- SB 6089 Marijuana odor task force
- SB 6090 Detection device liability
- SB 6091 WA food policy forum
- SB 6145 Property tax reduction
- SB 6326 Municipal conflicts
- SB 6327 Electrician temporary permit
- SB 6328 Local infra. investment prg
- SB 6329 Meat and poultry misbranding
- SB 6352 Alt. energy facilities
- SB 6365 WDFW/payments in lieu of tax
- SB 6401 Noxious weeds
- SB 6403 Multiuse roadway safety acct
- SB 6634 Adolescent behavioral health
- SR 8622 Shree Saini
- SR 8635 Deputy Ryan Thompson
- SR 8637 Kittitas boys' basketball
- SR 8687 Agricultural producers
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5007 Motorcycle helmet use
- SB 5012 Governmental continuity
- SB 5025 Self-help housing dev./taxes
- SB 5073 Election cost reimbursement
- SB 5136 Water infrastructure program
- SB 5147 Feminine hygiene products tx
- SB 5148 Hunting/visible clothing
- SB 5185 Abortion, notifying parents
- SB 5215 New employment tax credit
- SB 5219 Condominium warranties
- SB 5259 GMA/agricultural land
- SB 5261 Homeless persons/city hiring
- SB 5279 Outdoor burning
- SB 5281 Benchmark rate/comm services
- SB 5305 Electric util wildland fires
- SB 5320 DFW dog training, nonlethal
- SB 5325 Financial information/taxes
- SB 5327 Career connected learning
- SB 5330 Small forest landowners
- SB 5331 Long-term services & support
- SB 5352 Walla Walla watershed pilot
- SB 5358 Housing dev./religious orgs.
- SB 5361 Low-income housing dev. cost
- SB 5367 Military friendly schools
- SB 5368 DNR roads/private property
- SB 5369 Owner compensation/wells
- SB 5370 Aviation coordinating comm'n
- SB 5385 Telemedicine payment parity
- SB 5386 Telemedicine training
- SB 5387 Physician telemedicine cred.
- SB 5388 Campaign treasurers training
- SB 5389 Telehealth program/youth
- SB 5390 Property tax/residences
- SB 5391 Drug production disclosure
- SB 5419 Vehicle service fee adjust.
- SB 5423 Rural development, zones
- SB 5428 Higher ed./veteran health
- SB 5447 Dairy milk assessment fee
- SB 5455 FDA nonpublic information
- SB 5467 Tax preferences/mass timber
- SB 5468 Weights and measures program
- SB 5470 Homeless youth services
- SB 5476 Composting/nuisance lawsuits
- SB 5518 Tax foreclosure/as-is sale
- SB 5519 Mosquito control districts
- SB 5537 Behavioral health facilities
- SB 5547 Marbled murrelet strategy
- SB 5550 Pesticide application safety
- SB 5552 Native pollinators
- SB 5564 Business ecosystems
- SB 5567 Fish habitat projects
- SB 5570 Port district worker dev.
- SB 5572 School modernization grants
- SB 5574 K-12 computer sci. ed. data
- SB 5576 Climate science education
- SB 5586 Foster care TBI screenings
- SB 5588 Hydrogen production & sale
- SB 5589 Local taxes/employment
- SB 5590 School depreciation subfunds
- SB 5592 Ambulances in rural areas
- SB 5594 Media literacy & digital cit
- SB 5601 Health care benefit manage.
- SB 5611 State parks license plate
- SB 5612 Holocaust education
- SB 5613 Road vacation/body of water
- SB 5614 Harming police animals
- SB 5617 Nontribal gill nets
- SB 5626 Cultivation of shellfish
- SB 5629 Small modular reactors
- SB 5630 GMA hearings/composition
- SB 5631 State & local taxation
- SB 5632 Tax court, creating
- SB 5635 Behav. health professions
- SB 5636 Fiscal notes
- SB 5637 Behav. health entities/taxes
- SB 5640 Youth courts
- SB 5642 Intramuscular needling
- SB 5652 Impounded vehicle belongings
- SB 5653 Motorcycle parking methods
- SB 5657 Opioid pollution/wastewater
- SB 5666 Off-road vehicles/local gov.
- SB 5668 Tow truck operator auctions
- SB 5675 Drought preparedness
- SB 5685 Schools/student distress
- SB 5686 Retired school empl. heath
- SB 5687 Retirement system opt-out
- SB 5726 Clay targets/sales tax
- SB 5729 Dual credit enroll. priority
- SB 5732 Foundat. public health servs
- SB 5743 Vehicle taxation
- SB 5750 Distillery information
- ESB 5765 Persons transporting freight
- SB 5780 Health carrier networks
- SB 5781 Health insurance mandates
- SB 5788 Local infrastructure funding
- SB 5797 Salary & exp/acting governor
- SB 5798 Fish barrier removal/taxes
- SB 5803 Career & tech. ed. resources
- SB 5813 Arena projects/taxes
- SB 5829 Vol. firefighter pensions
- SB 5830 Vehicle combinations
- SB 5853 School construction
- SB 5876 DOC women's division
- SB 5903 Children's mental health
- SB 5918 Whale watching guidelines
- SB 5924 Auto insurance/vehicle reg.
- SB 5944 Law enf. training timeline
- SB 5947 Sustainable farms and fields
- SB 5948 Small business rights
- SB 5982 Pharmacy benefit managers
- SB 6025 Bump-fire stock prog records
- SB 6027 Floating residences
- ESB 6032 Apples special license plate
- SB 6036 Droughts/trust water rights
- SB 6041 Motor vehicle sales tax
- SB 6055 Health care & veterinary/B&O
- SB 6071 Fish and wildlife violations
- SB 6083 Travel trailers
- SB 6093 Park and land public access
- SB 6107 Affordable housing services
- SB 6115 Off-road vehicle reg.
- SB 6137 Cooperative finance org. B&O
- SB 6174 Park and land public access
- SB 6181 Minor victims of crime
- SB 6192 State facility conditions
- SB 6195 Forest health activity bonds
- SB 6198 Balanced budget/related fund
- SB 6212 Affordable housing/prop. tax
- SB 6222 Comm. property/clean energy
- SB 6245 Vehicle taxes & fees
- SB 6273 Protective marine bulkheads
- SB 6301 Surface water rights
- SB 6306 Soil health initiative
- SB 6345 Water infrastructure program
- SB 6355 Forest products/climate
- SB 6363 All-terrain vehicles
- SB 6371 School library info. & tech.
- SB 6377 Restaurant employ. training
- SB 6384 Hospital administrative days
- SB 6392 Local wine industry license
- SB 6406 Theft of a firearm
- ESB 6421 Farm internship program
- SB 6430 Industrial waste program
- SB 6434 Microenterprise home kitchen
- SB 6438 Public records act/judiciary
- SB 6450 Warm water fishing adv group
- SB 6457 American dream homes
- SB 6461 Project permit timelines
- SB 6462 Local income taxes
- SB 6470 Development paperwork
- SB 6494 Trust water rights
- SB 6538 Nursing license/survey data
- SB 6544 GMA/agricultural land
- SB 6545 Voluntary stewardship prog.
- SB 6546 Shared housing
- SB 6548 Overtime ex./employee choice
- SB 6554 Dietary supplements/tax
- SB 6555 Impaired driving
- SB 6623 Host home funding
- SB 6633 Human trafficking awareness
- SB 6679 Chinese American history
- SB 6691 Legislative chamber skylight
- SB 6693 Public works assistance acct
- SB 6695 Data center tax incentive
- SB 6696 Coronavirus response
- SB 6703 Repeal of 2020 legislation
- SJM 8004 Balanced federal budget
- SJM 8005 Biochar
- SJM 8007 Constitutional convention
- SJM 8015 Pinniped predation/salmon
- SJR 8200 Catastrophic incidents
- SJR 8205 Tax court
- SJR 8206 Car purchase taxes
- SJR 8216 Balanced budget, 4 year
- SJR 8219 Property tax/homeowners
- SR 8605 Dairy industry
- SR 8615 Taiwan
- SR 8617 Presidents' day
- SR 8623 Black history month
- SR 8628 Oso landslide
- SR 8629 Edgar Martinez
- SR 8630 Greg Stewart
- SR 8636 Washington National Guard
- SR 8641 National donate life month
- SR 8644 Erik Stark
- SR 8646 Luis Fernando Esteban
- SR 8650 Ukrainian Americans
- SR 8652 Deputy Justin DeRosier
- SR 8658 Military spouses, caregivers
- SR 8660 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8670 Womens' right to vote
- SR 8671 Dairy industry
- SR 8674 George R. Nethercutt, Jr.
- SR 8679 Washington Farm Bureau
- SR 8681 League of Women Voters
- SR 8682 Commercial fishing fleet
- SR 8684 Chinese Americans
- SR 8686 Civic education day
- SR 8696 Sikh American community
- SR 8708 James R. Ellis
- SR 8709 Ronald Main