Senator Bob Hasegawa
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5026 Elem. student peer mentoring
- SB 5027 Ballot postage, prepaid
- SB 5028 State need grant eligibility
- SB 5029 Washington investment trust
- SB 5040 State tx expenditures/budget
- SB 5041 Tax preferences
- SB 5042 B&O tax deduction/investment
- SB 5043 Proprty tx exemp/intangibles
- SB 5044 GET ready for college prog.
- SB 5173 Work & school absences/faith
- SB 5174 Tax expenditures
- SB 5394 Public wrks/resident workers
- SB 5444 County assessors offices
- SB 5511 Preservation of liberty act
- SB 5637 Voters' pamphlets, primaries
- SB 5722 Railroads/UTC regulation
- SB 5742 Drayage truck operators
- SB 5756 Oil windfall profits
- SB 5777 Audit of state universities
- SB 5954 Industrial hemp
- SB 5955 WA publicly owned trust
- SB 6004 Public hospital distrct brds
- SB 6165 Caucus political comm. accts
- SB 6201 LEOFF life annuity benefit
- SB 6213 Minority & women's business
- SB 6425 Public hospital districts
- SB 6426 Linked deposit program
- SB 6427 Puget Sound port authority
- SB 6488 Vacating a judgment
- SB 6489 Parking impact mitigation
- SB 6521 Property assessment appeals
- SJM 8009 Banking/Glass-Steagall act
- SR 8618 Japanese-Americans/WWII
- SR 8687 Japanese-Americans/WWII
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5009 Termination of pregnancy
- SB 5016 License plate replacement
- SB 5070 Cigar lounges & tobacconists
- SB 5073 Genetically engineered foods
- SB 5076 Residential home inspection
- SB 5083 Political yard signs
- SB 5096 Ferry & flood c.z. districts
- SB 5169 Sunshine committee
- SB 5170 Sunshine committee
- SB 5171 Sunshine committee
- SB 5179 Military/resident tuition
- SB 5181 Flame retardants
- SB 5184 Capital projects review brd
- SB 5201 Hazardous waste site cleanup
- SB 5211 Social networking accounts
- SB 5222 Industrial hemp
- SB 5223 Child victims of trafficking
- SB 5224 WA health security trust
- SB 5258 Ballot measure ad sponsors
- SB 5261 Liquor self-checkout
- SB 5262 Lodging tax
- SB 5268 Voter registration
- SB 5270 Motor voter preregistration
- SB 5292 Family & med leave insurance
- SB 5346 In-home care services
- SB 5349 Alt public works contracting
- SB 5350 Community & tech colleges
- SB 5360 Unpaid wages collection
- SB 5361 Claimant benefits payment
- SB 5363 Horse racing/ind. insurance
- SB 5372 Eliminating death penalty
- SB 5375 Assault in the third degree
- SB 5387 Corrections dept employees
- SB 5393 Apprenticeship utilization
- SB 5395 Prevailing wage
- SB 5417 Annexation within code city
- SB 5429 Tax prefs/manufacturing
- SB 5433 Dental professionals
- SB 5443 County assessors offices
- SB 5473 Voting rights act of 2013
- SB 5482 Affordable care act
- SB 5490 Veterans' assistance levies
- SB 5499 Filing initiative measures
- SB 5505 Valid voter signatures
- SB 5507 Candidate and measure donors
- SB 5526 Protecting employees
- SB 5544 Higher ed transfer, advising
- SB 5548 Differential tuition
- SB 5552 Child support collections
- SB 5554 Prescrip monitoring program
- SB 5557 Declaration of Human Rights
- SB 5567 Comm & tech college boards
- SB 5568 Tenant screening information
- SB 5576 Termination of pregnancy
- SB 5586 Hospitals/certif of need
- SB 5594 Sick & safe employment leave
- SB 5597 Locksmith services
- SB 5600 WorkFirst "work activity"
- SB 5606 Water/fire suppression
- SB 5621 Public works payroll records
- SB 5624 STEM or career and tech ed
- SB 5638 Bill & budget fiscal impacts
- SB 5642 School construction/funding
- SB 5643 TANF 5-year time limit exemp
- SB 5646 High school equiv certifs
- SB 5650 Retirement/plan 2 members
- SB 5651 Postretirement employment
- SB 5652 Retirement vesting/5 years
- SB 5655 Higher ed financial aid
- SB 5670 State need grant eligibility
- SB 5673 Community & tech colleges
- SB 5698 Disabled LEOFF plan2 members
- SB 5710 Reckless endangrmnt/firearms
- SB 5711 Firearms/background checks
- SB 5713 Higher ed/self-supporting
- SB 5720 Railroad employees/vehicles
- SB 5721 Railroad employees/hours
- SB 5730 Higher ed child care grants
- SB 5751 Inventory of state fees
- SB 5781 PSERS/corrections, DSHS
- SB 5782 Unmanned aerial vehicles
- SB 5783 Customizd employmnt training
- SB 5784 Aerospace tech innovation
- SB 5798 Termination of pregnancy
- SB 5814 Taxicabs, limos, for hire
- SB 5818 K-12 career education
- SB 5823 Public wrks projects/payroll
- SB 5827 School empl. service workers
- SB 5830 School empl. service workers
- SB 5833 Interpreter services
- SB 5839 Protection of workers
- SB 5853 Trades people at PUD's/PSERS
- SB 5864 Columbia R. crossing/bonds
- SB 5885 Instruction/Spanish, Chinese
- SB 5900 Voter-approved tax
- SB 5906 State recreational lands/DNR
- SB 5907 State recreational lands
- SB 5915 Impaired driving & beer tax
- SB 5928 Audit of state universities
- SB 5958 Student transition services
- SB 5959 Educator prof. learning days
- ESB 5964 Public records and meetings
- SB 5989 Veterans, military personnel
- SB 6003 State fire service/disasters
- SB 6005 Human resources director
- SB 6006 Population enumeration data
- SB 6008 Water-sewer districts
- SB 6015 Election laws, reconciling
- SB 6037 Whistleblowers/elec industry
- SB 6048 Flame retardants
- SB 6074 Homeless student ed outcomes
- SB 6075 Fire depts and authorities
- SB 6097 Campaign contributions
- SB 6098 Campaign contributions
- SB 6112 Cyberbullying prevention
- SB 6124 State Alzheimer's plan
- SB 6132 Senior property tax programs
- SB 6141 UTC and atty general records
- SB 6161 K-12 educators/prof. devel.
- SB 6162 Indian tribe-owned property
- SB 6166 Campaign credit card use
- SB 6170 Cultural competency ed
- SB 6172 Unmanned aerial vehicles
- SB 6197 Telecommunications consumers
- SB 6203 Scratch tickets, promotional
- SB 6210 Property tax refund order
- SB 6214 Industrial hemp production
- SB 6217 GPS data/law enforcement
- SB 6235 Educational employee comp
- SB 6257 Racial disproportionality
- SB 6262 Oil transportation safety
- SB 6272 Car dealers & manufacturers
- SB 6291 Tenant screening
- SB 6292 Tenant relocation assistance
- SB 6313 Homeless housing surcharge
- SB 6318 Small business assistance
- SB 6332 Child injured/school proprty
- SB 6339 Involuntary servitude
- SB 6348 Public hospital districts
- SB 6359 Termination of pregnancy
- SB 6412 Collection of sales tax debt
- SB 6424 Biliteracy seal/HS students
- SB 6428 Heavy civil construction
- SB 6437 Contractor registration
- SB 6438 Basic ed allocation formula
- SB 6449 Sexual orientation
- SB 6451 School construction
- SB 6473 Railroad crews
- SB 6477 Tax exemption transparency
- SB 6497 Minority & women's business
- SB 6506 Employees of state hospitals
- SB 6523 Higher ed opportunities
- SB 6546 Capital budget/ed resources
- SB 6556 Barriers to access
- SB 6574 Education financing
- SJM 8004 Official election mail
- SJM 8007 Fee on U.S.-bound cargo
- SJM 8011 International trade policy
- SJM 8012 Banking/Glass-Steagall act
- SR 8604 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8611 Taiwan
- SR 8613 National Guard
- SR 8615 WA girls and women in sports
- SR 8616 Women legislators
- SR 8617 Filipino-Americans
- SR 8622 Gifted education day & week
- SR 8623 Consul gen. Gao Zhansheng
- SR 8625 Washington state parks
- SR 8629 Seattle Raging Grannies
- SR 8630 Department of agriculture
- SR 8631 Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt
- SR 8634 U.S. Rep. Norm Dicks
- SR 8635 Individuals with autism
- SR 8636 Peace Corps volunteers
- SR 8638 Gideon v. Wainwright
- SR 8643 Welcome home Vietnam vet day
- SR 8648 Consul gen. Kiyokazu Ota
- SR 8651 Doris M. Brougham
- SR 8653 Apple blossom festival
- SR 8654 Skagit Valley tulip festival
- SR 8655 1963 Mt. Everest expedition
- SR 8663 Trooper Sean M. O'Connell Jr
- SR 8664 Senator Mike Carrell
- SR 8665 Nelson Mandela
- SR 8669 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8672 National Guard
- SR 8676 Seattle Seahawks
- SR 8680 Senator Paull Shin
- SR 8681 Enabling act
- SR 8682 Civil air patrol
- SR 8683 Senator George Fleming
- SR 8686 Captain William Swenson
- SR 8688 Filipino Americans
- SR 8690 Apple blossom festival
- SR 8694 WA girls and women in sports
- SR 8697 Tahoma High School students
- SR 8698 J.A. Bricker
- SR 8702 Navy appreciation day
- SR 8705 Judi Best
- SR 8713 Staff Sgt. Ty Michael Carter
- SR 8714 Sgt. Leroy Arthur Petry
- SR 8720 Ben Moore