Chapter 28A.630.123 RCW Dispositions
28A.630.005 Pilot project to assist school-age children in short-term foster care.
[2002 c 326 § 2.]
Repealed by 2017 3rd sp.s. c 25 § 8.
28A.630.010 Field tests of educational outcomes and related measures — Report.
[1987 c 401 § 7. Formerly RCW 28A.100.017.]
Expired January 1, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.090.
28A.630.015 Special services pilot program.
[2003 c 133 § 2.]
Expired June 30, 2007.
28A.630.016 Special services pilot program — Requirements for participation — Duties of superintendent of public instruction — Funding — Reports.
[2011 1st sp.s. c 27 § 5; 2007 c 522 § 959.]
Expired March 1, 2011.
28A.630.020 Rules.
[1987 c 401 § 8. Formerly RCW 28A.100.018.]
Expired January 1, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.090.
28A.630.025 Committee created.
[2005 c 496 § 2.]
Expired July 1, 2007, pursuant to 2005 c 496 § 4.
28A.630.026 Studies — Reports to the legislature.
[2005 c 496 § 3.]
Expired July 1, 2007, pursuant to 2005 c 496 § 4.
28A.630.030 Use of educational outcomes and related measures as part of a schools for the twenty-first century pilot project.
[1987 c 401 § 9. Formerly RCW 28A.100.019.]
Expired January 1, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.090.
28A.630.035 Interactive high school civics curriculum — Pilot project — Rules — Reports.
[2009 c 578 § 5; 2006 c 113 § 3.]
Expired January 31, 2010.
28A.630.040 Application for grants.
[1987 c 401 § 10. Formerly RCW 28A.100.020.]
Expired January 1, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.090.
28A.630.045 Local control and flexibility in assessments — Pilot project.
[2006 c 175 § 1.]
Repealed by 2009 c 556 § 20.
28A.630.050 Prevention of learning problems and academic delays — Pilot program — Expiration of section.
[1990 c 33 § 522; 1989 c 233 § 13. Formerly RCW 28A.120.094.]
Expired December 31, 1991.
28A.630.055 Comprehensive K-3 foundations program — Demonstration projects — Evaluation — Reports.
[2007 c 400 § 3.]
Expired September 1, 2010.
28A.630.058 English as a second language demonstration project — Reports.
[2007 c 400 § 4.]
Expired September 1, 2010.
28A.630.060 Prevention of learning problems and academic delays — Study — Expiration of section.
[1990 c 33 § 523; 1989 c 233 § 14. Formerly RCW 28A.120.096.]
Expired December 31, 1991.
28A.630.065 Lighthouse programs — Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics focus.
[2012 c 151 § 1; 2010 c 238 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.188.090 pursuant to 2013 2nd sp.s. c 25 § 8.
28A.630.066 Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education lighthouse account.
[2012 c 151 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.188.092 pursuant to 2013 2nd sp.s. c 25 § 8.
28A.630.070 All kids can learn incentive grants — Created.
[1990 c 148 § 2.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 402.
28A.630.075 All kids can learn incentive grants — Terms.
[1990 c 148 § 3.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 402.
28A.630.080 Application-Process-Criteria for waivers.
[2011 c 260 § 2.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2011 c 260 § 11.
28A.630.081 Application deadlines-Review-Approval-Duration of designation.
[2011 c 260 § 3.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2011 c 260 § 11.
28A.630.082 Proposed plan-Plan approval.
[2011 c 260 § 4.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2011 c 260 § 11.
28A.630.083 Waivers for innovation schools and innovation zones.
[2011 c 260 § 5.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2011 c 260 § 11.
28A.630.084 Reports-Dissemination of information.
[2011 c 260 § 6.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2011 c 260 § 11.
28A.630.085 Revocation of designation.
[2011 c 260 § 7.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2011 c 260 § 11.
28A.630.089 Expiration date-2011 c 260.
[2011 c 260 § 11.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2011 c 260 § 11.
28A.630.090 Expiration dates — 1987 c 401.
[1990 c 33 § 524; 1987 c 401 § 11. Formerly RCW 28A.100.025.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.091 Severability — 1987 c 401.
[1987 c 401 § 13. Formerly RCW 28A.100.026.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.095 Dual language grant program.
[2017 c 236 § 2.]
Expired July 1, 2020.
28A.630.097 Language access work group.
[2019 c 256 § 2.]
Expired December 31, 2020.
28A.630.100 Program established — Goals — Intent.
[1987 c 525 § 101. Formerly RCW 28A.100.030.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.101 Findings-Intent-2012 c 53.
[2012 c 53 § 1.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2012 c 53 § 13.
28A.630.102 Definition.
[2012 c 53 § 2.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2012 c 53 § 13.
28A.630.103 Collaborative schools for innovation and success pilot project-Created-Purpose.
[2012 c 53 § 3.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2012 c 53 § 13.
28A.630.104 Application of intent to participate-Requirements-Selection criteria-Grant allocation-Fiscal agent.
[2012 c 53 § 4.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2012 c 53 § 13.
28A.630.105 Needs assessments-Innovation and success plans-Notification of approval.
[2012 c 53 § 5.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2012 c 53 § 13.
28A.630.106 Implementation of innovation and success plans-Progress reports.
[2012 c 53 § 6.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2012 c 53 § 13.
28A.630.107 Evaluation of pilot project-Recommendations-Report.
[2012 c 53 § 7.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2012 c 53 § 13.
28A.630.109 Expiration date-2012 c 53.
[2012 c 53 § 13.]
Expired June 30, 2019, pursuant to 2012 c 53 § 13.
28A.630.110 Duties of state board of education.
[1990 c 33 § 525; 1987 c 525 § 102. Formerly RCW 28A.100.032.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.120 Task force — Duties — Members — Travel expenses.
[1990 c 33 § 526; 1987 c 525 § 103. Formerly RCW 28A.100.034.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.121 Findings-Intent-2014 c 219.
[2014 c 219 § 1.]
Expired August 31, 2019, pursuant to 2014 c 219 § 9.
28A.630.122 Definitions.
[2014 c 219 § 2.]
Expired August 31, 2019, pursuant to 2014 c 219 § 9.
28A.630.123 Expanded learning opportunities council.
[2015 c 163 § 1; 2014 c 219 § 3.]
Expired August 31, 2019, pursuant to 2014 c 219 § 9.
28A.630.124 Reports-Monitoring progress.
[2014 c 219 § 4.]
Expired August 31, 2019, pursuant to 2014 c 219 § 9.
28A.630.125 Summer knowledge improvement pilot program.
[2014 c 219 § 5.]
Expired August 31, 2019, pursuant to 2014 c 219 § 9.
28A.630.126 Applications for participation in the summer knowledge improvement pilot program-"Eligible schools"-Plan requirements.
[2014 c 219 § 6.]
Expired August 31, 2019, pursuant to 2014 c 219 § 9.
28A.630.127 Plan review and selection-Criteria.
[2014 c 219 § 7.]
Expired August 31, 2019, pursuant to 2014 c 219 § 9.
28A.630.129 Expiration date-2014 c 219.
[2014 c 219 § 9.]
Expired August 31, 2019, pursuant to 2014 c 219 § 9.
28A.630.130 Approval of projects by state board — Recommendations by task force.
[1990 c 33 § 527; 1987 c 525 § 104. Formerly RCW 28A.100.036.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.140 Applications — Proposed plan.
[1992 c 112 § 1; 1988 c 1 § 1; 1987 c 525 § 105. Formerly RCW 28A.100.038.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.150 Selection of projects.
[1990 c 33 § 528; 1987 c 525 § 106. Formerly RCW 28A.100.040.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.160 Administration of program and grant of funding by superintendent — Distribution of grants — Length of projects.
[1990 c 33 § 529; 1987 c 525 § 107. Formerly RCW 28A.100.042.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.170 Gifts, grants, and contributions for program — Schools for the twenty-first century pilot program account.
[1990 c 33 § 530; 1987 c 525 § 108. Formerly RCW 28A.100.044.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.180 Waivers from certain statutes or rules.
[1987 c 525 § 109. Formerly RCW 28A.100.048.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.190 Rules prohibited from being waived — Procedure for requesting waiver of federal regulations.
[1987 c 525 § 110. Formerly RCW 28A.100.050.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.195 Regional educator recruitment program.
[2019 c 295 § 103.]
Expired July 1, 2022.
28A.630.200 Resources and support for participant school districts — Use of colleges and universities — Staff development.
[1987 c 525 § 111. Formerly RCW 28A.100.052.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.205 Teacher endorsement and certification help pilot project (TEACH pilot)-Rules-Reports.
[2019 c 295 § 208; 2016 c 233 § 16.]
Recodified as RCW 28B.76.725 pursuant to 2019 c 295 § 209.
28A.630.207 Microcredential pilot grant programs-Report.
[2019 c 295 § 305.]
Expired July 1, 2020.
28A.630.210 Rules.
[1990 c 33 § 531; 1987 c 525 § 112. Formerly RCW 28A.100.054.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.220 Reports.
[1987 c 525 § 113. Formerly RCW 28A.100.056.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.230 Information on projects — Superintendent's duties through state clearinghouse for education information.
[1987 c 525 § 114. Formerly RCW 28A.100.058.]
Expired June 30, 1994, pursuant to RCW 28A.630.290.
28A.630.290 Expiration date — 1987 c 525 §§ 101-114.
[1990 c 33 § 532; 1987 c 525 § 115. Formerly RCW 28A.100.068.]
Decodified September 1995.
28A.630.295 Final report — Expiration of section.
[1992 c 112 § 2.]
Expired January 30, 1995.
28A.630.300 Legislative findings — Intent.
[1987 c 349 § 1. Formerly RCW 28A.125.010.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 402.
28A.630.310 Advisory committee — Development of model curriculum or curriculum guidelines — Study about resource center.
[1990 c 33 § 533; 1987 c 349 § 2. Formerly RCW 28A.125.020.]
Repealed by 1991 c 116 § 26.
28A.630.320 Grant program — Application procedure.
[1990 c 33 § 534; 1987 c 349 § 3. Formerly RCW 28A.125.030.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 402.
28A.630.330 Rules.
[1990 c 33 § 535; 1987 c 349 § 4. Formerly RCW 28A.125.040.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 402.
28A.630.340 Report to legislature.
[1987 c 349 § 5. Formerly RCW 28A.125.100.]
Repealed by 1991 c 116 § 26.
28A.630.390 Severability — 1987 c 349.
[1987 c 349 § 7. Formerly RCW 28A.125.900.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 402.
28A.630.500 Children's mental health and substance use disorder services-Pilot sites-Report.
[2018 c 175 § 10; 2017 c 202 § 6.]
Expired January 1, 2020.
28A.630.600 Running start summer school pilot program.
[2020 c 348 § 2.]
Expired December 31, 2022.
28A.630.750 Findings — Purpose.
[1991 c 346 § 1.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.753 Short title.
[1991 c 346 § 2.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.756 Definitions.
[1991 c 346 § 3.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.759 Project DREAM.
[1991 c 346 § 4.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.762 Districts' responsibilities.
[1991 c 346 § 5.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.765 Adult advisors.
[1991 c 346 § 6.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.768 Students' responsibilities.
[1991 c 346 § 7.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.771 Reporting requirements.
[1991 c 346 § 8.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.774 Superintendent's duties.
[1991 c 346 § 9.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.777 Collection and dissemination of information.
[1991 c 346 § 10.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.780 Technical support from state agencies.
[1991 c 346 § 11.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.783 Rules.
[1991 c 346 § 12.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.786 Contingency.
[1991 c 346 § 13.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.789 Severability — 1991 c 346.
[1991 c 346 § 14.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.800 Career ladders — Legislative intent to investigate.
[1985 c 349 § 3. Formerly RCW 28A.67.120.]
Repealed by 1995 c 335 § 203.
28A.630.820 Intent.
[1992 c 180 § 1; 1991 c 265 § 1.]
Expired September 1, 2001, pursuant to 1994 c 13 § 2.
28A.630.825 Special services demonstration projects — Duties of the superintendent of public instruction.
[1998 c 245 § 13; 1994 c 13 § 4; 1991 c 265 § 2.]
Expired September 1, 2001, pursuant to 1994 c 13 § 2.
28A.630.830 Selection advisory committee — Duties.
[1996 c 288 § 26; 1994 c 13 § 5; 1991 c 265 § 3.]
Expired September 1, 2001, pursuant to 1994 c 13 § 2.
28A.630.835 School districts' duties.
[1995 c 77 § 28; 1991 c 265 § 4.]
Expired September 1, 2001, pursuant to 1994 c 13 § 2.
28A.630.840 Special services demonstration project funding.
[1995 c 77 § 29; 1994 c 13 § 6; 1992 c 180 § 2; 1991 c 265 § 5.]
Expired September 1, 2001, pursuant to 1994 c 13 § 2.
28A.630.845 Demonstration projects that reduce percentage of students labeled disabled — Funding.
[1995 c 77 § 30; 1994 c 13 § 1; 1992 c 180 § 3.]
Expired September 1, 2001, pursuant to 1994 c 13 § 2.
28A.630.850 Expiration date of RCW 28A.630.820 through 28A.630.845.
[1994 c 13 § 2; 1991 c 265 § 7.]
Decodified September 2001.
28A.630.851 Expiration date — 1992 c 180.
[1992 c 180 § 4.]
Repealed by 1994 c 13 § 3.
28A.630.853 Effective date — 1994 c 13.
[1994 c 13 § 7.]
Decodified September 2001.
28A.630.860 Findings.
[1992 c 137 § 1.]
Repealed by 1993 c 335 § 12, effective May 12, 1993.
28A.630.861 School-to-work transitions program — Definitions.
[1993 c 335 § 11.]
Decodified June 1999.
28A.630.862 School-to-work transitions program.
[1993 c 335 § 2; 1992 c 137 § 2.]
Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1992 c 137 § 14.
28A.630.864 School-to-work transitions program — Selection of projects — Evaluation of program.
[1993 c 335 § 3; 1992 c 137 § 3.]
Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1992 c 137 § 14.
28A.630.866 School-to-work transitions program — Task force.
[1993 c 335 § 4; 1992 c 137 § 4.]
Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1992 c 137 § 14.
28A.630.868 School-to-work transitions program — Administration — Duration of projects.
[1995 c 335 § 109; 1993 c 335 § 5; 1992 c 137 § 6.]
Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1992 c 137 § 14.
28A.630.870 School-to-work transitions program — Gifts, grants, and contributions — School-to-work transitions program account.
[1995 c 335 § 110; 1993 c 335 § 6; 1992 c 137 § 7.]
Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1992 c 137 § 14.
28A.630.872 School-to-work transitions program — Waivers.
[1995 c 77 § 31; 1992 c 137 § 8.]
Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1992 c 137 § 14.
28A.630.874 School-to-work transitions program — Technical assistance — Rules.
[1995 c 335 § 111; 1993 c 335 § 7; 1992 c 137 § 9.]
Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1992 c 137 § 14.
28A.630.876 School-to-work transitions program — Reporting requirements.
[1997 c 58 § 305; 1993 c 335 § 8; 1992 c 137 § 10.]
Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1992 c 137 § 14.
28A.630.878 School-to-work transitions program — Dissemination of information.
[1993 c 336 § 603; 1993 c 335 § 9; 1992 c 137 § 11.]
Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1992 c 137 § 14.
28A.630.879 School-to-work transitions program — Selection of programs for grant awards.
[1993 c 336 § 602.]
Decodified June 1999.
28A.630.880 School-to-work transitions program — Short title — 1993 c 335; 1992 c 137.
[1995 c 335 § 112; 1993 c 335 § 10; 1992 c 137 § 12.]
Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1992 c 137 § 14.
28A.630.881 School-to-work transition project — Findings — Intent — Outreach — Technical assistance.
[1997 c 58 § 304.]
Repealed by 2009 c 556 § 20.
28A.630.883 Washington commission on student learning — Definitions.
[1993 c 336 § 201.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.655.010 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607.
28A.630.884 Definitions.
[1992 c 141 § 201.]
Repealed by 1993 c 336 § 1201.
28A.630.885 Washington commission on student learning — Advisory committees — Essential academic learning requirements — State-wide academic assessment system — Certificate of mastery — Educational pathways — Accountability — Reports and recommendations.
[1999 c 373 § 501; 1998 c 225 § 1; 1997 c 268 § 1. Prior: 1995 c 335 § 505; 1995 c 209 § 1; 1994 c 245 § 13; prior: 1993 c 336 § 202; 1993 c 334 § 1; 1992 c 141 § 202.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.655.060 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607.
28A.630.886 Academic assessments — Implementation dates — Use by educators.
[1995 c 303 § 2.]
Repealed by 1997 c 262 § 6.
28A.630.887 Reading goals — Reports to parents, community, and legislature.
[1999 c 388 § 201; 1998 c 319 § 101.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.655.050 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607.
28A.630.889 Fourth grade Washington assessment of student learning — Reporting results.
[1999 c 388 § 301; 1998 c 319 § 301.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.655.090 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607.
28A.630.945 Waivers for educational restructuring programs — Study by joint select committee on education restructuring — Report to legislature.
[(1997 c 431 § 23 expired June 30, 1999); 1995 c 208 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.655.180 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607.
28A.630.950 Joint select committee on education restructuring.
[1993 c 336 § 1001.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.655.182 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607.
28A.630.951 Annual report.
[1993 c 336 § 1002.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.655.184 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607.
28A.630.952 Review of laws and reporting requirements — Report to the legislature.
[1995 c 335 § 506; 1994 c 245 § 4; 1993 c 336 § 1003.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.655.186 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607.
28A.630.953 Commission on student learning, superintendent of public instruction, state board of education, higher education coordinating board, and state board for community and technical colleges — Annual reports to joint select committee.
[1993 c 336 § 1004.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.655.188 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607.
28A.630.954 Final report.
[1993 c 336 § 1005.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.655.190 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607.