Bill Information > HB 1195
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HB 1195 - 2025-26
Concerning compliance with siting, development permit processes and standards, and requirements for permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, indoor emergency housing, or indoor emergency shelters.
Companion Bill: SB 5497

Bill Status-at-a-Glance click to expand contents

Bill History



Jan 8
Prefiled for introduction.
Jan 13
First reading, referred to Housing. (View Original Bill)
Jan 21
Public hearing in the House Committee on Housing at 4:00 PM. (Committee Materials)
Jan 30
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Housing at 8:00 AM. (Committee Materials)
HOUS - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (View 1st Substitute)
Minority; do not pass.
Minority; without recommendation.
Feb 3
Referred to Appropriations.
Feb 12
Public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations at 4:00 PM. (Committee Materials)
Feb 20
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Appropriations at 4:00 PM. (Committee Materials)
APP - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (View 2nd Substitute)
Minority; do not pass.
Feb 21
Referred to Rules 2 Review.
Mar 4
Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading.
Available Documents
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Fiscal Note
Amendment Name Num Sponsor Type Description Action
1195-S2 AMH ABEL SERE 168 624 Abell Floor Pg 2 Ln 26
1195-S2 AMH BARK SERE 173 632 Barkis Floor Pg 1 Ln 15
1195-S2 AMH BARK SERE 180 631 Barkis Floor Pg 2 Ln 26
1195-S2 AMH BURN H1896.1 627 Burnett Floor Pg 2 Ln 26
1195-S2 AMH CALD SERE 182 626 Caldier Floor Pg 6 Ln 10
1195-S2 AMH CALD SERE 183 625 Caldier Floor Pg 6 Ln 6
1195-S2 AMH COUT SERE 167 630 Couture Floor Pg 5 Ln 12
1195-S2 AMH DUFA SERE 179 628 Dufault Floor Pg 6 Ln 6
1195-S2 AMH ENGE SERE 171 619 Engell Floor Pg 2 Ln 26
1195-S2 AMH ENGE SERE 178 623 Engell Floor Pg 2 Ln 26
1195-S2 AMH GRAH SERE 185 635 Graham Floor Pg 2 Ln 24
1195-S2 AMH JACO SERE 164 332 Jacobsen Floor Pg 2 Ln 24
1195-S2 AMH JACO SERE 181 331 Jacobsen Floor Pg 6 Ln 6
1195-S2 AMH MANJ SERE 184 634 Manjarrez Floor Pg 1 Ln 18
1195-S2 AMH PENN SERE 169 622 Penner Floor Pg 4 Ln 3
1195-S2 AMH PETE SERE 188 588 Peterson Floor Pg 1 Ln 10
1195-S2 AMH PETE SERE 190 636 Peterson Floor Pg 1 Ln 10
1195-S2 AMH STUE SERE 174 629 Stuebe Floor Pg 2 Ln 26
1195-S2 AMH WALJ SERE 170 621 Walsh Floor Pg 2 Ln 26
1195-S2 AMH WALJ SERE 175 620 Walsh Floor Pg 3 Ln 19
Available Videos
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Live video is available at the stated time. Archived video becomes available approximately two hours after the close of the hearing or floor session.
