Chapter 79.52.070 RCW Dispositions



79.52.010  Sustained yield forests No. 1 and No. 2 — Plan defined.
[1955 c 301 § 1; 1949 c 159 § 1; 1933 c 175 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 7879-1.]
Now codified as RCW 79.56.010.

79.52.020  Topographical survey — Maps.
[1933 c 175 § 2; RRS § 7879-2.]
Now codified as RCW 79.56.030.

79.52.030  Sales of timber.
[1933 c 175 § 3; RRS § 7879-3.]
Now codified as RCW 79.56.040.

79.52.040  Alternative methods.
[1939 c 130 § 5; RRS § 7879-15.]
Now codified as RCW 79.60.060.

79.52.050  Contracts — Requirements.
[(i) 1933 c 175 § 4; RRS § 7879-4. (ii) 1939 c 130 § 6; RRS § 7879-16.]
Now codified as RCW 79.56.050.

79.52.060  Performance bond — Cash deposit.
[1941 c 123 § 4; 1939 c 130 § 7; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 7879-17.]
Now codified as RCW 79.60.090.

79.52.070  Cooperation.
[1941 c 123 § 1; 1939 c 130 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 7879-11.]
Now codified as RCW 79.60.010.

79.52.080  Cooperative units.
[1939 c 130 § 2; RRS § 7879-12.]
Now codified as RCW 79.60.020.

79.52.090  Limitations on agreements.
[1939 c 130 § 3; RRS § 7879-13.]
Now codified as RCW 79.60.030.

79.52.100  Sales subject to cooperative agreements.
[1939 c 130 § 4; RRS § 7879-14.]
Now codified as RCW 79.60.050.

79.52.110  Easement over state land during life of agreement.
[1941 c 123 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 7879-13a.]
Now codified as RCW 79.60.040.

79.52.120  Transfer or assignment of contract of purchase.
[1941 c 123 § 3; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 7879-16a.]
Now codified as RCW 79.60.080.

79.52.130  Expense of administration.
[1933 c 175 § 6; RRS § 7879-6.]
Now codified as RCW 79.56.070.

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