Chapter 74.21.904 RCW Dispositions



74.21.010  Short title.
[1987 c 434 § 1.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.020  Intent.
[1990 1st ex.s. c 6 § 1; 1988 c 43 § 2; 1987 c 434 § 2.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.030  Definitions.
[1990 1st ex.s. c 6 § 2; 1989 c 11 § 27; 1987 c 434 § 3.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.040  Eligibility for benefits.
[1990 1st ex.s. c 6 § 3; 1987 c 434 § 4.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.050  Family independence program — Executive committee — Advisory committee — Records — Quorum.
[1990 1st ex.s. c 6 § 4; 1987 c 434 § 5.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.060  Family opportunity advisory councils.
[1988 c 43 § 3; 1987 c 434 § 6.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.070  Executive committee — Powers and duties.
[1990 1st ex.s. c 6 § 5; 1987 c 434 § 7.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.080  Mandatory enrollee participation.
[1987 c 434 § 8.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.090  Training and education activities.
[1987 c 434 § 9.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.100  Due process procedures.
[1989 c 175 § 158; 1987 c 434 § 10.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.110  Noncash benefits and required financial participation.
[1987 c 434 § 11.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.120  Limitations on subsidized and unsubsidized employment positions.
[1987 c 434 § 12.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.130  Compensation for enrollees.
[1987 c 434 § 13.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.140  Reports and evaluation.
[1988 c 43 § 4; 1987 c 434 § 14.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.150  Benchmark standard and incentive benefit payments.
[1987 c 434 § 15.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.160  Current program benefits assured.
[1987 c 434 § 16.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.170  Nonassistance food stamps.
[1987 c 434 § 17.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.180  Determining financial need and treatment of income.
[1987 c 434 § 18.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.190  Enrollee participation in work, training, and education activities — Criteria.
[1990 1st ex.s. c 6 § 6; 1987 c 434 § 19.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.200  Implementation of program.
[1987 c 434 § 20.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.201  Approval of implementation plan.
[1988 c 43 § 1.]
Decodified September 1995.

74.21.900  Reference to other laws.
[1987 c 434 § 21.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.902  Captions.
[1987 c 434 § 22.]
Expired June 30, 1993, pursuant to 1988 c 43 § 5.

74.21.904  Expiration of chapter.
[1988 c 43 § 5; 1987 c 434 § 25.]
Decodified September 1995.

74.21.906  Severability — 1987 c 434.
[1987 c 434 § 26.]
Decodified September 1995.