Chapter 70.94.017 RCW Dispositions



70.94.010  Declaration of policy.
[1957 c 232 § 1.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.011  Declaration of public policies and purpose.
[1991 c 199 § 102; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 1; 1967 c 238 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1005 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.015  Air pollution control account-Air operating permit account.
[2020 c 20 § 1080; 2019 c 284 § 6; 1998 c 321 § 33 (Referendum Bill No. 49, approved November 3, 1998); 1993 c 252 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 228.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1010 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.017  Air pollution control account-Subaccount distribution.
[2007 c 348 § 102; 2005 c 295 § 5; 2003 c 264 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1020 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010. Expired July 1, 2020.

70.94.020  Declaration of cause and purpose.
[1957 c 232 § 2.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.025  Pollution control hearings board of the state of Washington as affecting chapter 70.94 RCW.

Cross-reference section, decodified September 2011.

70.94.030  Definitions.
[2020 c 20 § 1081; 2005 c 197 § 2; 1993 c 252 § 2; 1991 c 199 § 103; 1987 c 109 § 33; 1979 c 141 § 119; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 2; 1967 ex.s. c 61 § 1; 1967 c 238 § 2; 1957 c 232 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1030 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.033  Environmental excellence program agreements-Effect on chapter.
[1997 c 381 § 21.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1040 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.035  Technical assistance program for regulated community.
[1991 c 199 § 308.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1050 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.037  Transportation activities-"Conformity" determination requirements.
[1991 c 199 § 219.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1060 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.039  Science advisory board — Risks of air contaminant emissions.
[1991 c 199 § 314.]
Repealed by 1994 sp.s. c 9 § 867, effective July 1, 1994.

70.94.040  Causing or permitting air pollution unlawful-Exception.
[2020 c 20 § 1082; 1980 c 175 § 2; 1967 c 238 § 3; 1957 c 232 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1070 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.041  Exception-Burning wood at historic structure.
[2020 c 20 § 1083; 1991 c 199 § 506; 1983 c 3 § 175; 1977 ex.s. c 38 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1080 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.050  Tests and surveys — Hearing — Resolution of necessity.
[1957 c 232 § 5.]
Repealed by 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 12.

70.94.053  Air pollution control authorities created-Activated authorities, composition, meetings-Delineation of air pollution regions, considerations.
[2020 c 20 § 1084; 1995 c 135 § 5. Prior: 1991 c 363 § 143; 1991 c 199 § 701; 1991 c 125 § 1; prior: 1987 c 505 § 60; 1987 c 109 § 34; 1979 c 141 § 120; 1967 c 238 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1500 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.055  Air pollution control authority may be activated by counties, when.
[1995 c 135 § 6. Prior: 1991 c 363 § 144; 1991 c 199 § 702; 1967 c 238 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1510 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.057  Multicounty authority may be formed by contiguous counties-Name.
[1967 c 238 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1520 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.060  Air pollution control districts authorized.
[1957 c 232 § 6.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.061  Declaration of public policy — Purpose of RCW 70.94.062, 70.94.064, 70.94.066, 70.94.068, 70.94.069 — Encouragement of local agencies — Responsibility.
[1967 c 238 § 7.]
Repealed by 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 46.

70.94.062  Regional authorities designated — Boundaries.
[1967 c 238 § 8.]
Repealed by 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 46.

70.94.064  First-class, second-class regional authorities defined — Determination of population.
[1967 c 238 § 9.]
Repealed by 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 46.

70.94.065  Formation pursuant to hearing by state board.
[1963 c 27 § 3.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.066  Activation date of first-class authorities — Meetings — When second-class authorities may be activated.
[1967 c 238 § 10.]
Repealed by 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 46.

70.94.068  Merger of active and inactive authorities to form multicounty or regional authority-Procedure.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 3; 1967 c 238 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1530 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.069  Merger of active and inactive authorities to form multicounty or regional authority-Reorganization of board of directors-Rules and regulations.
[2020 c 20 § 1085; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 4; 1967 c 238 § 12.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1540 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.070  Resolutions activating authorities-Contents-Filings-Effective date of operation.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 5; 1967 c 238 § 13; 1957 c 232 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1550 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.080  Powers and duties of district, county commissioners, county and district treasurers — Tax levies.
[1957 c 232 § 8.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.081  Powers and duties of authorities.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 6; 1967 c 238 § 14.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1560 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.085  Cost-reimbursement agreements.
[2009 c 97 § 12; 2007 c 94 § 14; 2003 c 70 § 5; 2000 c 251 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1570 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.090  Tax levy authorized — Vote.
[1957 c 232 § 9.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.091  Excess tax levy authorized-Election, procedure, expense.
[1973 1st ex.s. c 195 § 84; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 7; 1967 c 238 § 15.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1580 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.092  Air pollution control authority-Fiscal year-Adoption of budget-Contents.
[1991 c 199 § 703; 1975 1st ex.s. c 106 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 8; 1967 c 238 § 16.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1590 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.093  Methods for determining proportion of supplemental income to be paid by component cities, towns and counties-Payment.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 9; 1967 c 238 § 17.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1600 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.0935  Limitation on revenues collected from sources of air pollution — Exemption.
[1984 c 88 § 1.]
Repealed by 1990 c 157 § 3.

70.94.094  Designation of authority treasurer and auditor-Duties.
[2007 c 164 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 10; 1967 c 238 § 18.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1610 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.095  Assessed valuation of taxable property, certification by county assessors.
[2012 c 117 § 405; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 11; 1967 c 238 § 19.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1620 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.096  Authorization to borrow money.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 12; 1967 c 238 § 20.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1630 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.097  Special air pollution studies-Contracts for conduct of.
[1975 1st ex.s. c 106 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1640 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.100  Air pollution control authority-Board of directors-Composition-Term.
[2020 c 20 § 1086; 2009 c 254 § 1; 2006 c 227 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 704; 1989 c 150 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 13; 1967 c 238 § 21; 1957 c 232 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2000 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.110  City selection committees.
[2006 c 227 § 2; 1967 c 238 § 22; 1963 c 27 § 1; 1957 c 232 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2010 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.120  City selection committees-Meetings, notice, recording officer-Alternative mail balloting-Notice.
[2017 c 37 § 6; 2012 c 117 § 406; 2009 c 254 § 2; 1995 c 261 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 14; 1967 c 238 § 23; 1957 c 232 § 12.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2020 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.130  Air pollution control authority-Board of directors-Powers, quorum, officers, compensation.
[2020 c 20 § 1087; 1998 c 342 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 705; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 15; 1967 c 238 § 24; 1957 c 232 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2030 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.140  Powers of city, town, county, district in controlling and preventing air pollution.
[1957 c 232 § 14.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.141  Air pollution control authority-Powers and duties of activated authority.
[1991 c 199 § 706; 1970 ex.s. c 62 § 56; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 16; 1967 c 238 § 25.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2040 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.142  Subpoena powers-Witnesses, expenses and mileage-Rules and regulations.
[2020 c 20 § 1088; 2012 c 117 § 407; 1987 c 109 § 35; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 17; 1967 c 238 § 26.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2050 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.143  Federal aid.
[2020 c 20 § 1089; 1987 c 109 § 36; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 18; 1967 c 238 § 27.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2060 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.145  Rule-making authority — Rules exceeding federal requirements.
[1995 c 403 § 117.]
Expired July 1, 1999.

70.94.150  Permissive contents of ordinances, resolutions, rules — Considerations in determining causes of air pollution.
[1957 c 232 § 15.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.151  Classification of air contaminant sources-Registration-Fee-Registration program defined-Adoption of rules requiring persons to report emissions of greenhouse gases.
[2020 c 20 § 1090; 2010 c 146 § 2; 2008 c 14 § 5; 2005 c 138 § 1; 1997 c 410 § 1; 1993 c 252 § 3; 1987 c 109 § 37; 1984 c 88 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 19; 1967 c 238 § 28.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2200 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.152  Notice may be required of construction of proposed new contaminant source-Submission of plans-Approval, disapproval-Emission control-"De minimis new sources" defined.
[2020 c 20 § 1091. Prior: 1996 c 67 § 1; 1996 c 29 § 1; 1993 c 252 § 4; 1991 c 199 § 302; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 20; 1967 c 238 § 29.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2210 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.153  Existing stationary source-Replacement or substantial alteration of emission control technology.
[2020 c 20 § 1092; 1991 c 199 § 303.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2220 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.154  RACT requirements.
[2020 c 20 § 1093; 1996 c 29 § 2; 1993 c 252 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2230 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.155  Control of emissions-Bubble concept-Schedules of compliance.
[1991 c 199 § 305; 1981 c 224 § 1; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2240 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.157  Preemption of uniform building and fire codes.
[1991 c 199 § 315.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2250 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.160  Enforcement of ordinances, resolutions, rules.
[1963 c 27 § 2; 1957 c 232 § 16.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.161  Operating permits for air contaminant sources-Generally-Fees, report to legislature.
[2020 c 20 § 1094; 2008 c 14 § 6; 1993 c 252 § 5; 1991 c 199 § 301.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2260 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.162  Annual fees from operating permit program source to cover cost of program.
[2020 c 20 § 1095; 2014 c 76 § 5; 1998 c 245 § 129; 1993 c 252 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2270 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.163  Source categories not required to have a permit-Recommendations.
[2020 c 20 § 1096; 1991 c 199 § 304.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2280 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.165  Gasoline recovery devices-Limitation on requiring.
[2020 c 20 § 1097; 1996 c 294 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2290 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.170  Air pollution control authority control officer.
[1991 c 199 § 707; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 21; 1967 c 238 § 30; 1957 c 232 § 17.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2300 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.180  Variances — When permitted.
[1957 c 232 § 18.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.181  Variances-Application for-Considerations-Limitations-Renewals-Review.
[2020 c 20 § 1098; 1991 c 199 § 306; 1983 c 3 § 176; 1974 ex.s. c 59 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 22; 1967 c 238 § 31.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2310 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.190  Variances — Balancing equities — Revocation, modification.
[1957 c 232 § 19.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.200  Investigation of conditions by control officer or department-Entering private, public property.
[1987 c 109 § 38; 1979 c 141 § 121; 1967 c 238 § 32; 1957 c 232 § 20.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2500 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.205  Confidentiality of records and information.
[1991 c 199 § 307; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 4; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 23; 1967 c 238 § 33.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2510 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.210  Violations of provisions controlling air pollution — Notice — Order to remedy.
[1957 c 232 § 21.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.211  Enforcement actions by air authority-Notice to violators.
[2020 c 20 § 1099; 1991 c 199 § 309; 1974 ex.s. c 69 § 4; 1970 ex.s. c 62 § 57; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 24; 1967 c 238 § 34.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2520 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.220  Hearing on and appeal from control officer's order.
[1957 c 232 § 22.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.221  Order final unless appealed to pollution control hearings board.
[1970 ex.s. c 62 § 58; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 25; 1967 c 238 § 35.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2530 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.222  Order — Finality — Review.
[1970 ex.s. c 62 s 59; 1970 ex.s. c 41 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 26; 1967 c 238 § 36.]
Repealed by 1995 c 135 § 8.

70.94.223  Order — Stay pending final determination.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 27; 1967 c 238 § 37.]
Repealed by 1987 c 109 § 159.

70.94.230  Rules of authority supersede local rules, regulations, etc.-Exceptions.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 28; 1967 c 238 § 38; 1957 c 232 § 23.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2540 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.231  Air pollution control authority-Dissolution of prior districts-Continuation of rules and regulations until superseded.
[2020 c 20 § 1100; 1991 c 199 § 708; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 29; 1967 c 238 § 39.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2550 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.232  Local or regional control program considered activated authority — Construction of prior ordinances, resolutions, rules or regulations.
[1983 c 3 § 177; 1967 c 238 § 40.]
Repealed by 1991 c 199 § 718.

70.94.240  Air pollution control advisory council.
[1991 c 199 § 709; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 30; 1967 c 238 § 41; 1957 c 232 § 24.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2560 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.250  Exemptions from chapter.
[1967 c 238 § 42; 1957 c 232 § 25.]
Repealed by 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 7.

70.94.260  Dissolution of authority-Deactivation of authority.
[1979 ex.s. c 30 § 12; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 31; 1967 c 238 § 43; 1957 c 232 § 26.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2570 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.262  Withdrawal from multicounty authority.
[2020 c 20 § 1101; 1991 c 125 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2580 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.300  State air pollution control board established — Composition, appointment, terms, vacancies, quorum — Executive director.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 32; 1967 c 238 § 44; 1961 c 188 § 1.]
Repealed by 1970 ex.s. c 62 § 30.

70.94.302  Certain generators fueled by biogas produced by an anaerobic digester-Extended compliance period for permit provisions related to the emissions limit for sulfur-Technical assistance.
[2020 c 20 § 1102; 2012 c 238 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.2590 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.305  Powers, duties and functions of state air pollution control board, executive director thereof, transferred to department of ecology.

Cross-reference section, decodified August 1997.

70.94.310  Meetings of state board.
[1961 c 188 § 2.]
Repealed by 1970 ex.s. c 62 § 30.

70.94.320  Members of state board to serve without compensation — Expenses and per diem.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 33; 1961 c 188 § 3.]
Repealed by 1970 ex.s. c 62 § 30.

70.94.330  Duties of director of health with approval of state board — Standards.
[1961 c 188 § 4.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.331  Powers and duties of department.
[2020 c 20 § 1103; 1991 c 199 § 710; 1988 c 106 § 1. Prior: 1987 c 405 § 13; 1987 c 109 § 39; 1985 c 372 § 4; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 34; 1967 c 238 § 46.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3000 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.332  Enforcement actions by department-Notice to violators.
[2020 c 20 § 1104; 1991 c 199 § 711; 1987 c 109 § 18; 1967 c 238 § 47.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3010 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.333  Orders of department — Hearings — Judicial review.
[1967 c 238 § 48.]
Repealed by 1987 c 109 § 159.

70.94.334  Appointment of hearing officer — Powers and duties.
[1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 5; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 35; 1967 c 238 § 49.]
Repealed by 1987 c 109 § 159.

70.94.335  Hazardous substance remedial actions-Procedural requirements not applicable.
[2020 c 20 § 1105; 1994 c 257 § 15.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3020 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.340  Quarterly reports, special studies by director — Distribution.
[1961 c 188 § 5.]
Repealed by 1977 c 75 § 96.

70.94.350  Contracts, agreements for use of personnel by department-Reimbursement-Merit system regulations waived.
[1987 c 109 § 40; 1979 c 141 § 122; 1967 c 238 § 45; 1961 c 188 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3030 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.360  Entry upon public or private property — Investigation results confidential — Disclosure.
[1961 c 188 § 7.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.370  Powers and rights of governmental units and persons are not limited by act or recommendations.
[1979 c 141 § 123; 1967 c 238 § 59; 1961 c 188 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3040 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.380  Emission control requirements.
[1987 c 405 § 14; 1979 ex.s. c 30 § 13; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 36; 1967 c 238 § 50.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3050 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.385  State financial aid-Application for-Requirements.
[2020 c 20 § 1106; 1991 c 199 § 712; 1987 c 109 § 41; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 37; 1967 c 238 § 51.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3060 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.390  Hearing upon activation of authority-Finding-Assumption of jurisdiction by department-Expenses.
[2020 c 20 § 1107; 2012 c 117 § 408; 1987 c 109 § 42; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 38; 1967 c 238 § 52.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3070 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.395  Air contaminant sources-Regulation by department; authorities may be more stringent-Hearing-Standards.
[1991 c 199 § 713; 1987 c 109 § 43; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 39; 1967 c 238 § 53.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3080 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.400  Order activating authority-Filing-Hearing-Amendment of order.
[2020 c 20 § 1108; 1987 c 109 § 44; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 40; 1967 c 238 § 54.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3090 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.405  Air pollution control authority-Review by department of program.
[1991 c 199 § 714; 1987 c 109 § 45; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 41; 1967 c 238 § 55.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3100 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.410  Air pollution control authority-Assumption of control by department.
[2020 c 20 § 1109; 1991 c 199 § 715; 1987 c 109 § 46; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 42; 1967 c 238 § 56.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3110 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.415  Emergency action by director or state board — Emergency powers of governor and other officers not affected.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 43; 1967 c 238 § 57.]
Repealed by 1971 ex.s. c 194 § 7.

70.94.420  State departments and agencies to cooperate with department and authorities.
[1991 c 199 § 716; 1987 c 109 § 47; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 44; 1967 c 238 § 58.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3120 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.422  Department of health powers regarding radionuclides-Energy facility site evaluation council authority over permit program sources.
[2020 c 20 § 1110; 1993 c 252 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3130 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.425  Restraining orders-Injunctions.
[1987 c 109 § 48; 1967 c 238 § 60.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3140 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.430  Penalties.
[2020 c 20 § 1111; 2019 c 284 § 4; 2011 c 96 § 49; 2003 c 53 § 355; 1991 c 199 § 310; 1984 c 255 § 1; 1973 1st ex.s. c 176 § 1; 1967 c 238 § 61.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3150 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.431  Civil penalties-Excusable excess emissions.
[2020 c 20 § 1112; 2019 c 284 § 5; 2013 c 51 § 6; 1995 c 403 § 630; 1991 c 199 § 311; 1990 c 157 § 1; 1987 c 109 § 19; 1984 c 255 § 2; 1973 1st ex.s. c 176 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 53.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3160 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.435  Additional means for enforcement of chapter.
[2020 c 20 § 1113; 1967 c 238 § 62.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3170 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.440  Short title.
[1967 c 238 § 63.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3180 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.445  Air pollution control facilities — Tax exemptions and credits.

Cross-reference section, decodified September 2011.

70.94.450  Woodstoves-Policy.
[2020 c 20 § 1114; 1987 c 405 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3500 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.453  Woodstoves-Definitions.
[2020 c 20 § 1115; 1987 c 405 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3510 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.455  Residential and commercial construction-Burning and heating device standards.
[1991 c 199 § 503.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3520 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.457  Solid fuel burning devices-Emission performance standards.
[1995 c 205 § 3; 1991 c 199 § 501; 1987 c 405 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3530 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.460  Sale of unapproved woodstoves-Prohibited.
[2020 c 20 § 1116; 1995 c 205 § 4; 1987 c 405 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3540 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.463  Sale of unapproved woodstoves-Penalty.
[2020 c 20 § 1117; 1987 c 405 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3550 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.467  Sale of unapproved woodstoves-Application of law to advertising media.
[2020 c 20 § 1118; 1987 c 405 § 12.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3560 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.470  Residential solid fuel burning devices-Opacity levels-Enforcement and public education.
[1991 c 199 § 502; 1987 c 405 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3570 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.473  Limitations on burning wood for heat-First and second stage burn bans-Report on second stage burn ban-Exceptions-Emergency situations.
[2020 c 20 § 1119; 2016 c 187 § 1; 2012 c 219 § 1; 2008 c 40 § 1; 2007 c 339 § 1; 2005 c 197 § 1; 1998 c 342 § 8; 1995 c 205 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 504; 1990 c 128 § 2; 1987 c 405 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3580 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.475  Liability of condominium owners' association or resident association.
[2020 c 20 § 1120; 1990 c 157 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3590 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.477  Limitations on use of solid fuel burning devices.
[2020 c 20 § 1121; 2012 c 219 § 2; 2009 c 282 § 1; 1995 c 205 § 2; 1990 c 128 § 3; 1987 c 405 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3600 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.480  Woodstove education program.
[2020 c 20 § 1122; 1990 c 128 § 6; 1987 c 405 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3610 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.483  Woodstove education and enforcement account created-Fee imposed on solid fuel burning device sales.
[2020 c 20 § 1123; 2003 1st sp.s. c 25 § 932; 1991 sp.s. c 13 §§ 64, 65; 1991 c 199 § 505; 1990 c 128 § 5; 1987 c 405 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3620 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.487  Wood stoves — Advisory committee.
[1987 c 405 § 11.]
Repealed by 1988 c 186 § 16, effective June 30, 1988.

70.94.488  Woodsmoke emissions-Findings.
[2007 c 339 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.3630 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.500  Penalty for violation of chapter.
[1961 c 188 § 9.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.505  Woodsmoke emissions-Work group.
[2007 c 339 § 3.]
Repealed by 2017 3rd sp.s. c 25 § 9.

70.94.510  Policy to cooperate with federal government.
[1987 c 109 § 49; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 45.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.1090 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.520  Purposes of RCW 70.94.530-70.94.560.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 47.]
Repealed by 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 12.

70.94.521  Transportation demand management-Findings.
[1997 c 250 § 1; 1991 c 202 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4000 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.524  Transportation demand management-Definitions.
[2020 c 20 § 1124; 2006 c 329 § 1; 1991 c 202 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4010 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.527  Transportation demand management-Requirements for counties and cities.
[2020 c 20 § 1125; 2006 c 329 § 2; 1997 c 250 § 2; 1996 c 186 § 513; 1991 c 202 § 12.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4020 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.528  Transportation demand management-Growth and transportation efficiency centers.
[2020 c 20 § 1126; 2006 c 329 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4030 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.530  Air pollution control districts designated.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 48.]
Repealed by 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 12.

70.94.531  Transportation demand management-Requirements for employers.
[2020 c 20 § 1127; 2013 c 26 § 1; 2006 c 329 § 5; 1997 c 250 § 3; (1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 § 530 expired June 30, 1997); 1991 c 202 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4040 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.534  Transportation demand management-Jurisdictions' review and penalties.
[2020 c 20 § 1128; 2006 c 329 § 6; 1997 c 250 § 4; 1991 c 202 § 14.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4050 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.537  Transportation demand management-Commute trip reduction board.
[2015 c 225 § 104; 2011 1st sp.s. c 21 § 26; 2006 c 329 § 7; 1997 c 250 § 5; 1996 c 186 § 514; 1995 c 399 § 188; 1991 c 202 § 15.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4060 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.540  Divisions — Duties of district offices.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 49.]
Repealed by 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 12.

70.94.541  Transportation demand management-Technical assistance.
[2020 c 20 § 1129; 2009 c 427 § 1; 2006 c 329 § 8; 1996 c 186 § 515; 1991 c 202 § 16.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4070 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.544  Transportation demand management-Use of funds.
[2020 c 20 § 1130; 2006 c 329 § 9; 2001 c 74 § 1; 1991 c 202 § 17.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4080 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.547  Transportation demand management-Intent-State leadership.
[2009 c 427 § 2; 2006 c 329 § 10; 1991 c 202 § 18.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4090 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.550  First and second-class districts defined — Determination of population.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 50.]
Repealed by 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 12.

70.94.551  Transportation demand management-State agencies-Joint comprehensive commute trip reduction plan-Reports.
[2020 c 20 § 1131; 2015 c 225 § 105; 2009 c 427 § 3; 2006 c 329 § 11; 1997 c 250 § 6; 1996 c 186 § 516; 1991 c 202 § 19.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4100 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.555  Transportation demand management-Collective bargaining powers unaffected.
[2006 c 329 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4110 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.560  Establishment of district offices.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 51.]
Repealed by 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 12.

70.94.600  Reports of authorities to department of ecology-Contents.
[1979 ex.s. c 30 § 14; 1969 ex.s. c 168 § 52.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4500 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.605  Report to the legislature-Achieving attainment for areas of nonattainment.
[2012 c 219 § 3.]
Expired January 1, 2019.

70.94.610  Burning used oil fuel in land-based facilities.
[1991 c 319 § 311.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4510 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.620  Metals mining and milling operations permits-Inspections by department of ecology.
[1994 c 232 § 18.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4520 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.630  Sulfur dioxide abatement account — Coal-fired thermal electric generation facilities — Application — Determination and assessment of progress — Certification of pollution level — Reimbursement — Time limit for and extension of account.
[1997 c 368 § 10.]
Repealed by 2012 c 198 § 26, effective July 1, 2012.

70.94.640  Odors or fugitive dust caused by agricultural activities consistent with good agricultural practices exempt from chapter.
[2020 c 20 § 1132; 2017 c 217 § 1; 2005 c 511 § 4; 1981 c 297 § 30.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4530 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.645  Ammonia emissions from use as agricultural or silvicultural fertilizer-Regulation prohibited.
[1996 c 204 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.4540 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.650  Burning permits for weed abatement, fire fighting instruction, or agriculture activities — Issuance — Agricultural burning practices and research task force — Exemption for aircraft crash fire rescue training activities.
[2009 c 118 § 401; 1998 c 43 § 1. Prior: 1995 c 362 § 1; 1995 c 58 § 1; 1994 c 28 § 2; 1993 c 353 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 408; 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6528 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.651  Burning permits for regeneration of rare and endangered plants; Indian ceremonies.
[2009 c 118 § 703; 1991 c 199 § 407.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6544 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.6511  Definition of "outdoor burning."
[2009 c 118 § 101.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5000 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6512  Outdoor burning-Fires prohibited-Exceptions.
[2020 c 20 § 1133; 2009 c 118 § 102; 1995 c 362 § 2; 1991 c 199 § 410; 1974 ex.s. c 164 § 1; 1973 2nd ex.s. c 11 § 1; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 9. Formerly RCW 70.94.775.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5010 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6514  Outdoor burning-Areas where prohibited-Exceptions-Use for management of storm or flood-related debris-Silvicultural burning.
[2020 c 20 § 1134; 2019 c 305 § 3; 2009 c 118 § 103; 2004 c 213 § 1; 2001 1st sp.s. c 12 § 1; 1998 c 68 § 1; 1997 c 225 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 402. Formerly RCW 70.94.743.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5020 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6516  Outdoor burning-Permits issued by political subdivisions.
[2020 c 20 § 1135; 1991 c 199 § 411; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 10. Formerly RCW 70.94.780.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5030 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6518  Limited outdoor burning-Establishment of program.
[2020 c 20 § 1136; 2009 c 118 § 201; 1997 c 225 § 2; 1972 ex.s. c 136 § 4. Formerly RCW 70.94.755.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5040 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6520  Limited outdoor burning-Construction.
[2020 c 20 § 1137; 2009 c 118 § 202; 1986 c 100 § 55; 1972 ex.s. c 136 § 5. Formerly RCW 70.94.760.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5050 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6522  Limited outdoor burning-Authority of local air pollution control authority or department of ecology to allow outdoor fires not restricted.
[2020 c 20 § 1138; 2009 c 118 § 203; 1972 ex.s. c 136 § 6. Formerly RCW 70.94.765.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5060 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6524  Limited outdoor burning-Program-Exceptions.
[2020 c 20 § 1139; 2019 c 305 § 4; 2009 c 118 § 301; 1995 c 206 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 401; 1972 ex.s. c 136 § 2. Formerly RCW 70.94.745.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5070 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6526  Limited outdoor burning-Permits issued by political subdivisions-Types of fires permitted.
[2009 c 118 § 302; 1991 c 199 § 412; 1972 ex.s. c 136 § 3. Formerly RCW 70.94.750.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5080 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6528  Permits-Issuance-Conditioning of permits-Fees-Agricultural burning practices and research task force-Development of public education materials-Agricultural activities.
[2020 c 20 § 1140; 2010 c 70 § 1; 2009 c 118 § 401; 1998 c 43 § 1. Prior: 1995 c 362 § 1; 1995 c 58 § 1; 1994 c 28 § 2; 1993 c 353 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 408; 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 1. Formerly RCW 70.94.650.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5090 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6530  Delegation of permit issuance and enforcement to political subdivisions.
[2020 c 20 § 1141; 2009 c 118 § 402; 1993 c 353 § 2; 1991 c 199 § 409; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 6. Formerly RCW 70.94.654.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5100 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6532  Open burning of grasses grown for seed-Alternatives-Studies-Deposit of permit fees in special grass seed burning account-Procedures-Limitations-Report.
[2020 c 20 § 1142; 2012 c 198 § 1; 2009 c 118 § 403; 1998 c 245 § 130; 1995 c 261 § 1; 1991 sp.s. c 13 § 28; 1991 c 199 § 413; 1990 c 113 § 1; 1985 c 57 § 69; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 7. Formerly RCW 70.94.656.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5110 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6534  Burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, management of ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural operations-Issuance-Fees.
[2020 c 20 § 1143; 2019 c 305 § 5; 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 § 128; 2009 c 118 § 501; 1991 c 199 § 404; 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 2. Formerly RCW 70.94.660.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5120 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6536  Silvicultural forest burning-Reduce statewide emissions-Exemption-Monitoring program.
[2019 c 305 § 6; 1995 c 143 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 403. Formerly RCW 70.94.665.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5130 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6538  Burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, management of ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural operations-Conditions for issuance and use of permits-Air quality standards to be met-Alternate methods to lessen forest debris.
[2020 c 20 § 1144; 2019 c 305 § 7; 2009 c 118 § 502; 1991 c 199 § 405; 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 3. Formerly RCW 70.94.670.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5140 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.654  Delegation of permit issuance and enforcement to political subdivisions.
[2009 c 118 § 402; 1993 c 353 § 2; 1991 c 199 § 409; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6530 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.6540  Cooperation between department of natural resources and state, local, or regional air pollution authorities-Withholding of permits.
[2020 c 20 § 1145; 2009 c 118 § 503; 1991 c 199 § 406; 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 5. Formerly RCW 70.94.690.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5150 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6542  Adoption of rules.
[2020 c 20 § 1146; 2009 c 118 § 504; 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 6. Formerly RCW 70.94.700.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5160 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6544  Burning permits for regeneration of rare and endangered plants.
[2009 c 118 § 703; 1991 c 199 § 407. Formerly RCW 70.94.651.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5170 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6546  Aircraft crash rescue fire training-Training to fight structural fires-Training to fight forest fires-Other firefighter instruction.
[2020 c 20 § 1147; 2009 c 118 § 601.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5180 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6548  Outdoor burning allowed for managing storm or flood-related debris.
[2020 c 20 § 1148; 2009 c 118 § 701.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5190 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6550  Fires necessary for Indian ceremonies or smoke signals.
[2009 c 118 § 702.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5200 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6552  Permit to set fires for weed abatement.
[2020 c 20 § 1149; 2009 c 118 § 704.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5210 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6554  Disposal of tumbleweeds.
[2020 c 20 § 1150; 2009 c 118 § 705.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5220 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.6556  Burning of brush and yard waste in a city or town located partially inside a quarantine area for apple maggot-Permit-Report to the legislature.
[2020 c 20 § 1157; 2018 c 147 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.5230 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010. Expired July 1, 2020.

70.94.656  Open burning of grasses grown for seed — Alternatives — Studies — Deposit of permit fees in special grass seed burning account — Procedures — Limitations — Report.
[2009 c 118 § 403; 1998 c 245 § 130; 1995 c 261 § 1; 1991 sp.s. c 13 § 28; 1991 c 199 § 413; 1990 c 113 § 1; 1985 c 57 § 69; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6532 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.660  Burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, management of ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural operations — Issuance.
[2009 c 118 § 501; 1991 c 199 § 404; 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6534 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.665  Silvicultural forest burning — Reduce statewide emissions — Exemption — Monitoring program.
[1995 c 143 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 403.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6536 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.670  Burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, management of ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural operations — Conditions for issuance and use of permits — Air quality standards to be met — Alternate methods to lessen forest debris.
[2009 c 118 § 502; 1991 c 199 § 405; 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6538 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.680  Extension of burning permit requirements.
[1971 ex.s. c 232 § 4.]
Repealed by 1991 c 199 § 718.

70.94.690  Cooperation between department of natural resources and state, local, or regional air pollution authorities — Withholding of permits.
[2009 c 118 § 503; 1991 c 199 § 406; 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6540 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.700  Rules and regulations.
[2009 c 118 § 504; 1971 ex.s. c 232 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6542 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.710  Air pollution episodes-Legislative finding-Declaration of policy.
[1971 ex.s. c 194 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6000 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.715  Air pollution episodes-Episode avoidance plan-Contents-Source emission reduction plans-Authority-Considered orders.
[2020 c 20 § 1152; 2012 c 117 § 409; 1990 c 128 § 4; 1971 ex.s. c 194 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6010 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.720  Air pollution episodes-Declaration of air pollution emergency by governor.
[2012 c 117 § 410; 1971 ex.s. c 194 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6020 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.725  Air pollution episodes-Restraining orders, temporary injunctions to enforce orders-Procedure.
[2020 c 20 § 1153; 1971 ex.s. c 194 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6030 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.730  Air pollution episodes-Orders to be effective immediately.
[2020 c 20 § 1154; 1971 ex.s. c 194 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6040 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.740  Outdoor burning — Policy.
[1972 ex.s. c 136 § 1.]
Repealed by 1991 c 199 § 718.

70.94.743  Outdoor burning — Areas where prohibited — Exceptions — Use for management of storm or flood-related debris — Silvicultural burning.
[2009 c 118 § 103; 2004 c 213 § 1; 2001 1st sp.s. c 12 § 1; 1998 c 68 § 1; 1997 c 225 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 402.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6514 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.745  Limited outdoor burning — Program — Exceptions.
[2009 c 118 § 301; 1995 c 206 § 1; 1991 c 199 § 401; 1972 ex.s. c 136 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6524 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.750  Limited outdoor burning — Permits issued by political subdivisions — Types of fires permitted.
[2009 c 118 § 302; 1991 c 199 § 412; 1972 ex.s. c 136 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6526 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.755  Limited outdoor burning — Establishment of program.
[2009 c 118 § 201; 1997 c 225 § 2; 1972 ex.s. c 136 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6518 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.760  Limited outdoor burning — Construction.
[2009 c 118 § 202; 1986 c 100 § 55; 1972 ex.s. c 136 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6520 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.765  Limited outdoor burning — Authority of local air pollution control authority or department of ecology to allow outdoor fires not restricted.
[2009 c 118 § 203; 1972 ex.s. c 136 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6522 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.770  Burning wood by resident of single family residence.
[1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 8.]
Repealed by 1987 c 405 § 16.

70.94.775  Outdoor burning — Fires prohibited — Exceptions.
[2009 c 118 § 102; 1995 c 362 § 2; 1991 c 199 § 410; 1974 ex.s. c 164 § 1; 1973 2nd ex.s. c 11 § 1; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6512 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.780  Outdoor burning — Permits issued by political subdivisions.
[1991 c 199 § 411; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 70.94.6516 pursuant to 2009 c 118 § 802.

70.94.785  Plans approved pursuant to federal clean air act-Enforcement authority.
[2020 c 20 § 1155; 1973 1st ex.s. c 193 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6050 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.800  Legislative declaration-Intent.
[1985 c 456 § 1; 1984 c 277 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6200 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.805  Definitions.
[2020 c 20 § 1156; 1985 c 456 § 2; 1984 c 277 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6210 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.810  Joint legislative committee on science and technology — Establishment of consultant selection committee — Duties of consultant — Interagency agreement to assist evaluation of acid rain — Amount of assistance.
[1984 c 277 § 3.]
Repealed by 1991 c 199 § 718.

70.94.815  Application for money to finance evaluation.
[1984 c 277 § 5.]
Repealed by 1991 c 199 § 718.

70.94.820  Monitoring by department of ecology.
[1987 c 505 § 61; 1985 c 456 § 5; 1984 c 277 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6220 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.825  Department of ecology to initiate comprehensive evaluation of acid rain.
[1984 c 277 § 7.]
Repealed by 1991 c 199 § 718.

70.94.850  Emission credits banking program-Amount of credit.
[2020 c 20 § 1157; 1984 c 164 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6230 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.860  Department of ecology may accept delegation of programs.
[1991 c 199 § 312; 1984 c 164 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6240 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.870  Report to legislature on emission credits banking program.
[1984 c 164 § 3.]
Repealed by 1991 c 199 § 718.

70.94.875  Evaluation of information on acid deposition in Pacific Northwest-Establishment of critical levels-Notification of legislature.
[1991 c 199 § 313; 1985 c 456 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6250 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.880  Establishment of critical deposition and acidification levels-Considerations.
[1985 c 456 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6260 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.890  Exemption — Hazardous waste remedial action.
[1987 3rd ex.s. c 2 § 28.]
Repealed by 1989 c 2 § 24, effective March 1, 1989.

70.94.891  Exemption — Hazardous waste remedial action.
[1988 c 112 § 28.]
Failed to become law. See Reviser's note following chapter 70.105C RCW in Table of Disposition of Former RCW Sections, this volume.

70.94.892  Carbon dioxide mitigation-Fees.
[2020 c 20 § 1158; 2004 c 224 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6270 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.900  Severability.
[1957 c 232 § 27.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.901  Construction-1967 c 238.
[1967 c 238 § 65.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.9001 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.902  Construction, repeal of RCW 70.94.061 through 70.94.066-Saving.
[1969 ex.s. c 168 § 46.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.9002 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.904  Effective dates-1991 c 199.
[1991 c 199 § 717.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.9003 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.905  Severability-1991 c 199.
[1991 c 199 § 719.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.

70.94.906  Captions not law.
[1991 c 199 § 720.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.

70.94.910  Severability — 1961 Act.
[1961 c 188 § 10.]
Repealed by 1967 c 238 § 66.

70.94.911  Severability-1967 c 238.
[1967 c 238 § 64.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.9004 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.950  Disincorporation of district located in county with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more and inactive for five years.

Cross-reference section, decodified September 2011.

70.94.960  Clean fuel matching grants for public transit, vehicle mechanics, and refueling infrastructure.
[2020 c 20 § 1159; 1996 c 186 § 517; 1991 c 199 § 218.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6400 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.970  Chlorofluorocarbons-Ozone-Refrigerants regulated.
[1991 c 199 § 602.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6410 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.980  Refrigerants-Unlawful acts.
[1991 c 199 § 603.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6420 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.990  Refrigerants-Rules-Enforcement provisions, limitations.
[2020 c 20 § 1160; 1991 c 199 § 604.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6430 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.991  Stationary natural gas engines used in combined heat and power systems-Permitting process-Emission limits.
[2015 3rd sp.s. c 19 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6440 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.992  Boiler or process heaters-Assessment and reporting requirements.
[2015 3rd sp.s. c 19 § 14.]
Recodified as RCW 70A.15.6450 pursuant to 2020 c 20 § 2010.

70.94.995  Grant program for ride sharing.
[2002 c 203 § 8.]
Failed to become law due to rejection of Referendum Bill No. 51.

Reviser's note:
Referendum Bill No. 51 (2002 c 202) was rejected by the voters at the November 2002 election. The enactment of this section was contingent on passage of the referendum (see 2002 c 203 § 13 and 2002 c 201 § 812). Therefore, this section failed to become law.

70.94.996  Grant program for ride sharing.
[2004 c 229 § 501; 2003 c 364 § 9.]
Expired January 1, 2014.