Chapter 7.24.170 RCW Dispositions
7.24.040 Rights of persons interested in estates, trusts, etc.
[1935 c 113 § 4; RRS § 784-4.]
Repealed by 1984 c 149 § 178, effective January 1, 1985; and repealed by 1985 c 9 § 3.
7.24.150 Validity of bond issues may be tested.
[1939 c 153 § 1; RRS § 5616-11.]
Now codified as RCW 7.25.010.
7.24.160 Complaint — Defendants — Service — Intervention — Attorney's fee.
[1939 c 153 § 2; RRS § 5616-12.]
Now codified as RCW 7.25.020.
7.24.170 Judgment as to validity of all or part of bond issue — Effect.
[1939 c 153 § 3; RRS § 5616-13.]
Now codified as RCW 7.25.030.
7.24.180 Declaratory judgment provisions applicable.
[1939 c 153 § 4; RRS § 5616-14.]
Now codified as RCW 7.25.040.