Chapter 6.20.030 RCW Dispositions
6.20.010 Claim of third party — Bond.
[1987 c 442 § 503; 1891 c 40 § 1; Code 1881 § 350; 1877 p 75 § 354; 1869 p 89 § 347; 1854 p 179 § 256; RRS § 573.]
Recodified as RCW 6.19.030 pursu-ant to 1987 c 442 § 1121.
6.20.020 Justification of sureties.
[1987 c 442 § 504; 1957 c 8 § 5; Code 1881 § 351; 1877 p 75 § 354; 1869 p 89 § 347; 1854 p 179 § 256; RRS § 574.]
Recodified as RCW 6.19.040 pursu-ant to 1987 c 442 § 1121.
6.20.030 Return of officer — Trial.
[1987 c 442 § 505; 1891 c 40 § 2; Code 1881 § 352; 1877 p 75 § 355; 1869 p 90 § 348; 1854 p 179 § 257; RRS § 575.]
Recodified as RCW 6.19.050 pursuant to 1987 c 442 § 1121.
6.20.040 Designation of parties.
[Code 1881 § 353; 1877 p 75 § 356; 1869 p 90 § 349; 1854 p 179 § 258; RRS § 576.]
Repealed by 1987 c 442 § 507. Later enactment, see RCW 6.19.050.
6.20.050 Judgment — Costs.
[1987 c 442 § 506; Code 1881 § 354; 1877 p 76 § 357; 1869 p 90 § 350; 1854 p 179 § 259; RRS § 577.]
Recodified as RCW 6.19.060 pursuant to 1987 c 442 § 1121.