Chapter 43.79.487 RCW Dispositions



43.79.030  "State institutions of higher education" defined.
[1911 c 69 § 1; RRS § 5528.]

43.79.040  School funds created.
[(i) 1911 c 69 § 2; RRS § 5529. (ii) 1911 c 69 § 3; RRS § 5530. (iii) 1947 c 18 § 1; RRS § 5532-1. (iv) 1947 c 19 § 1; RRS § 5532-10. (v) 1947 c 20 § 1; RRS § 5532-20.]

43.79.050  Use of funds limited.
[1911 c 69 § 5; RRS § 5532.]

43.79.070  University of Washington fund — Sources of income other than taxes.
[Added by reviser.]
Repealed by 1965 c 8 § 43.198.040.

43.79.090  Rentals to building fund — Use of fund.
[1965 c 8 § 43.79.090. Prior: 1915 c 66 § 7; RRS § 5536.]
Repealed by 1999 c 346 § 8.

43.79.141  Washington State College fund — Moneys transferred to general fund.
[1955 c 328 § 1.]

43.79.142  Washington State College fund — Appropriations to be paid from general fund.
[1955 c 328 § 2.]

43.79.143  Washington State College fund — Abolished.
[1955 c 328 § 3.]

43.79.144  Washington State College fund — Warrants to be paid from general fund.
[1955 c 328 § 4.]

43.79.145  Washington State College fund — Other revenue for support of state college.
[1955 c 328 § 5.]

43.79.170  Normal school current fund created.
[1905 c 43 § 3; RRS § 5522.]
Repealed by 1965 c 8 § 43.198.040.

43.79.171  Normal school current fund — Moneys transferred to general fund.
[1955 c 331 § 1.]

43.79.172  Normal school current fund — Appropriations to be paid from general fund.
[1955 c 331 § 2.]

43.79.173  Normal school current fund — Abolished.
[1955 c 331 § 3.]

43.79.174  Normal school current fund — Warrants to be paid from general fund.
[1955 c 331 § 4.]

43.79.175  Normal school current fund — Other revenue for support of colleges of education.
[1955 c 331 § 5.]

43.79.190  C. E. P. & R. I. grant to state institutions.
[Added by reviser.]
Repealed by 1965 c 8 § 43.198.040.

43.79.200  C. E. P. & R. I. permanent fund.
[Added by reviser.]
Repealed by 1965 c 8 § 43.198.040.

43.79.220  Federal experiment station fund.
[1935 c 71 § 1; RRS § 5536-12.]
Repealed by 1965 c 8 § 43.198.040.

43.79.221  Federal experiment station fund — Moneys transferred to general fund.
[1955 c 329 § 1.]

43.79.222  Federal experiment station fund — Appropriations to be paid from general fund.
[1955 c 329 § 2.]

43.79.223  Federal experiment station fund — Abolished.
[1955 c 329 § 3.]

43.79.224  Federal experiment station fund — Warrants to be paid from general fund.
[1955 c 329 § 4.]

43.79.230  Transfers from general fund to educational funds.
[1945 c 242 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 5517-1.]
Repealed by 1959 c 276 § 5.

43.79.240  Duty of state treasurer.
[1945 c 242 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 5517-2.]
Repealed by 1959 c 276 § 5.

43.79.250  Contingent receipts fund.
[1965 c 8 § 43.79.250. Prior: 1945 c 243 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 5517-11.]
Repealed by 1973 c 144 § 5.

43.79.336  Puget Sound pilotage account redesignated as pilotage account.

Cross-reference section, decodified September 2011.

43.79.360  Suspense fund — Transfer of moneys and records.
[1965 c 8 § 43.79.360. Prior: 1955 c 226 § 2.]
Repealed by 1973 c 95 § 12.

43.79.380  Penitentiary revolving account — Moneys transferred to the state institutional revolving account.
[1957 c 115 § 1.]
Repealed by 1959 c 273 § 10.

43.79.382  Penitentiary revolving account — Appropriations to be paid from state institutional revolving account.
[1957 c 115 § 3.]
Repealed by 1959 c 273 § 10.

43.79.383  Penitentiary revolving account — Warrants to be paid from state institutional revolving account.
[1957 c 115 § 4.]
Repealed by 1959 c 273 § 10.

43.79.400  State payroll revolving account, agency payroll revolving fund — Created — Utilization.

Cross-reference section, decodified September 2011.

43.79.410  Legal services revolving fund — Created — Purpose — Uses.

Cross-reference section, decodified September 2011.

43.79.415  Federal revenue sharing trust fund.
[1974 ex.s. c 53 § 1; 1973 1st ex.s. c 129 § 1.]
Repealed by 1991 sp.s. c 13 § 122, effective July 1, 1991.

43.79.450  Public works assistance account established in general fund — Transfers from general fund — Use — Limitation on issuance of bonds — Pledge and promise of bonds — Remedies of bondholders.
[1985 c 57 § 42; 1984 c 244 § 2.]
Repealed by 1985 c 471 § 12, effective July 1, 1985; and repealed by 1985 1st ex.s. c 6 § 720.

43.79.452  Deposit of bond proceeds — Public works assistance account established in general fund — Use.
[1984 c 244 § 3.]
Repealed by 1985 c 471 § 12, effective July 1, 1985; and repealed by 1985 1st ex.s. c 6 § 720.

43.79.467  Dedicated McCleary penalty account.
[2018 c 299 § 920.]
Repealed by 2022 c 157 § 23.

43.79.485  Reading achievement account.
[2009 c 4 § 904; 2006 c 120 § 1.]
Repealed by 2012 c 198 § 26, effective July 1, 2012.

43.79.487  Basic health plan stabilization account.
[2011 c 5 § 711.]
Repealed by 2024 c 168 s 2.

43.79.515  State efficiency and restructuring account.
[2010 1st sp.s. c 37 § 946.]
Repealed by 2024 c 168 s 2.

43.79.530  Dairy nutrient infrastructure account.
[2016 sp.s. c 35 § 6016.]
Repealed by 2024 c 168 s 2.

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