These documents are currently being revised to incorporate the changes made during the 2024 Legislative Session. Please consult the Sections Affected Table for changes made during the 2024 Legislative Session.

Chapter 30.04.060 RCW Dispositions



30.04.010  Definitions.
[2014 c 37 § 102; 2013 c 76 § 1; 2010 c 88 § 3; 1997 c 101 § 3; 1996 c 2 § 2; 1994 c 92 § 7; 1959 c 106 § 1; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.010. Prior: 1933 c 42 § 2; 1917 c 80 § 14; RRS § 3221.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.010 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.020  Use of words indicating bank or trust company — Penalty.
[2014 c 37 § 103; 2010 c 88 § 4; 1994 c 256 § 32; 1986 c 284 § 15; 1983 c 42 § 2; 1981 c 88 § 1; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.020. Prior: 1925 ex.s. c 114 § 1; 1917 c 80 § 18; RRS § 3225.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.020 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.025  Financial institutions — Loan charges — Out-of-state national banks.
[2014 c 37 § 104; 2003 c 24 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.025 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.030  Rules — Administration and interpretation of title.
[2014 c 37 § 105; 2010 c 88 § 5; 1994 c 92 § 8; 1986 c 279 § 1; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.030. Prior: 1917 c 80 § 58, part; RRS § 3265, part.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.030 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.040  Review of rules and regulations — Appeal.
[1971 c 81 § 79; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.040. Prior: 1917 c 80 § 58, part; RRS § 3265, part.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.045  Director — Powers under chapter 19.144 RCW.
[2008 c 108 § 15.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.045 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.050  Duty to comply — Violations — Penalty.
[2014 c 37 § 106; 2010 c 88 § 6; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.050. Prior: 1917 c 80 § 58, part; RRS § 3265, part.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.050 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.060  Examinations directed — Cooperative agreements and actions.
[2014 c 37 § 107; 2010 c 88 § 7; 1994 c 92 § 9; 1989 c 180 § 1; 1985 c 305 § 3; 1983 c 157 § 3; 1982 c 196 § 6; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.060. Prior: 1937 c 48 § 1; 1919 c 209 § 5; 1917 c 80 § 7; RRS § 3214.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.060 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.070  Costs of examination, filing, and other service fees — Nondirect expenses.
[2014 c 37 § 108; 2013 c 76 § 2; 2010 c 88 § 8; 1994 c 92 § 10; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.070. Prior: 1929 c 73 § 1; 1923 c 172 § 16; 1921 c 73 § 1; 1917 c 80 § 8; RRS § 3215.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.070 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.075  Examination reports and information — Confidentiality — Disclosure — Penalty.
[2014 c 37 § 109; 2010 c 88 § 9; 2005 c 274 § 251; 1994 c 92 § 11; 1989 c 180 § 2; 1986 c 279 § 2; 1977 ex.s. c 245 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.075 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.080  Schedule of fees.
[1955 c 33 § 30.08.095. Prior: 1929 c 72 § 1; 1923 c 115 § 1; 1917 c 80 § 12; RRS § 3219.]
Now codified as RCW 30.08.095.

30.04.085  Receipt for deposits — Contents.
[1985 c 305 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 30.20.025 pursuant to 1994 c 256 § 56.

30.04.090  Minimum available funds required — Exception — Change of nature and amount of reserves.
[1967 ex.s. c 54 § 1; 1967 c 133 § 1; 1963 c 194 § 1; 1959 c 106 § 2; 1955 c 356 § 1; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.090. Prior: 1917 c 80 § 46; RRS § 3253.]
Repealed by 1981 c 89 § 7.

30.04.100  Loans restricted by available funds.
[1955 c 33 § 30.04.100. Prior: 1933 c 42 § 27; 1919 c 209 § 19; RRS § 3289.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.110  Limit of loans to one person — Exceptions.
[1983 c 157 § 4; 1969 c 136 § 1; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.110. Prior: 1943 c 142 § 1; 1933 c 42 § 21; 1917 c 80 § 51; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 3258.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.111  Limit on loans and extensions of credit to one person — Exceptions — Definitions — Rules — Nonconforming loans and extensions of credit.
[2014 c 37 § 110; 2013 c 76 § 3; 2010 c 88 § 10; 1995 c 344 § 1; 1994 c 92 § 12; 1986 c 279 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.111 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.112  "Loans or obligations" and "liabilities" limited for purposes of RCW 30.04.111.
[1989 c 220 § 1; 1983 c 157 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.112 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.120  Loans on own stock prohibited — Shares of other corporations.
[2014 c 37 § 111; 1994 c 92 § 13; 1986 c 279 § 4; 1973 1st ex.s. c 104 § 1; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.120. Prior: 1943 c 187 § 1; 1933 c 42 § 9; 1929 c 73 § 5; 1917 c 80 § 36; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 3243.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.120 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.122  Investment in safe deposit corporation authorized.
[1955 c 302 § 1. Formerly RCW 30.24.100.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.124  Investment in corporation holding premises of the bank — Definition of "affiliate."
[1955 c 302 § 2. Formerly RCW 30.24.110.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.125  Investment in corporations — Authorized businesses.
[2014 c 37 § 112; 1994 c 256 § 33; 1994 c 92 § 14; 1986 c 279 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.125 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.126  Investment in stock of small business investment company regulated by United States.
[1979 c 124 § 1; 1959 c 185 § 1.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.127  Formation, incorporation, or investment in corporations or other entities authorized — Approval — Exception.
[2014 c 37 § 113; 2010 c 88 § 11; 1994 c 92 § 15; 1987 c 498 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.127 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.128  Investment in stock of banking service corporation — Powers, duties, of such corporations.
[1983 c 157 § 5; 1963 c 194 § 2.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.129  Investment in obligations issued or guaranteed by multilateral development bank.
[2014 c 37 § 114; 1985 c 301 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.129 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.130  Defaulted debts, judgments to be charged off — Valuation of assets.
[2014 c 37 § 115; 1994 c 256 § 34; 1994 c 92 § 16; 1986 c 279 § 6; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.130. Prior: 1937 c 61 § 1; 1919 c 209 § 15; 1917 c 80 § 47; RRS § 3254.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.130 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.140  Pledge of securities or assets prohibited — Exceptions.
[2014 c 37 § 116; 2011 c 336 § 744; 1986 c 279 § 7; 1983 c 157 § 6; 1967 c 133 § 2; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.140. Prior: 1933 c 42 § 24, part; 1917 c 80 § 54, part; RRS § 3261, part.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.140 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.150  Limits of indebtedness.
[1955 c 33 § 30.04.150. Prior: 1933 c 42 § 24, part; 1917 c 80 § 54, part; RRS § 3261, part.]
Repealed by 1983 c 157 § 10.

30.04.160  Prohibition on issuance of notes for money borrowed or rediscounting of notes — Exceptions.
[1985 c 7 § 97; 1983 c 157 § 7; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.160. Prior: 1933 c 42 § 24, part; 1917 c 80 § 54, part; RRS § 3261, part.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.170  Pledge of securities to qualify as depositary under bankruptcy laws.
[1955 c 33 § 30.04.170. Prior: 1941 c 38 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 3261-1.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.180  Dividends.
[2014 c 37 § 117; 1994 c 256 § 35; 1994 c 92 § 17; 1986 c 279 § 8; 1981 c 89 § 1; 1969 c 136 § 2; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.180. Prior: 1933 c 42 § 7; 1931 c 11 § 1; 1917 c 80 § 33; RRS § 3240.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.180 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.190  Transfer of net profits between departments.
[1955 c 33 § 30.04.190. Prior: 1933 c 42 § 8; RRS § 3240-1.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.200  Dealings in securities restricted.
[1955 c 33 § 30.04.200. Prior: 1933 c 42 § 6; RRS § 3237-1.]
Repealed by 1987 c 498 § 3.

30.04.210  Real estate holdings.
[2014 c 37 § 118; 1994 c 256 § 36; 1994 c 92 § 18; 1986 c 279 § 9; 1985 c 329 § 4; 1979 c 142 § 1; 1973 1st ex.s. c 104 § 2; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.210. Prior: 1947 c 149 § 1; 1917 c 80 § 37; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 3244.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.210 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.212  Real property and improvements thereon.
[2014 c 37 § 119; 1994 c 92 § 19; 1985 c 329 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.212 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.214  Qualifying community investments.
[2014 c 37 § 120; 1985 c 329 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.214 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.215  Engaging in other business activities.
[2014 c 37 § 121; 2013 c 76 § 4; 2010 c 88 § 12; 2003 c 24 § 2. Prior: 1995 c 344 § 2; 1995 c 134 § 2; prior: 1994 c 256 § 37; 1994 c 92 § 20; 1986 c 279 § 10; 1983 c 157 § 8; 1969 c 136 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.215 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.217  Additional powers of a bank — Powers and authorities of savings bank — Definition — Restrictions.
[2013 c 76 § 5; 2010 c 88 § 13; 2003 c 24 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.217 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.220  Corporations existing under former laws.
[2014 c 37 § 122; 1994 c 92 § 21; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.220. Prior: 1937 c 31 § 1; 1917 c 80 § 78; RRS § 3285.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.220 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.225  Contributions and gifts.
[2014 c 37 § 123; 1986 c 279 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.225 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.230  Authority of corporation or association to acquire stock of bank, trust company, or national banking association.
[2014 c 37 § 124; 2005 c 274 § 252; 1994 c 92 § 22; 1987 c 420 § 2. Prior: 1985 c 310 § 2; 1985 c 305 § 4; 1983 c 157 § 9; 1982 c 196 § 7; 1981 c 89 § 2; 1973 1st ex.s. c 92 § 1; 1961 c 69 § 1; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.230; prior: 1933 c 42 § 10; RRS § 3243-1.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.230 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.232  Additional authority of out-of-state holding company to acquire stock or assets of bank, trust company, or national banking association.
[2014 c 37 § 125; 1996 c 2 § 3; 1994 c 92 § 23; 1985 c 310 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.232 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.235  Purchase of stock of bank or bank holding company authorized — Conditions — Limitations.
[1983 c 157 § 1.]
Repealed by 1994 c 256 § 124.

30.04.238  Purchase of own capital stock authorized.
[1994 c 92 § 24; 1986 c 279 § 12; 1985 c 305 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.238 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.240  Trust business to be kept separate — Authorized deposit of securities.
[2014 c 37 § 126; 2013 c 76 § 6; 2003 c 53 § 184; 1994 c 92 § 25; 1979 c 45 § 1; 1973 c 99 § 1; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.240. Prior: 1919 c 209 § 16; 1917 c 80 § 49; RRS § 3256.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.240 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.250  Deposits in other banks.
[1955 c 33 § 30.04.250. Prior: 1933 c 42 § 19; RRS § 3253-2.]
Repealed by 1994 c 256 § 124.

30.04.260  Legal services, advertising of — Penalty.
[2014 c 37 § 127; 2013 c 76 § 7; 2003 c 53 § 185; 1974 ex.s. c 117 § 43; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.260. Prior: 1929 c 72 § 4, part; 1923 c 115 § 6, part; 1921 c 94 § 1, part; 1917 c 80 § 24, part; RRS § 3231, part.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.260 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.270  Official communications.
[1994 c 92 § 26; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.270. Prior: 1931 c 8 § 1, RRS § 3265-1; 1915 c 175 § 40, RRS § 3369.]
Repealed by 1994 c 256 § 124; and repealed by 1997 c 101 § 7.

30.04.280  Compliance enjoined — Banking, trust business, branches — Director's authority — Rules.
[2013 c 76 § 8; 1998 c 45 § 1; 1996 c 2 § 4; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.280. Prior: 1933 c 42 § 3, part; 1919 c 209 § 7, part; 1917 c 80 § 15, part; RRS § 3222, part.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.280 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.285  Director's approval of a branch — Satisfactory financial condition — Affiliated commercial locations.
[2014 c 37 § 128; 2007 c 167 § 1; 1996 c 2 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.285 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.290  Foreign companies — Authority to do business.
[1994 c 92 § 27; 1973 1st ex.s. c 53 § 36; 1961 c 20 § 1; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.290. Prior: 1919 c 209 § 14; 1917 c 80 § 40; RRS § 3247.]
Repealed by 1994 c 256 § 124; and repealed by 1997 c 101 § 7.

30.04.295  Agency agreements — Written notice to director.
[1996 c 2 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.295 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.300  Foreign branch banks.
[2011 c 336 § 745; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.300. Prior: 1917 c 80 § 41; RRS § 3248.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.300 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.310  Penalty — General.
[1994 c 92 § 28; 1988 c 25 § 1; 1985 c 30 § 137. Prior: 1984 c 149 § 173; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.310; prior: 1923 c 115 § 13; RRS § 3286a.]
Repealed by 2010 c 88 § 14.

30.04.320  Secrecy required of supervisor.

Cross-reference section, decodified.

30.04.330  Saturday closing authorized.
[2014 c 37 § 129; 1955 c 33 § 30.04.330. Prior: 1947 c 221 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 3292a.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.330 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.340  Contributions and gifts — Public policy declared.
[1955 c 356 § 2.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.350  Contributions and gifts — Authorized.
[1955 c 356 § 3.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.360  Contributions and gifts — Validation.
[1955 c 356 § 4.]
Repealed by 1986 c 279 § 51.

30.04.370  Investment of agricultural commodity commission funds in savings or time deposits of banks, trust companies and mutual savings banks.
[1967 ex.s. c 54 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 15.66.185 pursuant to 1994 c 256 § 2.

30.04.375  Investment in stock, participation certificates, and other evidences of participation.
[2014 c 37 § 130; 1982 c 86 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.375 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.380  Investment in paid-in capital stock and surplus of banks or corporations engaged in international or foreign banking.
[2014 c 37 § 131; 1986 c 279 § 13; 1973 1st ex.s. c 104 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.380 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.390  Acquisition of stock of banks organized under laws of foreign country, etc.
[2014 c 37 § 132; 1986 c 279 § 14; 1973 1st ex.s. c 104 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.390 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.395  Continuing authority for investments.
[1986 c 279 § 16.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.395 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.400  Bank acquisition or control — Definitions.
[2014 c 37 § 133; 1977 ex.s. c 246 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.400 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.405  Bank acquisition or control — Notice or application — Registration statement — Violations — Penalties.
[2014 c 37 § 134; 1994 c 92 § 29; 1986 c 279 § 15; 1985 c 305 § 5; 1977 ex.s. c 246 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.405 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.410  Bank acquisition or control — Disapproval by director — Change of officers.
[2014 c 37 § 135; 2005 c 274 § 253; 1994 c 92 § 30; 1989 c 180 § 3; 1977 ex.s. c 246 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.410 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.450  Notice of charges — Reasons for issuance — Contents — Hearing — Cease and desist order.
[2014 c 37 § 136; 2010 c 88 § 15; 1994 c 92 § 31; 1977 ex.s. c 178 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.450 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.455  Temporary cease and desist order — Reasons for issuance.
[2014 c 37 § 137; 2010 c 88 § 16; 1994 c 92 § 32; 1977 ex.s. c 178 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.455 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.460  Temporary cease and desist order — Injunction to set aside, limit, or suspend temporary order.
[2014 c 37 § 138; 2010 c 88 § 17; 1977 ex.s. c 178 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.460 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.465  Violations or unsafe or unsound practices — Injunction to enforce temporary order.
[2014 c 37 § 139; 1994 c 92 § 33; 1977 ex.s. c 178 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.465 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.470  Order to refrain from violations or practices — Administrative hearing or judicial review.
[2014 c 37 § 140; 2010 c 88 § 18; 1994 c 92 § 34; 1977 ex.s. c 178 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.470 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.475  Order to refrain from violations or practices — Jurisdiction of courts in enforcement or issuance of orders, injunctions, or judicial review.
[2014 c 3 § 141; 2010 c 88 § 19; 1994 c 92 § 35; 1977 ex.s. c 178 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.475 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.500  Fairness in lending act — Short title.
[2014 c 37 § 142; 1977 ex.s. c 301 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.500 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.505  Fairness in lending act — Definitions.
[2014 c 37 § 143; 1977 ex.s. c 301 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.505 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.510  Fairness in lending act — Unlawful practices.
[2014 c 37 § 144; 1977 ex.s. c 301 § 12.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.510 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.515  Fairness in lending act — Sound underwriting practices not precluded.
[2014 c 37 § 145; 1977 ex.s. c 301 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.515 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.550  Reorganization as subsidiary of bank holding company — Authority.
[1994 c 92 § 36; 1986 c 279 § 40; 1982 c 196 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.550 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.555  Reorganization as subsidiary of bank holding company — Procedure.
[2014 c 37 § 146; 1994 c 256 § 38; 1986 c 279 § 41; 1982 c 196 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.555 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.560  Reorganization as subsidiary of bank holding company — Dissenter's rights — Conditions.
[2014 c 37 § 147; 1994 c 92 § 37; 1986 c 279 § 42; 1982 c 196 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.560 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.565  Reorganization as subsidiary of bank holding company — Valuation of shares of dissenting shareholders.
[1994 c 256 § 39; 1994 c 92 § 38; 1982 c 196 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.565 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.570  Reorganization as subsidiary of bank holding company — Approval of director — Certificate of reorganization — Exchange of shares.
[2014 c 37 § 148; 1994 c 92 § 39; 1982 c 196 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.570 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.575  Public hearing prior to approval of reorganization — Request.
[1994 c 256 § 40; 1994 c 92 § 40; 1986 c 279 § 44.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.575 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.600  Shareholders — Actions authorized without meetings — Written consent.
[1986 c 279 § 46.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.600 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.605  Directors, committees — Actions authorized without meetings — Written consent.
[1986 c 279 § 47.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.605 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.610  Directors, committees — Meetings authorized by conference telephone or similar communications equipment.
[1986 c 279 § 48.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.610 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.650  Automated teller machines and night depositories security.
[1993 c 324 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.650 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

30.04.900  Study on financial institution structure.
[1994 c 92 § 41; 1987 c 498 § 2; 1986 c 279 § 54.]
Repealed by 1994 c 256 § 124; and repealed by 1997 c 101 § 7.

30.04.901  Severability — 2003 c 24.
[2003 c 24 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 30A.04.901 pursuant to 2014 c 37 § 4, effective January 5, 2015.

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