Chapter 19.48.130 RCW Dispositions
19.48.040 Liability for loss of valuables when safe or vault furnished — Failure of guests to use safe.
[1933 c 114 § 1, part; 1929 c 216 § 2, part; 1915 c 190 § 3, part; 1890 p 95 § 1, part; RRS § 6862, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.48.030.
19.48.050 Liability for loss of valuables when safe or vault furnished — One thousand dollar limit — Exceptions.
[1933 c 114 § 1, part; 1929 c 216 § 2, part; 1915 c 190 § 3, part; 1890 p 95 § 1, part; RRS § 6862, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.48.030.
19.48.060 Liability for loss of valuables when safe or vault furnished — Limited to negligence.
[1933 c 114 § 1, part; 1929 c 216 § 2, part; 1915 c 190 § 3, part; 1890 p 95 § 1, part; RRS § 6862, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.48.030.
19.48.080 Liability for loss of baggage and other property — Specific schedule of limits.
[1929 c 216 § 3, part; 1917 c 57 § 1, part; 1915 c 190 § 4, part; RRS § 6863, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.48.070.
19.48.090 Liability for loss of baggage and other property — Storage.
[1929 c 216 § 3, part; 1917 c 57 § 1, part; 1915 c 190 § 4, part; RRS § 6863, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.48.070.
19.48.100 Storage — Sale for charges — Delivery to warehouse company.
[1929 c 216 § 3, part; 1917 c 57 § 1, part; 1915 c 190 § 4, part; RRS § 6863, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.48.070.
19.48.120 Obtaining accommodations by fraud — Proof of fraudulent intent.
[1929 c 216 § 6, part; 1915 c 190 § 7, part; 1890 p 96 § 2, part; RRS § 6866, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.48.110.
19.48.130 Automatic service charges.
[2007 c 390 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 49.46.160 pursuant to 2008 c 199 § 1.
19.48.900 Severability-1929 c 216.
[1929 c 216 § 7.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.