Chapter 10.31.010 RCW Dispositions



10.31.010  When warrant to issue.
[1891 c 28 § 41; Code 1881 § 1026; 1873 p 228 § 206; 1854 p 113 § 70; RRS § 2077.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 25.

10.31.020  Service — By whom.
[1929 c 39 § 1; Code 1881 § 1027, part; 1873 p 228 § 207; 1860 p 146 § 214; 1854 p 113 § 71; RRS § 2080.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 25.

10.31.050  Officer may use force.
[2010 c 8 § 1031; Code 1881 § 1031; 1873 p 229 § 211; 1854 p 114 § 75; RRS § 2084.]
Repealed by 2021 c 324 § 7.

10.31.070  Arrest by telegraph — Validity of telegraphic copy.
[Code 1881 § 2357, part; 1865 p 75 § 16, part; RRS § 2081, part.]
Now codified in RCW 10.31.060.

10.31.080  Arrest by telegraph — Who may make.
[Code 1881 § 2357, part; 1865 p 75 § 16, part; RRS § 2081, part.]
Now codified in RCW 10.31.060.

10.31.090  Arrest by telegraph — Warrant and order — Sending — Preservation.
[Code 1881 § 2357, part; 1865 p 75 § 16, part; RRS § 2081, part.]
Now codified in RCW 10.31.060.

10.31.115  Drug possession—Referral to assessment and services.
[2023 c 470 § 3013; 2021 c 311 § 13.]
Repealed by 2023 1st sp.s. c 1 § 16; and decodified by the code reviser.

10.31.120  Chemical dependency arrests-Treatment-Pilot program.
[2014 c 128 § 2.]
Expired July 31, 2019, pursuant to 2014 c 128 § 6.

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